Chapter 4: The Door

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"Hank?" you say as he lets go.

"I was told I would find you here" he says looking over your shoulder at the boy you beat up who has gotten off the floor and has sprinted away. "I'll find out who that kid was and make sure Edwards deals with him" he says returning his attention to you. "I made your sheathe" he says excitedly as he reveals it to you. It is made with a strong reddish brown leather.

"Wow, this looks amazing!" you exclaim as you strap it to your left side like a sword. "Now I look really badass" you chuckle.

You spend the rest of the morning going between the lake and the kitchen with buckets of fish when you're finally told it's lunch time. You queue up and grab your food before sitting down at a table. After a couple minutes the other kids arrive and sit down at your table. "Hey Y/N" Harvey says sitting down next to you before tucking into his food. "I love fish soup" he says slurping it up. Now that you are all sitting together properly, everyone introduces themselves and welcome you to The Militia. You notice one person absent. "Is someone missing?" you ask already knowing the answer.

"Oh yes" says the girl who you had shaken hands with at breakfast and whose name you now know is Sophie. "I saw Ethan head off to the infirmary. Looked like his nose was bleeding or something" she says answering your question in a very polite tone. "He probably upset someone. He has a habit of that. I do hope he isn't too hurt though." she says staring into her soup and looking a bit worried.

"Oh I guarantee he deserved it" says Jessica, the girl whose birthday it was recently. "By the way Y/N, Sergeant Edwards told us to tell you, that you will be joining us for this afternoons training".

"About time I took part in some of this training i've heard so much about" you say sarcastically as you get up from the table to turn your bowl and cutlery in to be washed. Jessica gets up and walks with you doing the same. Before you can walk back to the others she grabs your arm. "I saw what happened with you and Ethan" she says with a grin on her face making you sweat a little. You pull your arm away.

"I.... Ummm, don't know what you're talking about" You stutter panicking a little as you quickly head back to the others. What if she tells Edwards? Would you get into trouble? Surely not, right? After all, Hank knows what happened, he'd back you up right? Your thoughts are racing as you finally reach the others who are waiting for you at the exit of the cafeteria.

"Hurry up Jessie!" shouts Thomas, a skinny ginger kid with freckles. Jessica hastens her pace and joins you all outside and you begin to walk through Fort Summer towards what looks to be an obstacle course. Edwards is standing in front looking at his watch. "Where is Ethan? He's late" Edwards asks as you all fall in line in front of him. "Infirmary" Jessica replies falling in line next to you. She nudges you in the ribs slightly as she says this but no-one seems to notice.

Edwards grunts in response before giving people their tasks. You're given the task of climbing a ten foot tall platform using a rope hanging off the side of it. Once you do you must ring the bell at the top before sliding down the rope and running to the end of the training grounds. "I want you to repeat this six times" Edwards says to you sternly. "Is that understood?".

"Yes sir" you shout saluting at him before starting your huge task. You walk over to the platform. It is made of wood like most things here and looks quite sturdy. This fills you with a bit more confidence as you grab the rope and start the climb. It take a couple minutes of struggling but you make it to the top and look over the grounds at everyone else. Some are doing press-ups, others are doing pullups and a few adults are doing an obstacle course but they seem to have someone else instructing them.

"I'm not seeing much movement Y/N" barks Edwards as you quickly ring the bell, slide down the rope and start running to the end of the training grounds. You make your way back to the rope and start pulling yourself up. Your hands are hurting slightly from the first climb which makes it more difficult than it was before. You get about halfway up before slipping suddenly. You quickly try to catch yourself but do it too late as you crash onto the grass causing pain to shoot through your body.

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