Part 23 : words for peace.

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( pov narrator)

The red legion ships only grew in numbers as more arrived but stayed in orbit above the planet , lilith ship the blood bringer had landed in the far plains and its closest area before the deserts to have much more clear areas to land.

The frost bourne were still in a state of panic and uncertainty with what could be going on with the red legion coming back.

They hadn't been attacked yet so it only caused more concern for them. They would just have to keep what little eyes they could on them before something would happen to them, but this wasnt easy with them having to fight scorn and his magic friend.

Patrick sat in his office looking down at his map which he knew would be out of date due to the red legion showing up and from what they heard even the nether were making claims in the far plains.

The red legion only landed in two places with very little large ships with mainly smaller ones landing. The two locations were in the far plains and the edge of frost bourne territory , these two landing sites were on opposite ends of the desert badlands.

Patrick didnt know what to do and just hoped something would happen to help them. He then heard a knock on his door. " come in" he said and azura walked in. ".... You look ... stressed" he said looking at her tired.

Azura " theo just had what alan called a 'demon growth spurt' ... hes basically now 6.... " Patrick blinked twice taking in the information.

Patrick "... hmm ... well thats.... That saves us having to help him do a lot of things i guess" azura walked around his table and went behind him wrapping her arms around him.

Azura " alan said it should stop when hes basically the human age of 13 but even then are we really ready for that ?" Patrick put one of his hands over hers.

Patrick " no parent has it easy , we are no exception. Speaking of difficult we really need to name our girl" they still hadn't come up with anything.

Azura " i didnt know naming people was so difficult.... Imagine like trying to name so many characters for a story or something . It shouldnt be hard." Before they could start thinking about ideas suddenly Daryl burst through the door and fell on his face.

His demon arms all went on the floor and lifted him up flat with his head still down. He crawled over then stood up " WE HAVE GOT A PROBLEM!!!!" He yelled.

Azura " your ability to stand ? Yeah a big issue" Daryl then pointing with all his arms out the window which made Patrick and azura turn to see something in the distant sky coming towards them.

They all rushed outside and once they did azura flew up into the sky and got a slightly better look due to her better demon eyesight. " its a red legion ship !!!. Coming in fast but slowly down i think. ETA i say 1 minute maybe 2"

Patrick " get everyone to cover , prepare for an attack" the city guards began moving civilians off the streets. Hilda and alan hearing the commotion arrived and went next to Patrick.

Hilda " one ship ?. This cant be an attack a few bolts of lightning from you and its gone" she said to Patrick.

Patrick " then its not here to fight , but if it was here to spy on us we wouldnt have seen is easily. Especially without mara." Patrick activity his armour making his helmet go over his head. A bolt of lightning struck his armour making it charge up.

Alan held onto his sword but didnt pull it from his back , hilda grabbed her mace and shield and Daryl pulled out his shotgun.

The ship arrived and floated over the city and slowly went closer to the ground , something opened up and glowed red at end from of it and then shot out a red beam. The beam turned into a giant hologram of lilith.

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