Part 27 : last blood spilled?

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( pov patrick)

After some hours of me training and resting before my fight with lilith i went to go see azura see if she made my armour better in mostly durability. Lilith is strong so id rather not be punched and the armour do nothing.

I opened the door to her lab and saw my armour on a stand with only slight modifications that i could see , she also added some more blue to parts of it which o feel was unnecessary.

" azura you there ?" I said seeing if she was here and i then heard footsteps coming from a side room and azura walked out.

Azura " i tried my best to do what ii could but mara is the one who made this and without her insight i wasnt sure what made the armour as effective as it was or what was holding it back. But i did done one thing" she made the wings that were based off her wing suit pop out but they were different.

" so what did you do to them ?" I asked.

Azura " well i made them able to move faster and close back into the armour much faster incase they get in the way and made them more durable. Since they were based off my design it was easy to upgrade.... Though it does remind me what it was like to have those wings before these" she flapped her wings.

" i see , well any help will do in this fight. The empress has also probably upgraded herself for this occasion. " she looked a away from me a little and i knew this was bothering her " azura im going to be fine dont worry. Even if i lose liltih wont kill me it would enrage all our people against her"

Azura " i know but... i just cant help but think" i grabbed her hand.

" i know you cant stop but i just need you to stay here " she nodded.

Azura " ok , just come back with that armour in under a dozen pieces so its easy to fix" we both laughed before it was time i set off to fight lilith.

" dont worry ill be back" i let go of her hand and got into the armour, i then started making my way outside and waited for alan and hilda since i wanted them coming with me since i knew they could help me if things turned out this was all a really long trap. However seeing is how they have been acting with each other i wouldnt be surprised if they were.... Delayed.

( pov hilda)

Alan and i were in my gym , since i knew I couldn't stop him we decided to just use the room together. He was lifting the heaviest weights i had like they were barely anything " are you sure you still dont have your powers ?" I asked as i sat up from doing my own lifts.

Alan " a body can only be as strong as you make it , i chose to make mine very strong" he put the thing down and threw me over a towel to wipe off the sweat off my face " and you need more time doing that" put the towel in my face and once i wiped it and put it around the back of my neck and held it with my two hands.

" maybe you should watch your own body"

Alan " i thought that was your job" ... i walked right into that one.

" ok you win that round. But seriously im surprised how strong you actually are. Your tall and muscular sure but ive still seen men with a lot more in both and yet they dont come close to you" he stretched his arms out and cracked his knuckles.

Alan " well im no ordinary man as you have seen. Now Patrick is expecting us so we should get moving"

I walked near the door but then leaned on the wall just next to it " you have really started to care about everyone here , im starting to think you like it here-" he then slammed his hand next to me and stood looking down at me which stunned me.

Alan " oh dont get it twisted i still hate most of you and I especially hate this cold place. As i said im protecting those kids once they are safe im done , and despite the fact i like you once its done im gone." He moved and walked out of the door.

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