Part 11 : sail of tension.

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( pov rain )

Everyone was getting ready to head out to apollos kingdom to try and see could we get to him befroe corves and ask him how this eternal device came onto his lands and was founded by kasmeer.

The plan was me , lance , Gwendolyn , stella and Cynthia were to go while sklyor stayed with owen .... And eoin .... This is hard to keep track of since he has switched a few times from what we understand.

Infernius was also to stay behind to protect the island since we couldn't leave it completely unguarded especially with owen/eoin and skylor in the states they are in.

I was in my room once again looking at the crystals still struggling to figure out what i could do to understand them out more to better use them. I still feel if i cant use them to their full potential i dont deserve to use them. The chose me but never told me why which makes me feel more unsure. I then heard a knock on my door frame and i turned to see eoin , i could tell by his left eye being blue and white.

Eoin " may i come in ?" He asked politely.

" sure im not stoping you " he stepped in the room and saw i was starring at the crystals.

Eoin " those things are still impressive , yet you seem more frustrated with them . Also seems like with your self as well " he wasnt wrong at all unfortunately.

" i couldnt beat corves when we first fought yes i didnt have all my strength but him with nothing but his normal power beat me in such a short amount of just feels like i cant do enough to protect everyone i care about.  " eoin walked closer to me and took off his knight helmet.

Eoin " rain everyone has there limits , even beings as powerful as i was at my peak . There are times you have to make choices and some times you cant live with them but you have to. Back in my life i tried to save as many people as i could and I couldn't save everyone. I lost many frineds , old loves and family"

" and even after losing so much you still kept fighting for good and always got back up after being pushed down .... How ?" I asked him.

Eoin " because even when i was at my lowest my friends that stayed with me till the end always knew i could be more then i was. "

" ... if only advice alone could help me defeat corves " his words did lift my spirts a bit but i knew i still couldn't fight.

Eoin " want some advice that will help ?. 'Never fight fair if you wont win fair', some one once told me"

" who ?" I wondered.

Eoin " brother ...." He said awkwardly.

"... they guy who threw the ender great sword through my chest and turned some of my friends into monsters gave you advice ?" I questioned him slightly.

Eoin " yeah ... he wasnt the most sane guy but his advice was some what good some times, but cant be too nice to him he did kill me . He turned and started walking out of the room " you should probably go with your frineds to make sure that Apollo guy is alive, plus id rather not have the other guy wake up in here and have to take back control." He left and i looked at the crystals one more time.

" you hear that you stupid things ? " I suddenly got shocked by one of them " OUCH !!!" I screamed " alright fine " of course the only time they show any sign of thought they just cause me pain AND I STILL HAVE TO TAKE THEM!!.

I put the crystals of flight , strength and since the energy one is useless against corves but taking only three didnt work last time so i will have to take four since as i said the energy one is unless but the one that opens up the multiverse is dangerous and by the time i could fight corves i would have to remove the crystal before the power kills me. Too much power kills or whatever the quote is.

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