Chapter 26: We Ain't The Bad Guys

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Y/N's POV:

You and Bug rush out the back doors of the gymnasium and see a figure with ginger hair running down a corridor. You aim your rifle and shoot, hitting her in the shoulder. "Nice shot" Bug says as you both begin to give chase down the winding hallways of the abandoned school.

She is talking to someone on a walkie talkie and you fire a couple more shots but she avoids them by ducking down another corridor. You can hear groans coming from a few classrooms as you pass them, but you ignore this; the woman from the Delta is more important than a few of the infected.

You notice that the direction she's going seems to be consistent with the direction the exit signs keep pointing and luckily for you, you're pretty confident that there was only one way into and out of the school. "I'll cut her off!" you shout to Bug who nods and continues the chase without you.

You slow down to a walk and bend over slightly trying to catch your breath. You look around and spot a grimy looking window, you saunter over and wipe it with your arm, the window looks out to the street and, being on the ground floor, will do perfectly for a quick way out.

You look around for anything you can use to break the window and spot a crowbar jammed into the handle of a door, keeping it closed. You lean your rifle against the wall and, without thinking why it could be there, you remove the crowbar; instantly the door gets thrown open and an infected lurches out at you pushing you onto the floor and causing you to drop the crowbar.

You wriggle as it lies on top of you clawing at your face. You arms are trapped underneath its body so you can't reach for your rifle or any of your other weapons. You hold its head with both hands so it can't bite you whilst you look around for anything that could help.

The hallway you're lying in is cluttered with scraps of paper but that's about it. Instead, you muster all your strength and manage to roll over on top of the infected; you can see its decaying face much clearer now as it continues to chomp into thin air and grasp out at you.

You grip its head tightly and slam it into the ground, some blood oozes out but it doesn't care as it continues to fight back. You slam it down again and hear a slight crack come from its skull but despite this, it's still chomping at you. You slam its head down again and again and again; until it lies dead on the floor, finally.

You get up, grabbing the crowbar from the floor, and smash the window out. Glass flies everywhere and you carefully get rid of all the jagged bits that still remain before grabbing your rifle and climbing out into the street. You quickly begin your jog to the front reception of the school, ready to intercept the escaping Delta soldier.

You arrive there just in time to see her burst out of one of the already broken windows, her momentum not slowing up. She almost runs into you but darts out of the way just in time to avoid your grasp. Bug is hot on her tail and dives out of the window seconds later. As she runs down the road you raise your rifle and shoot her in the leg, she collapses with a groan and tries to crawl away.

Bug stumbles slightly and you offer him a hand to help him to stabilise, his head is bleeding through his mask a little and he sounds upset. "That bitch tipped a fucking locker onto me" he scowls as he accepts your help. You look over at her as she continues her futile effort of crawling away, her leg leaving a bloody trail behind her.

"Stay the fuck away from me!" she shouts in a southern accent as you both approach her. You deliberately keep some distance from her just in case she's still dangerous but Bug just strolls straight up to her and kicks her in the ribs.

"We ain't the bad guys" he growls at her as he circles her where she lies.

"Oh says the guys in skull masks" she whimpers clutching at her leg where you can see that there's a substantial flow of blood.

Suffering: Male Reader x TWDGWhere stories live. Discover now