Part 1 : the war without end.

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( pov narrator 800 years ago)

It was a dark age for the end , the ender demons were on the verge of conquering the entire end and wipping out anyone who stood in there way. But even though many had given up some still fought the ender demons in the battle of the thousand dragons.

The ender demons came to fight the biggest united end , this was the first time something like this had been achieved and nothing else did till ceris made the ender watchers.

The end lords that continued to fight fought against an endless wave after wave of ender demons on an open wide area with some high cliffs near by.

If they lost here the end was going to fall, this last end army fighting the demons was lead by dagger longsword the father of lance. With his wife , zegarain and appollo they all held the line as more and more demons came and they lost more and more.

The ender demons had hundreds of end ships in the sky and rained down lord cannon fire and on the ground they used catapults and cannons to wipe out any other armys to come near them leaving almost no survivors no matter what.

Dagger held out his sword and a smaller dagger in his other hand , as another ender demon tried to run at him he sliced it in half with barely any force. These four were powerful but they could not hold on much longer.

Appolo used the powers of the end stars to blast a giant beam at the coming ender demons which cleared them all out and gave the end lords a temporary break.

They head the ender demons roaring and chanting across the battlefield.

Spear " they are preparing another wave " daggers wife spoke.

Apollo " where is this so called mage dagger ?" He asked dagger as he cleaned the blood from his weapons.

Dagger " he will be here my friends ...he swore it " he mumbled in fear with the last part knowing their ends will be soon.

Spear " we cant sit here and wait my love , we have to retreat and live to fight anoth-" dagger slammed his sword into the ground and turned to his allies.

Dagger " we can not let this evil take over our home and wipe out our people and history " he looked at the hoards of ender demons once more before turning back around " we have to save our home we must !!" All of them knew nothing short of the powers of a god could save them.

Apollo was now fed up with dagger " DAGGER !!.. your friend is no wizard , hes a worthless enderman who can barely lift a paper . It's finished "

Dagger was now desperate to keep his friends and their armys here " he promised a weapon one of unimaginable power he will be here !!" He ordered them gather all their troops around them and do once last charge at the ender demons if his wizard  didnt do what he promised.

Meanwhile on the raised areas passed the cliffs a enderman with a beard was running towards a mountain that had a large cave in it.Once he reached the cave entrance he fell on a rock a dropped a crown that was on his head, he stood up quickly and in a rushed put his crown on slanted but he didnt have time to fix it.

" IT IS I !!!" They began to call out " vordus BRINGER OF MAGIC ....." nothing happened with the cave "...come on...the mage.....the wizard ? " then he saw the glow of a horse coming out of the cave , this was deathbringer.

Vordus " ha ha its good to see-" the horse then used a wave of energy from in front of its end and laughed him against the wall of the cave casing him to grow in pain. Deathbringer huffed in anger at seeing him" WAIT WAIT " he got up holding his hands out at the horse to try keep him calm as he stood up." I told no one of yoru existence NO ONE !!!" He looked down and let out a large sigh before looking back at the horse" i hate to ask i really really do...but i need your help " deathbringer began to walk away.
It said one word to vordus in his mind " leave"

Vordus" LISTEN TO ME !!!!. My people we are stuck in a desperate fight really its happening out there now as we speak , its awful people are dying out there my friends !!" Deathbringer turned around and teleported them outside the cave to see the battle from a distance.

They looked on at the hell being brought on to the end.

Vordus " you still wont help me even after seeing this !!...fine i get it you dont want to help me ...i have always been a lier a Charlatan and fucking moron !!!.... Still good people are and will die with out your help please .....i know your world and people were destroyed but please dont let mine die too....i beg you "

Deathbringer " a titan weapon is yours to wield " suddenly a flash of light formed between the two and began to form a shape ", the staff commands the dragons . Demons fear them, dragons are yours to command " suddenly a staff with an ender eye at its top appeared.

Vordus" yes..that would be just the thing i need" he said reaching out for the staff, he shot into his hand and began to magically connect with him causing him temporary pain.

Deathbringer " protect the staff , one day this great evil will come for it " deathbringer then sat down on the ground and let vordus ride on him.

He teleported onto the horse and raised his staff and felt its power as he began to summon an army of dragons.

Vordus " OHHHHHH YES !!!!" He cheered as he pointed the staff down at the ender demons and then 1000s of dragons began to come from beyond the cliffs and fly down.

As dagger and his men were about to give up hope and a ender demon end ship was about to blast them the dragons came down destroying any demons in their path.

Dagger smiled knowing his friend had come through , he pulled his sword from the ground and raised it into the air" CHARGE !!!" He army now with new support and hope began to charge the now unorganised demons as they were being ripped apart , eaten and burned to death by dragon fire.

Dagger and spear sliced through the demons while Apollo used his power to rain pure end lights upon any surviving end ships as they moved forward.

The ender demons were now running for their lives as more dragons came and continued to destroy them.

Vordus raised his staff into the air and cheered to his friends as deathbringer neighed and galloped onto to legs for a moment.

After the the battle was finished the ender demons were decimated and were all running for their lives from the end armys and dragons, but one stood watching his armys being destroyed and grew furious with his defeat. This was corves.

As he looked on one of his surviving men walked next to him.

Corves growled " it was one enderman ?" He asked.

The solider spoke " yes ...and some sort of horse ...we still dont know how the enderman commanded-" corves turned suddenly to him.

Corves " how many of my men survived !!!" He yelled.

" not enough , we must cease this war and live to fight another day..not to call you a coward my king but being a coward allows your to survive " corves then continued to look on seeing the end lords praise vordus and his staff.

Corves " i shall return vorudes and know this you wont be there to stop me and no one will " he spread his wings and joined in the retreat with his men waiting for his chance to return and conquer the end once and for all.

And now 800 years later he has returned once more to finish what he has started. He will not stop till he gets the staff and destroy the ender watchers then he shall journey and destroy the races he deems unnatural.

The end.

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