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1989 Toretto's Household

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1989 Toretto's Household

Mia and Sophia Toretto usually would go to their father's races. It was their favorite thing to do, especially when they see their father win. Something always called the youngest Toretto's heart to that race track, she didn't know if it was the idea of the speed or the feeling of freedom when it's just you and the car.

But Sophia had a bad feeling about this race. She even tried to tell her father and older brothers but they just shooed her off thinking she had an overactive imagination even though she is 16 year old. Sophia decided to tell her old her sister to help her explain to their dad that he shouldn't race that day.

Mia immediatly believed her younger sister since she also had that alarming feeling of anxiety. They both pleaded but were dismissed once again, leaving them home with Letty. Letty usually just leaves the two girls to do their own thing while she works on her car outside. She knew the two Toretto girls didn't need a babysitter

"Mia, can we please take a break from doing the paperwork for the market?" Sophia asked as she lowered her notebook.

"Just try to finish it so when dad, Dom, and Jakob come home we can stay up later." Mia told her younger sister as she scribbled down something.

"Please, like a five minute break. My brain is about to explode," Sophia explained with her hands going like explosions.

"Okay fine but we should at least finish up the frosting on Dad's cake." Mia said as she got up from the table and headed to the kitchen.

After every race Mia and Sophia always bake a cake to celebrate their dad's victory or for him doing his best out on the track. It was sort of a tradition for them to bake the cake, they believed it was their dad's good luck charm.

"You know what? We should add stars and rainbow sprinkles," Sophia was saying as she grabbed the sprinkles from the cabinet.

Mia smiled at her younger sister, "That sounds like a great plan. I'll frost the stars and you pour the sprinkles."

The cake that the girl's baked was a birthday confetti decorated in a light blue frosting the girls did the night before so they could decorate the next day. Mia was trying her best to draw the stars around the cake while Sophia was basically coating the whole cake with sprinkles. Sophia usually had some restraint with sprinkles but she wanted to add little more in hopes that the race will go okay.

She still had that nagging feeling of anxiety that something is going to happen at the race. She tried to dismiss it while she decorate the cake but she accidentally messed up one of Mia's stars. Sophia knew if Mia found out she would have her head. So she tried her best to cover it up with sprinkles.

"Soph, What are you doing?" Mia question her sister noticing she was extremely quiet.

"Nothing, just adding a bit more sprinkles." Sophia answered as she hurry to cover up the messed up star.

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