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To say society sucked for Omegas was an understatement. From the age of ten when the first of two blood tests were taken, and 'preliminary' results returned every child would be judged and separated into different classes based on their sub-gender. Omega, Beta and Alpha. Parents whose child came back with preliminary results of Alpha would be ecstatic, throwing parties and inviting everyone they knew to celebrate and boast to anyone they met for the first time. After all, if you are an Alpha your life is set. Any job you want you're likely to get. Companies would pick you over someone who is more qualified for the position you're after. All high-level positions in society are basically full of Alphas. Society is run by alphas. It's not just opportunities that makes the Alpha status so sort after. Physically, they are quicker, stronger, built better, healthier and sturdier than the other sub-genders. More beautiful and handsome too. Mentally, they are smarter and gifted at learning subjects quicker. Especially subjects that require knowledge in mathematics, sciences or technology. However, that does not mean they don't have subjects they find harder. On the contrary, home economics, child development, sewing, midwifery, baby sitting and teaching is either hard for them to understand or learn.

If a child came back with preliminary results of Beta parents would be relieved. They might even be hopeful that since the result is just preliminary maybe its wrong and in the next 2 years you'd be re-gendered as an Alpha. Beta is neither good nor bad. It means in societies eyes your normal and average. Nothing spectacular is expected of you like the Alphas and nothing is gifted to you. If you want something whether a position in a company, a job, housing etc you worked hard for it. And like how society views Beta's as average so is their physical and mental abilities. If Alpha's make up the top 90-100% of test scores in each year then Betas take up the 50-89% average. Sure, maybe a few could find themselves skilled in a subject and get into the top 10% along with Alphas but it would only be just in the 10%.

Then, then there is the sub-class that no one wants to be told they are- Omegas. Parents of children who bring back this preliminary result would weep, wail and even curse fate. No one wanted an omega child. The cursed child. Children would hope to any level of heaven that they wouldn't be disowned, abandoned, killed or worse raped by those closest to them or strangers. They'd plead at any place of worship for the result to change to beta. Life was terrible for omegas. Society rejected them, called them useless, only good for childbearing. They were the last pick for jobs because of the need to take a week off every three months for their heat. Wherever they went they faced discrimination, sexual harassment, physical abuse, rape and prejudice. Even when they got a job, they'd be paid less than their respective Beta and Alpha colleagues. They weren't wanted. And if that wasn't enough, they had to endure Heat every three months. The bane of every Omegas existence. One week of intense burning from the inside out. Where their bodies are too hot, where they practically can only think of breeding and mating any Alphas they meet not caring who. And most importantly, when they're most vulnerable. Only a release of pent-up sexual energy would bring a temporary peace in which an omega can think clearly enough to remember to eat something, bath and sleep before the heat and desire comes back again. At school omegas would easily fail most subjects, especially mathematics, sciences and technology. It took them far longer to understand a topic then Betas let alone Alphas and the school system simply couldn't wait. However, they did excel in home economics, child development, sewing, midwifery, baby sitting and teaching. Looking after a child or the home was as easy as breathing to an omega. They could tell what a baby was feeling or after just by hearing a cry or looking at them. Babies and children would be instantly calmed around an omega. However, this is what spurred on the notion of only being good at childbearing. As such not only some jobs were out of reach for them but potential hobbies too.

And then came the second blood test at the age of twelve when everyone started High School. This was the 'final' test. The be all or end all. What this test says is what you will be for the rest of your life. It would be the one in which every decision you make, every dream you have is either open to you or shut. Its also when a person can find out if they're one of the infamous 'special' people in their sub-gender. Those who's natural traits and abilities are stronger than those around them. But these 'special' people only linger in two sub-genders – Omega and Alpha. For Omega's there was the possibility of being a 'True Omega'; an omega who was physically more powerful, stronger, faster and more flexible than an average omega. They also tend to be quicker at thinking. And they tend to not have to worry about an 'Alphas voice'- a tone in which alphas can command and control an omega against their will if the alpha is stronger than the omega. Sounds great right? Wrong. Downside to being a True Omega is apart from being one of the most sort after Omegas on the planet due to giving birth to healthier, stronger children they have to be weary of the most feared and revered existence in society – Dominant Alphas. They're rare among Alpha kind. Physically and mentally and appearance wise more gifted than their fellow alphas their alpha voice can even control and submit other alphas. What they want, they get. End of. No buts. If they speak, people listen. And woe be anyone who messes with a dominant alpha's chosen or destined mate.

Unfortunately,a normal Omega called Nunew was going to find out what happens when you catch the attention of someone who's from the infamous special gender within Alphas. Little did the infamous Alpha know that this omega liked to bite too.

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