Part 52: Demon of revenge part 1.

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(Pov narrator)

As lilith held up the city shane was running through the caves placing his nano machines to build up supports that could hold up the city, while doing this they had fought tide lord for a short moment. However he was not unconscious like they thought and soon burst out of the rubble.

He saw lilith was holding up the ground about them and was going to strike but then lilith blasted him with her lasers.

Lilith " you knock me down this whole city comes down on top of us!!" This made tide lord rethink his actions.

Tide lord " well when you put it that way... " he then started running out the way lilith and shane had come in to make it back up to the surface so he could better assist.

He soon arrived back up to the surface " ah the city is in shambles , just how i left it." He then saw his and scorns forces were being beaten back by patrick and the small amount of soldiers he had " great, suppose i should deal with this."

At the tavern patrick and his troops held back the coming attackers, elite was flying in the air while agatha and virmir were some of the few of the defenders to have guns so they were staying back and shooting whatever they could get their sights on while.

Daryll pointed his shotgun down and blew the head off a drowned when he noticed tide lord walking towards the tavern " patrick , i think this one is up to you." Patrick looked and also spotted tide lord " have fun." Daryll said looking back at patrick before going back to fighting.

Patrick " some times i regret having a lightning shooting armour set." He teleported past the bulk of the fighting and straight in front of tide lord. He tried to stab tide lord with both his glavies but tide lord was able to grab them and use them to push patrick a little bit back.

Tide lord " I wondered when we would fight, when azura was my boss i hoped to face you but unfortunately i couldnt do far in-" Patrick then blasted him with a bolt of lighting.

Patrick " keep my wife's name out your seaweed mouth, also you talk to much." Tide lord them summoned a large bubble of water and filled it with ice and rocks above his head and then threw it at patrick.

He teleported out of the way but then the bubble exploded sending shards of ice and rock in every direction which made some still hit patrick. Once bit flew into his face cause some of his mask to be scratched.

Tide lord " is that all youve got? Come on show me what you" Patrick teleported behind him and grabbed him by the back of the neck, he slammed tide lord into the ground twice before tide lord set himself on fire and forcing Patrick to step away.

Tide lord turned to look at patrick and shot the flames on him at patrick , Patrick ran into a damage building to take cover while tide lord kept the flames coming as he walked ever closer.

Patrick " you know what they say about lightning ?" Tide lord was going to say something but then lightning struck right in front of him, the flash blinded him for a moment and sent him flying backward.

Patrick then used this to teleport behind tide lord and fly into him taking them both out of the city where their fight would continue.

Virmir ".. well then i guess we are-" suddenly lilith appeared in the front of them ".. i take back what i was going to say before i said it."

Daryll then addressed the other soldiers " keep the people inside safe, we will take care of her." Agatha , Dayrll and virmir all walked away from the tavern closer to lilith while elite was flying next to them.

Lilith looked at them. "Well I'm sure I've killed one of you before at some point,"

Daryll cocked his shotgun " well im sure which ever one it was would like us to put you down."

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