54. old friends, old memories

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After the small family reunion with everyone they all meet together in the middle of the base

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After the small family reunion with everyone they all meet together in the middle of the base. Ramsey was presenting what they had received when they went to Mr. Nobody's plane crash site.

"The firewall on this old thing is actually pretty good. "Ramsey was telling them as the computer was beeping, "But, you know, port scan, UDP message peek, pop to root shell, and say hello to Project Aries."

" What is it?" Sophia asked.

"It's what we got from Mr. Nobody's plane." Letty was explaining, "Or at least part of it."

"Aries was designed to override and assimilate anything that runs on code. Any computer anywhere." Ramsey presented as the screen behind her showed the team what she was talking about.

"If it operates on zeros and ones, it's vulnerable." Ramsey continued, "If you take Aries and upload it to a satellite, it'll spread like a virus."

Sophia began to play with her necklace listening to Ramsey explain everything. She grew more uneasy knowing her brother was a part of something like this.

"Then it'll be a matter of time before someone can control any weapon system traditional, nuclear, stuff we haven't even seen yet and just point it wherever they want. Jakob reboots the world order within minutes."

"Ares is the god of war, right?" Tej added, "If Jakob gets his hands on this, he'll be the god of damn near everything."

"Because of how dangerous it was, the Aries prototype was recovered and split into two halves by Mr. Nobody." Ramsey was elaborating on, "Both of which are worthless without the activation key. Jakob now has one of the pieces. He'll be going after the other half next."

Sophia let out a sigh as Mia looked down to her, "You okay?"

"Yea just worried," Sophia whispered as Mia rubbed her arm.

"As for the key, it's vanished." Ramsey finished.

"So we find it. If we're gonna beat Jakob to it, we're gonna have to split up." Dom spoke up, "Roman, Tej, I know a couple of guys operating out of Germany that could get us anything we need."

"I'm on it." Roman responded.

"Wait, there's one more thing." Tej admitted as he typed on the computer in front of him, "Mr. Nobody's transmission had one name connected to the key. You guys are gonna want to brace yourselves for this."

"Wait, what?!?" Sophia let out when she saw a picture of Han appear on the screen.

"No way." Letty exclaimed.

"That's exactly what I said." Tej told her.

"So you're saying Han's death is connected to all of this?" Roman stated.

"He has to have something to do with it." Mia replied.

"I'll look into it. " Letty told the group, "Tej, can you send me all the files you have on Han?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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