Part 42 : push frrom the nether.

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( pov rain)

We were finally fighting back against the demons in the nether and had pushed them back quite a bit, Cynthia used her blazes and ghasts to make sure the demons couldnt talk advantage of theirr flight keeping the majority of fighting on the ground which gave us the advantage.

Me and stella showed up a bit late to the current battle but once we arrived we saw a massive battle taking place over a basalt biome.

" gonna have to be light on our feet , try not to fall in the lava stella" she elbowed me and laughed.

Stella " please if anything ill be the one saving you" she summoned her spell book and her ender arm blade " ill see you in the fighting." She then ran off jumping and teleporting across the basalt spike things or whatever they were.

I brought my my crystal of strength , flight and teleportation to make sure id be agile in this fight considering its location. I held onto my swords handle and starting running across the battle swinging my sword into any demon i saw. After killing a few three demons had decided to fly after me , i then flew upwards making the demons follow.

I stopped and dropped my sword downwards which cut one in half as it didn't have time to avoid the sword. The other two still came flying up towards me , i flew down at them tackling one and throwing it into the other. They quickly recovered and so I teleported behind them bother and tried to throw them towards the ground where they were going to get impaled by the basalt spikes but only punched me in the face which made me let it go.

The other still fell and died which angered the last demon who tried to claw my face but I bent backwards so fast because of my flight i did several flips before getting my air footing ?. I then stopped and gave a smirk which confused the demon and then a ghast flew and floated behind it and shot it with its fire ball , once it was shot it flew forward , i flew a slight bit out of the way and watched it explode when it hit rock.

" nice "i gave the ghast a thumbs up but I couldn't tell did these things actually have emotions so it floated away which made me feel awkward.

Once it left i went down to the ground and continued fighting the demons until i saw one being swung by two chain blades , nice to see Cynthia is getting better with her nether star powers.

After slicing my way through a few more demons me and Cynthia ended up back to back keeping the demons at bay in the circle.

Cynthia " nice of you to drop by 'dragon tamer', you need a new name" she said as if they weren't in the middle of a battle.

" well ender king sounds a cool title, heads " i grabbed a demon and threw it above us and Cynthia used the chains on her blades to cut hits head off.

Cynthia " everyone king needs a queen , i guess stella is high on that list" she threw her blades forward and swung them to her right and left cutting any demons that got too close.

" well she is my girlfriend after all... but that sounds like getting married soon which im not ready for" i said not wanting to think about such a big think.

Cynthia " well if your too scared for it with her im always willing to offer my services , im also already a queen" we laughed.

" not on your life." She then made her chain blades disappear and then sent a large blast of flames out onto the demons causing the to either catch fire or run away to not catch fire.

Cynthia " just figured id offer " we turned and faced each other.

" i see your getting better with your fire powers .... Your hands still on fire" i pointed out to her.

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