Chapter 37: Some Questions

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Surprisingly, Lilly actually opens the door to your cage and even cracks a slight smile. You're not sure exactly what's going on but you play along, giving a smile in return. She walks you down a path, Delta soldiers glare at you from all directions but you don't care, you're too busy looking for a way out.

She leads you to the boathouse and guides you inside. It's surprisingly bright and clean, with plenty of working boats parked inside. You're walked over to an area with some makeshift prison cells. Whatever is going on, you might have to swallow your anger and pride until you can escape.

She opens the door to one of the cells. It has a small rug on the wooden floor, a mattress in one corner, and a bucket in another corner; presumably to use as a toilet. "Here, you can have a nicer accommodation" she says with a tone you can easily tell is meant to be nice, deep down you know it isn't.

You step into the cell and she closes the door, locking you in. She wasn't going to show you around, she just wanted to be nice to lure you into your new, more secure cell. You're not too fazed, you weren't going to try and escape her, that would've been suicidal. You look at the door to your cell, Lilly peers at you through the small barred window in the door and frowns before walking out of sight and leaving you on your own.

You sit on the mattress which is slightly stained and attempt to move your arm, it moves ever so slightly which gives you hope that it should be back to normal soon. You hear a noise through the wall behind you. "Hello" you say, kicking at the wall with your foot.

"Hey can you hear me?" a voice asks from the other side.

"Yeah, what's going on?" you ask in reply.

"Well if you were brought inside from one of the cages it either means they think they can convert you or they want to question you" the voice answers.

"What do you mean convert?" you ask worriedly.

There's silence for a few seconds before the voice talks back, "It means they want to make you join the Delta".

You sit there and take that last sentence in, they want to make you part of the Delta?

The same person that just killed a whole lot of them in cold blood, gunning them down as they were celebrating?

"Yeah I think it's because they wanna question me" you say to the voice, "There's no way they would wanna keep me alive for very long, let alone invite me to their group".

The lock to your door clunks open causing you to jump to your feet in a mixture of shock and adrenaline, is this it? Are they gonna question you or torture you? Probably torture, right?

As the door opens you see a bald man in a long leather apron with a scar over one eye flanked by two guards with crossbows. "Ahh, Mr Fuck You was it?" he asks with a chuckle, "I am surprised, most Militia soldiers we capture are more fearful than you are. I guess we'll see how long that bravery lasts shall we?".

He has a clipboard and pen and begins to jot things down, muttering inaudibly to himself. "So first we'll start with your name" he says sternly, "Tell me, what is it?". His accent sounds foreign, possibly Russian or at the very least eastern european.

You think back to your Militia training, about what you're supposed to to if you're captured.

Some time ago:

"So" Sergeant Edwards bellows, "Who can remind us what you're supposed to do when captured?".

You and Jessie both glance at each other and she gives you a wink. You smile at her, you just can't help it, she really is amazing.

Suffering: Male Reader x TWDGWhere stories live. Discover now