Part 33: official alliance

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(Pov hilda)

I was pacing around outside in the cold , the sun had gone down so it was dark. I was worried for patrick and didnt really know what to do but then something that might make me feel better started walking in from outside the fort. Alan ... wait he left awhile ago ... like a few hours... HES ONLY BACK NOW!?!?!.

I stopped pacing and walked down to meet him expecting him to give some sort of smart insult of comment but he just pushed past me like i wasnt there " ... hey did you see me or what ?" He turned to me and all i saw was anger and regret in his eyes with evidence he had being crying for a long time "...oh my.. are you ok ??" I asked very worried about what he had been doing.

I then noticed his hands were bleeding ... as if he kept punching something till his hands bled... even then im not sure he stopped there.

Alan " just leave me alone" he continued to walk.

" alan whats wrong , tell me you clearly arent well" he turned and starred at me .. like the time i set him off about his past... i didnt feel safe.

Alan " you woudlnt get it YOU WOULD NEVER UNDERSTAND!!!!!" His voice was filled with pain but all i could think is he learned something tragic.

" i wont know until you tell me , what happened !!!??!?!?" I tried to make him tell me but so far it wasnt working.

Alan clenched his fists and looked like he was about to breakdown " ....i spoke with death ... the one i use to serve... I asked her what she knew of the voice in the darkness. It didnt end well " the longer he talked the more he was on the brink of breaking " ...we argued... then she told me something i never wanted to here" he put one of his blood hands over his face trying to hide more tears coming from his eyes.

Not knowing what else to know i just hugged him , he was caught off guard but accepted it and then finished what he was saying "... my daughter... shes...shes dead." .... " she said it was my fault ... that i left her to die ... when i took my life i left my children to fate.... " i held him tight as he continued to speak , i wanted to him feel ok.

" listen you did what you though was the best in the moment , you couldn't control what happened next.... Im sorry" I hadn't seem him like this , he was Broken. " ..but .... I can some what know how that feels." We separated and he then looked at me as he wiped his tears of his face.

He remembered what i told him about Cynthia which seemed to make him think we did share the same pain here , but Cynthia wasnt my own blood in nature , losing his actual child must hurt far worse.

Alan " thanks ... ill be fine" i didnt believe it but i let him thought what he want to see would it help him.

" ok , just maybe take it easy for awhile" just as i said that we then heard something , sounded like a ship.

We both turned and saw a transport craft of the red legion flying down near us , we stepped back as it landed and then the ram from it dropped open , then lilith herself walked out followed by some guards.

The guards stopped in a line side by side as lilith walked towards us.

Lilith " i have come to see how has patrick been recovering" seemed strange.

" and why should we let you see him ?" I questioned her.

Lilith " i wish to show that our alliance is real , i am here to ask for where to place my forces to best defend your territory from the scorn. Speaking of my forces have confirmed that the children of him were behind the attempt on his life. We tried to capture them but they escaped before we could grab them." Well none of that is any surprise is it?.

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