Part 56: only one king. part two

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(Pov narrator)

Corves and rain had begun fighting, this was no longer a one sided fight. Rains power had grown and his ability to fight corves grew with it. The battle continued around them but their only focus was each other.

Corves went to blast rain with a lightning bolt from his mace but rain summoned his arm blade and blocked it, rain then sent his own blasts of energy which knocked corveses mace out from his hand.

Corves summoned his arm blades and struck down at rain. Rain blocked one with his arm blade and rolled to the left of corves to avoid the second blade. He then spun and kicked corves in the leg knocking him down. Corves then grabbed rains leg and slammed him into the ground.

They both teleported away from each other, rain was going to stand and fight but corves knew he had to be ready to find the staff piece if it was found so coudlnt spend as much time as he would want to fighting rain. He grabbed his mace and pointed it up into the air causing lightning to strike out into the sky calling his forces.

Corves " DEMONS !!" He called out " FOUCS ON THE DRAGON TAMER !!!" Before rain could do anything dozens of demons started swarming him, he kept slashing , blasting and killing them but there was too many and corves began to fly away.

Rain sent a shockwave of energy to temporarily blast away the demon before he contacted mara " mara corves is trying to put distance between me and him. Put something in his way." He looked up and saw mara flying the transport aircraft around a red legion ship firing all sorts of weapons at it.

Mara was having way too much fun blasting the people that nearly destroyed hers but she did respond to rain ," copy that's swinging around." She pulled up and the aircraft went straight up.

Soon red legion fighters started chasing after them which complicated things, flew around red legion ships and ender demon void ships but the red legion pilots she was up against were good so she needed to get help.

Mara " Osmium, titanium can you get these guys off my ass?" She then drove down and started heading straight to the ground to the alarm of Elise and skylor.


Mara " PROBABLY WOOOO!!!!" Adrenaline was really hitting her like a drug.

The red legion fighters started firing at them but just as the vex pilots were about to fire effective shots suddenly Osmium crawled on the cockpit.

Osmium formed a blaster on her right arm " hey there!!!" She yelled unsure could the vex inside here her but she still shot the controls of the ship. She flew back off it and watched as the ship crashed into a demon void ship and blew up both " HA HA point one to me." Suddenly she saw titanium being chased by six fighters before during and shooting all of them apart before flying next to her " off." She complained.

The two then flew after mara and blew up the last fighter that was after the together. Mara flew up high again and started looking for corves but some one that big and blue wasnt hard to find in the sky.

Mara " lets get his attention." She pressed a set of buttons and fired several missiles at corves, when he heard them fired he turned and tried to blast them with his lightning but the force of the explosions still caused sent him back down to the ground.

Mara then opened the back door of the aircraft " skylor ill leave this to you." She said looking back giving a thumbs up.

Skylor nodded and made sure she had all her weapons, she stepped to the edge and looked down getting her first clear view of the battle.

Mara " hes gonna be directly below us in 5. 4, 3, 2. Fuck him up!!" Skylor took a breath and then jumped off, she quickly gained speed and was diving straight down towards the ground to get to corves.

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