Part 39 : walks and 'dates'

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( pov Patrick)

Me and azura were both at home and theo was running around like crazy , Azura was struggling to keep up with him since even though hes growing rapidly he is showing no sign of being tired.

Alan did say demons have a lot more energy then a human has but I've literally seen theo run on the walls, wont help if he gets full blown wings soon. Now hes grown out his hair which he gotten azuras blue hair but darker and also her blue eyes so guess my looks are too good for him...yeah that was a shit joke.

I walked into the living room seeing azura now holding our daughter on the sofa , she had given up chasing theo.

Azura " i knew parenting would be hard.... But having a kid grow up so fast... he looks 10 already and he still can barely speak. So not only is it difficult its just inconsistent" azura does love her consistency.

I stat down next to her and put my arm around her " well at least this kid will take less effort in the short term. Speaking of you got any names yet ?" We had been brainstorming her names for ages but nothing sticks to us.

Azura " names... so hard. Like it shouldnt be this hard. Theo is literally named after the theo who taught you. But coming up with another name not after some one is difficult" no kidding its been weeks.

" surely something will hit us eventually" i tried to sound funny.

Azura " im gonna hit you if you dont stop with that stupid smirk" we bought laughed and then heard a knock on our front door. " .. why cant you just have a day off for once" i stood up and stared walking towards the door.

" im the leader of the frost bourne, theres no room for days off" i opened the door and saw Agatha " Agatha, what seems to be the problem" a shadow them came over us and i looked up to see , Lilith. " empress Lilith , a unexpected surprise but not unwelcome" Agatha stepped out of the way and i walked out to look at Lilith better.

Lilith " i would have sent ahead but this matter is less of an important one just more of personal" hm.

" well if you could just give me a moment and wait here. Agatha you can go... whatever it is you do with virmir" i closed my door and started putting on my armour to better speak with lilith leader to leader.

I walked out again with my armour on but I deactivated my helmet so i showed my face to her " so , what is the purpose of this whole meeting ?" Lilith looked around as we started walking away from my house.

Lilith " tell me , are walks seen as preferable things to do when talking to others ?" I nodded " well then lets , walk shall we" to think some one who took a lot from me and tried to kill me now asked me to go for a walk. Times change i suppose.

" so back to my question , why did you come here so suddenly?" I asked her again hoping to get an answer this time.

Liltih " its tradition to learn more about a world as it becomes part of the red legion but in this case it is simply out of pure interest from me alone. My head scientist Shane believes your kind lesser to ours but I believe otherwise. I wish to learn what has shaped your peoples steel into the sword it is today".

" well where to begin" the frost bourne has had a lot of history and im definitely not the bets person to ask but i do have a lot of the basics " well my ancestors moved to these lands 1000s of years ago , we are unable to track them back further due to writing not existing as it does today. Many nations were made but war and other disasters made them untied and eventually what came to be the frost bourne war born" she was very interested the stories i was telling her.

Yes she wore a mask but her eyes alone told me her thoughts. I then told her some of the previous leaders including my mentor theo which my son is of course named after. Then we got to the interesting part. The first undead war with herobrine.

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