Chapter 2

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It wasn't his plan to come tonight at all. He doesn't even know why he came. Well, he does know why he came but he doesn't know what had made him come. Getting home from work early is a small blessing for actors like himself. Between having to film scenes for dramas and movies he also has to deal with press, fan meets, advertisement deals, interviews and modelling. Not easy even if you are an Alpha...or a Dominant Alpha. Sighing he settles back into his seat while taking a sip of his wine on the furthest side to the bar and watched the band playing onstage. He decided to dress down to be as incognito as possible. A T-shirt with a bold logo across it, some dark jeans that were ripped at the knees and some black boots that had seen better days. Also, he was wearing his trusted cap shielding his eyes which were already slightly shielded by his deliberately tussled messy hair. A single dangling silver earring in his right ear. While it might do good to hide from the paparazzi that can teleport from anywhere it doesn't keep eyes away completely. Being a Dominant Alpha is enough to attract attention naturally. Even if he doesn't want to which he doesn't. His genetics make it so that he is easily felt or noticed when he steps into a room without trying. Its frankly speaking annoying as hell. His stupid scent even if he tries to reign it in still get everyone interested with both male and female Beta's and Omega's falling to it. The Alphas are interested too but they're just too prideful to submit willingly which in all honesty he's absolutely thankful for.

"Hey big boy is the seat next to you taken? Can I join?" a blonde haired woman says walking up to him in a tight, short, sparkly black dress. Beta. Here we go again.

"No its not taken but I don't really feel like conversing today. I'm sorry"

"That's okay big boy we can just sit next to each other. My names Mana, I'm a Beta and 26 years old. I work as a Doctor in a general clinic. Who are you?" She says sitting down and deliberately leaning over to far so he can get an easy eyeful of her breasts. Was that or the age really necessary?

"Kilen." He says off-handily. It's a lie. Sort of. The character his playing in a drama is called Kilen. If he actually told her his name then he'd be swamped. Most people know of the actor Zee Pruk Panich.

"Aw nothing more?" The woman pouts trying to shuffle closer.

"Nope. I told you I don't feel like conversing. I'm here for music, alcohol and to relax by myself." Zee says while continuing to look at the stage. A sudden growl across the room and a commotion draws his attention. Everyone nearby a fuming Alpha growling at a smiling Beta was staring at them. Wait, no, the smaller boy with curves to die for was an Omega. What's an Omega doing out at this time? It's way past his curfew. And why did the Omega first smell as a Beta? Zee thought. Taking a deep breath in he focused his senses on to the cute Omega. Sugar mixed with slight spice and fresh scent of rain. What a weird combination. Did he recently eat something sweet and that's why there's the smell of sugar? But an almost non-existent smell of medicine and chemicals. Ah a scent blocker patch Zee guesses. Now why would an Omega risk coming to a bar after curfew and make an Alpha growl at him? Ignoring the annoying Beta next to him Zee leans forward just as someone opens a window near him. The cool breeze drifting through the open window unknowingly caught his scent and pushed it towards the stage where the Omega had come to stop at the side and starts preparing to perform. Is he part of the band? The answer comes when the whole band comes off and he walks on and nods to the audio guy to start playing the music.

The voice of an angel. That's all Zee can describe it as he listens. He's heard this voice before. Every morning he wakes up or goes to sleep or needs motivation. The man on stage singing is the same man who he came across once on YouTube and knew he wanted to see live. So this is the mysterious Chawarin. Who knew he was an Omega. Watching him perform was an experience. No matter what song he sang people were entranced like how an Omega would be if an Alpha used Alphas Voice. It was a 'gift' only Alphas had. If they so desired and were stronger than the Omega(s) he or she wanted to control their voice would put an Omega into a trance like state. A vulnerable state. For Beta's it would cause fear and submission. For Alphas nothing...unless it was a rare Dominant Alpha using Alpha Voice. The Alphas would automatically try to fight it but in the end submit too. According to scientific research that had questionable ethics in Zee's opinion it was found that the voice would penetrate through the ears, into the brain and activate a part of the subconsciousness that is normally dormant. Stimulating it can cause the person to become hyper aware of the owner and want to submit. For Omegas it was shown that it would stimulate so much that it would send the brain into a trance in which only the Alphas voice would be followed unless a more powerful Alpha used their own voice to nullify and take control instead. Safe to say the no one liked being over powered.

"Thank you for listening and coming here tonight. I'm Chawarin. I hope my voice entertained you." The Omega says before giving a slight head bow and getting off the stage towards Jay. Zee couldn't help but watch every movement this enchanting Omega made. From walking over to the owner Jay to giggling at something he said before being escorted to the bar to get a bottle water then being walked out of the door. He felt a strange instant emptiness overtake him. Shaking his head and it away he too got up to leave. It was 12am and he had to be up at 5am for another shoot for the drama he was in. No rest for the wicked. However, before he left he would definitely find out more about Chawarin. There was no way he wouldn't see him again.

Walking over to the returning Jay he stood in front of him. "Hope you're having a good night for business Jay." Startled Jay looked like a dear in headlights before he calmed and smiled warmly.

"Zee Pruk hope you are enjoying your time here. What can I do for you?" He's sweating slightly Zee noticed. When will the unnecessary fear of his presence ease for this Beta?

"The act today, is it only on a Thursday?" Zee asks.

"The Redeem? They're on Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday. You normally miss them if you come."

"No Chawarin." The sudden shift in atmosphere around the Beta he could tell he just mentioned a sensitive issue. Normally he would back down to keep the peace but he couldn't bring himself to back down nor did he want to. It was as if something was controlling him; making him unable to be himself.

"Er well Chawarin only comes a few days a week. He has other work to do. I guess he has to work harder to get higher in the company he works for. He does overtime a lot." He semi lied, Zee noticed.

"What days Jay? If I'm here as well you'll get double the business. Everyone is interested in my sub-gender."

"Er Thursday, Friday and Saturdays." Jay gulps and mutters out quickly while closing his eyes and internally praying nothing will happen to Nunew and that he'd be forgiven. He would never normally sell Nu out but being faced with a determined Dominant Alpha he couldn't help but spill. Who wouldn't?

"Hmm then you might see me here more if I can make it. I enjoy his voice." Zee hums before simply walking away shouting over his shoulder a thank you and walking out the same door Chawarin went through. Maybe next time he will talk to the sneaky Omega he muses.

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