Chapter 19

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Zee quickly withdrew his warm hand. Fuck. Looking at Nunew expecting fear all he could tell was apprehension mixed with surprise. "I'm sorry Nu. I put you in heat."

"No, you didn't. My heat is supposed to start tomorrow. Its why I wanted to go home in case I inconvenienced you." Nunew murmured just laying still and staring at Zee. His body was starting to feel hot and achy, and he could feel his senses start to sharpen and hone in on Zee. He had about an hour at most before it fully took over. Bastard thing came early.

"I don't have anything here to help you or stop me from going into a rut. I should leave here before I attack you against your consent." Zee says, wide eyed looking at Nunew. He could feel his blood start to pump faster. One of the downsides of being a Dominant Alpha was his rut tended to hit quicker. He had to leave. Now. But he was finding it harder than usual to leave the omegas side. He felt like he physically was tied to the spot on the bed he was sitting on.

"Zee urm, please don't think bad of me but urm, what if I urm, what if I gave consent and wanted you to help me." Nunew struggled to get out before just thinking to hell with it and taking this one chance. Maybe his restraint was getting thinner quicker. But hell, it could be his fantasy coming to life and his only chance at having it. Having Zee.

"That's your heat speaking Nu. You don't really want me that wa-" Zee tried to say while trying to keep his Alpha instincts at bay. Nunew's sweet spice smell was becoming addicting and fogging his mind. Biting the inside of his cheek, he used the pain to keep his head clear.

"I beg to differ Zee. Don't tell me what I want and don't want. I'm not too far into heat not to kick your arse. Zee if I'm willing; Will. You. Help. Me?" Nunew punctuates out. While his happy this Alpha is trying to not go into heat and asking for conscious consent it is infuriating. Zee is not getting the hint or listening to him. "Do I have to tell you bluntly Zee before my heat becomes too strong for both of us to resist?"

"Nu. I need you to know. As a Dominant Alpha I'm a lot stronger and can be rougher than an average Alpha. I could easily hurt you by accident. Do you still want me to help you out?" Zee says starting to pant. Fuck! Control Zee, control. Think of your lines for the drama series you're performing. Remember them.

"Yes, Zee I know. Nat remember? Now shut up and help. Me. Out." Nunew says before climbing into Zee's lap to look into his eyes and grabbing hold of his shoulders to keep balance. He dug his nails in as a warning to Zee not to mess with this Omega.

"I need to phone my manager Nu." Zees head was starting to swim in Nunews amazing scent. He wanted to drown in it until he couldn't breathe.

"You want him to join?" Nunew pants as he shakes his head for some sanity. Breathe Nunew he tells himself. But every time he takes a deep breath in Zees scent started taking on a hot spicy scent mixed with his summer trees and sea scent. Zee definitely was going into a rut if the spicy undertone was anything to go by. Damn he smells so good. Unable to control himself he done the one thing he wanted to do from day one- barrow his head into Zees scent gland on the neck and lick before nibbling. So good.

"Fuck no. But I need him to know I won't be working for a week and why." Zee groaned out feeling the hot, wet tongue of Nunew coat his scent gland. Damn omega, you're playing with fire there.

"They're going to hate me." Nunew murmured between kisses and licks up and down Zee's neck before liking along the underside of Zees jaw.

Clenching his teeth and titling his head upwards so Nunew could get better access Zee said "Couldn't give two fucks. You only need to worry what me, Max and Fae think of you. Got it baby boy?" before putting one large hand on Nunews waist and using the other to pull Nunews head away from his jaw by Nunews hair and smash their lips together in a sinfully wet kiss in which Nunew moaned and smiled into. Zee was losing control of himself; he knew it easily but the taste of Nunews mouth and wet tongue was even better than his scent. Pulling away for breath Zee looks at a panting Nunew with lidded lust filled eyes. Manager can wait. Satisfy Nunew first.

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