Part 34 : at the gates of war.

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( pov skylor)

I was still on the void ship taking us back to my kingdom , eoin was near the front end of the ship looking out into the void , i was looking at the void thats him without the person i know. Owen isnt here anymore if feels like , i know hes in there some one but it feels like hes been taken away.

I could tell there was a real look of worry on my face when sora walked up to me, she then asked " my queen are you alright ?" I let out a sigh and looked at her.

" no sora , im not. " i turned back to eoin " hes not owen... in the way i care about, i never realised how important he felt to be around until he was gone" sora put her hand on my shoulder that wasnt still broken trying t comfort me.

Sora " my queen i know you care about owen , so do i hes thought me everything i know and has been important to me all my life. But we cant change it ourselves. I may not understand what's going on but if winning this war is what it takes to get him back would you not do it ?" I took one more glance at eoin and turned back to sora.

" always , till the end" she smiled.

Sora " then do it for him.... " she then paused "What even did it to him anyways ?" She asked unknowing to the whole context of what has transpired over the last while.

" you know of vorduses horse?" I asked her.

Sora " of course deathbringer , vordus rode him into battle during the great demon war...... and also the one that can talk apparently I wasn't crazy right ?" she said summoning up what she knew.

" yes that one , turns out its some sort of powerful entity , what kind idk but it might as well be a god. As for who eoin is.. thats a bit more complicated. Maybe ask him"

Sora " id rather here what you have to say" if thats her wish.

" from what i know he is was a titan , a solider , a protector , a hero. He died fighting the nether of his world in a great war. I know hes meant to be a good person but ... i just dont want him inside owen...." Sora could tell this was slight bothering me but she had one more question.

Sora " but why owen ? Why have him being... possessed?"

" apparently owen is a 'variant' of eoin , a version of him from another universe. But i don't believe that shit. Owen is his own person"

Sora " yeah i dont believe that either , owen ....actually eoin does seem to match some of ...." Something then caught her eye which made her stop " is he ok !?" She said alarmed as eoin suddenly fell backwards onto the deck.

".... Not again" i said in annoyance.

( pov narrator)

The two were once again arguing inside their shared mind , owen wanting his Body back and eoin having to deal with owens outbursts.

Eoin " listen whether we like each other or not we cant share the body at the one time and theres no way you can just keep fighting for control , what if it happened during a battle ? " he questioned owen " what if some ones in trouble , you take over barely knowing whats going on and then get that person killed hmmm ?!?!" Owen tried to punch eoin but he moved and tripped owen onto... the floor ?. Whatever the empty space beneath them they some how stand on.

Owen " screw you " he got up and looked at eoin again " i want you out of my body , out of my life and far away from my friends!!!" Eoin crossed his arms and let out a loud sigh.

Eoin " listen Owen i didnt chose this and you know it im sick of this back and forth with you. I also can't control when you come out heck im not even fighting you right now. Deathbringer is the one who put us together." Nothing eoin could say would satisfy owens need to feel free again.

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