Part 51 : conflict below part 2

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(Pov narrator)

Tide lord began throws blasts of fire and ice mixed with sharp rocks at near by buildings, alan and hilda then readied themselves to fight him.

Hilda " so how do we reach him?...unless you can some how hit him from-" alan then threw his sword at high speed at tidelord , too fast for him to react so it hit him knocking him off his tower of water. He fell onto the ground and shook his head.

Hilda and alan then ran up to him and both punched him in the face, alan grabbed his sword off the ground and blocked a strike from tide lords trident.

Tide lord " i don't remember seeing you here before, you got a name?" He asked before hilda hit him in the head with her mace giving alan the window to knee tide lord in the stomach and kick him backwards.

Hilda " it doesnt matter who he is, matters that your out numbered." The ground then started to shake even more and tide lord gave out a slight laugh.

Tide lord " well thats where your wrong... also about fucking time..." he said unhappy with his coworkers being late.

Scorns dragonites then began crawling out of the ground and attacking anything they saw, many of the frost bourne and red legion guards were being overwhelmed creating chaos throughout the entire city.

Tidelord then struck the ground with his trident creating a explosion of water which knocked back hilda and alan, the ground between them then broke apart and drowned soldiers climbed out.

Tidelord " i shall leave you at that, i have a city to sink." He then jumped in the hole and let his soldiers do his work for him.

Alan ran forward and quickly dispatched the first drown he came across the then blocked a sword swipe from another one.

Hilda smacked one with her shield and smashed its head in with her mace " we have to gather the others, separated we are easy to target!!" She blocked a slash from another drowned.

Alan " easier said then done." He sliced the head off another drowned.

More and more drowned and dragonites began to fill the city, as the city was turning into chaos scorn and lilith watched from a short distance as the flames lit up the night sky.

Scorn took in a breath and let it out " finally, " he turned to lilith and then to distain, heresy and strife who were joined by a few others of their kinds " everyone do your Jobs and this will be over soon. Im going for the kids first. Keep Patrick and the empress busy."

Lilith Stretched. "Finally something to do,"

Scorn " dont say i never gave you anything. Plus i dont want tide lord to take all your fun." He said probably the closest way hes ever said to something nice to her.

Lilith "Not sure how long we can distract them so you'll have to be quick, I mean let's be honest it's not like I have the time to get the right spell casts to take on the empresss, Although I like her name," she said for an obvious reason.

Scorn " im glad you do, dont worry ill be in and out before it goes wrong as long as they have to focus on saving their city. Its not like any of them can hold up the whole ting. Besides it will take time for any red legion reinforcements to arrive. So have fun." He waved his hand out in the direction of the city giving his minions and lilith the order to attack.

Lilith turned. "Come on lads we're off to plunder!" She then went off with the small army if minions

Scorn had a smile on his face, for once the two seemed to get along, but now it was time for scorn to get what he has wanted for a long time. Revenge.

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