Part 22 : past problems , past selves.

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( pov rain)

We were all shocked by the fact mara this whole time was a princess and not just that but being one of a thought to be a 1000 years extinct kingdom.

Liam " mara ?! Its you" both the king and queen looked at her in shock.

Mara " yeah its me" she hated every second speaking to them.

Elise " the two rifts titanium and Osmium found them inside the barrier being attacked by ender demons , we didnt have time to ask how either got in they decided to just bring them here" Liam and Sofia's gaze turned to us.

Liam " so these are who ?" He questioned Elise and the rifts.

I decided to answer for them " we are the ender watchers of dragon spire , we came here seeking assistance" the two royals looked at each other and back to us.

Eoin stepped forward next to me " corves king of the ender demons seeks to destroy the overworld and the nether and to conquer the end. We cant stop him on our own so we came here looking for something to help us fight them , we did not know there was a city in here when the demons followed us here." I dont think either way they liked that we let the demons in.

Sofia " why didnt you just unite the other end lords against him ? Isnt that what you all did before" so they had some knowledge of the outside, clearly not enough however.

Stella " most of the end lords have been killed , ceris was killed during the war with the nether , Marcel was killed by us when he attacked us , Apollo was killed by corves and all we know is most of the remaining are most likely dead aside from skylor." The king and queen seemed a bit surprised that most of the end lords had been killed.

Elise " my lords if i may suggest they have no right to be here after they brought war to our land , i say we make them leave" ...starting to see why mara hates her sister.

Mara " ok now hold on !!!" She walked forward and went up to Elise " i may have been forced here against my will but if theres one thing i hate more then that its people working so had to get something just to be turned from. They came here to get help to save the worlds but you people are sitting here all safe."

Liam " mara I believe you should speak in a more civilised manner-"

Mara " UP YOURS !!!" She shouted which caught him off guard.

Elise " mara you may be royal blood but that is no way to speak to your king and queen!!!" She grew angry with mara.

Elise and mara begun to yell at each other to the point where Osmium and titanium had to pull them away from each other.

Stella "...this is madness"

Eoin " this is politics" he simply responded with.


Mara " AND YOU ARE A BRUTE WHO CANT DO ANYTHING BUT HIT THINGS WITH A STUPID HAMMER I MADE YOU" eoin had a look on his face telling me he has seen this kinda thing before a good few times.

Eoin threw his sword into the ground between them which made them shut up " now as much as sibling hate is fun to watch trust me i know id rather focus on SAVING THE WORLD HERE !!!!" Yeah i feel we should focus on that.

Liam " well i am uncertain what we could offer , for now i offer you free access to explore our city , me and my council will discuss what we can really offer. And mara if you could join us for some time." Elise glared at mara which made her unwillingly go with them walking out from the door that the king and queen came in.

" so we are just allowed to look around ?" I asked out loud , Titanium and Osmium both shrugged.

Stella grabbed my hand and started pulling me " WOAH !!!" She wanted to explore the city since it was so pretty to her. Before i was out of the room and saw Osmium leave by flying and eoin not sure what to do with titanium looking at him. Wonder will those two do anything.

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