Part 16 : cold present.

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( pov lyria)

I was sent to find alan and hilda and i didnt waste any time , i had been searching non stop for hours to find them. I was of coursed worried for both since who knows what could have happened to them. I wonder did they have a nice romantic moment together, that would be so cool.

But i must not focus on that i need to keep looking , i have searched so much area that id be surprised they havent been found by me and thats without the help of everyone else looking for them.

I was approaching he floating isles just before the snow ends and there was were things flying int he sky.... And they didnt look friendly..... why cant some enemy's just be cute and cuddly.

As I approached closer i saw three of them flying stationary in the air. Wait these are the things that attacked us at dreadfort !!. I stayed quite in the air and tried to avoid being spotted but there was no cover in the air so i would have to make zero noise.

Heresy " this lilith person is a bit mean dont you think ?" One of them began to speak.

Strife " meh shes no worse then father , however she does seem to have her mind less " i think she made a weird face but i was behind them so i coudlnt see.

Distain " hes still our leader and father , he takes priority over lilith and even the fa-" the female one slapped him on the back of the head.

Strife " we arent meant to say his name remember.... Dont know what ..... is it even his name ?" She asked the other two.

Distain " better then 'the voice' " i was about to fly away but my elytra suddenly made a loud flap and they all turned and looked at me.

".... Uhhh...... hi ^^" i waved with a nervous smile.

Strife "... a kid ?" She questioned.

" hey im nearly 17 !!"  i stated.

Distain " alright whos gonna deal with it ?" Two of them looked at the third.

Heresy"... really ?..." he groaned " fine he formed a purple/redish end arm blade and started to fly after me.

I dove downwards towards the ground and he quickly followed.

I looked back and he was catching up to me , he was faster so i had to flight. I looked forward and saw the beginnings of the floating isles.

He managed to catch up to me and tried to hit me from above but i rolled out of the way and continued to fly forward.

Heresy " child stop running !!....i mean flying !!"

" this CHILD is about to kick your ass ..... OH MY I SHOULD SAY THAT !!!!" Hilda says i shoudlnt say bad words.

Heresy managed to grab onto my leg and pull himself onto my back , i knew he was going to try and cut my wings so i pulled out my metal arm blade and slam it into the side of his leg.

He yelled in pain and let go one me allowing me to make a sudden stop which made him fall off me and towards the ground.

But he recovered before he hit the ground and started to fly back towards me but i was almost at the floating islands at the edge of the isles. I was going to lead him there and take him down.

Heresy " COME BACK HERE ....please ?" Aw he said please maybe i... NO.

I stopped just before i hit the side of the island and then turned to face the dragonite heading for me, i held out my right arm down at my right and activated my blade. Just imagine this is practice expect real... cause it is real.... Ok bad analogy.

He came towards me and i quickly turned and he went straight into the rock of the floating island like , i think i heard him scream in pain but it was muffled since his face was int he rocks. I heard wings flapping below me and saw his two .. friends ? Or something below me. It looked like they were taking bets.

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