Chapter 14

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That felt good. Nunew thought looking over to Zee Pruk sitting at the table with the Alpha who has to be a dominant. No way can he take a True Omega on and calm them down without being one. Zee Pruks lips are softer than I thought too, they're kind of...nice. Nunew shakes his head at that last thought. What is wrong with him. He's never been like this with an Alpha before. He feels like his having heat thoughts without being in heat. Is this because Zee Pruk is a Dominant? He'll have to take his chances and ask Nat later since the True Omega still hasn't come out of the staff room in the back. Is he taking forever because his pride is hurt?

Hearing the chime of the bell on the door ring Nunew looks up from cleaning the counter to see an Alpha he really couldn't be arsed to deal with today. He was already in a confused mind and shaken up as it was, his best friend and owner probably having a nervous break down in the staff room, and Zee Pruk and his friend is here. The last thing he needed was to see this guy. Andy was an Alpha who just didn't seem to understand the words 'no', 'fuck off' and 'don't come back'. He was an Alpha who was hell bent on getting Nunew to be his Omega after Nat very graciously told him no and where to shove the bunch of flowers given to him when Andy originally went after Nat. Speaking of flowers Andy hasn't come with any this time. Nunew frowned. Andy was a creature of habit so not having flowers either meant he had finally decided to try something new or, if Nunew was lucky, lost interest in Nunew. Strolling over to the counter Andy leaned over ignoring the warning growl that came from Nunew. "Missed me? My Omega." He says in assured voice reaching out to touch Nunews hair. However, Nunew was quick and stepped out of reach so the Alpha could touch nothing but air.

"I'm no ones Omega." Nunew states calmly while looking straight into Andy's eyes. Flashing his eyes red he did a deep, low growl to the Omega making Nunew turn his eyes to Omega and growl back in turn. No way was he backing down. Just as the Alpha went to growl again a low pitched, loud rumbling growl filled the room alone with a burst of the scent of trees in the summer mixed with sea. The unmistakeable warning pheromones wrapping around it giving a citrus undercurrent. Looking over to where he knew Zee Pruk was what he saw made Nunew tremble. Zee Pruks eyes were red and piercing into the Alpha standing in front of Nunew. If looks could kill Nunew knew Andy wouldn't even be ash. I have to get Nat, Nunew thought starting to run behind the counter towards the staff door.

"Stay Omega. Come back to me." The sudden jolt made Nunews ears ring, his mind and brain hurt and his vision blur. He couldn't control his body any longer and so it stopped. Fuck. Fuck Fuck. Fuck Fuck Fuck. Nunew tried to repeat in his foggy mind to stay conscious enough to know what was going on. Andy was a powerful enough Alpha to be able to control Nunew. Nunew could feel his body slowly moving as if like a puppet over towards Andy. No, please no. Help! Zee Pruk! Nunew screamed inside as he was getting closer and closer to an outstretched arm of Andy. He didn't want to go with Andy. He couldn't speak either, but he managed to grit his teeth as single tear started to drop down his face soon to be followed by another clear pearl.

"Nu, come here. Stay here until I say otherwise, okay? Max will look after you. Don't worry Nu. Trust us. Trust Me." Another more powerful bolt shot through Nunew before he felt his body turning to his right and walking to the outstretched arms of Zee Pruk that was now standing up in the isle. Reaching Zee Pruk, he felt himself be gently lowered into the seat Zee Pruk was just sitting in while watching Nunew. Looking over the table to the Alpha he guessed was Max, he saw him nod and smile comfortingly towards Nunew. "You'll be okay. And so will your Omega friends here. We're just helping to remove an annoyance of yours, right?"

Nunew wanted to smile, to thank him but instead all he could do was put his thankfulness as much as he could into his chocolate orbs and hope the Dominant Alpha could read him. It was then he heard a crash that would have made him jump if he could move. Looking over he saw that where he had been standing before Andy had come in was all a mess and not clean anymore. It was broken and it was a bloody mess of bottles smashed off the walls and back countertop where expensive coffee machines once stood. Watching the scene unfold he saw Andy standing back up and growl at Zee Pruk before lunging over the front counter to attack Zee Pruk. The punch never landed on Zee Pruk though making Nunew feel relieved. Somehow in a split-second Zee Pruk had managed to make it out the way enough that he could then trip up the attacking Alpha causing Andy to fall face first to the ground. Nunew wanted to giggle at Andys bewilderment.

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