Chapter 30

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" wake-up." Nunew heard as he groaned awake trying to stretch while his eyelids fluttered open to see the most softest smile his ever seen on the face of the man he loved. Smiling slightly as multiple kisses rained down on his face, Nunew moaned as he tried to sit up on Zee's bed. Looking around he saw two heavy suitcases standing up by the bedroom doorway ready to be wheeled out. Oh yeah, I'm off to Chiang Rai, Nunew thought as his consciousness was slowly returning.

"How are we gonna get out of here Hia?" Nunew mumbled, swinging his legs over the side of the bed before getting up and stretching again. He must have fallen asleep in Zees lap at some point and missed the plan.

"You know of diversions, right? Well, we're going to be doing another one." Zee said climbing off the bed before standing in front of Nunew and grabbing his hands in his, letting his thumb rub over them.

"Another one? Won't they be expecting that this time?" Nunew says looking down at their joint hands before looking back up to Zee with worry over his face. The Paparazzi will see through this lie.

"True. But who can possibly miss a potential BounPrem sensational story?" Zee says smirking.

"Eh? What story?"

"That Prem might be pregnant or severely ill." Zee whispered. It was a long shot; they all knew it but if they managed to pull this off and Prems make-up and acting are on point it should happen. After all, all Prem need to do was look like his been being sick, stagger like he could barely walk even with Bouns help and hold his tummy and womb area in such a way it would give the illusion of a new pregnancy or something else. Boun could easily pull off the concerned, protective Alpha. The Paparazzi would hopefully latch on to the story long enough for Zee and Nunew to be on the road to Chiang Rai before anyone was the wiser. Prem was happy with this idea though. In fact, he even came up with what to do with the diversion. Boun promised he would take Prem out the front and draw as much attention to themselves as possible while Fae suggested going in her car out the back of the building.

"That will never work. The story is too convenient. Not to mention the timing." Nunew shook his head. If it was any other time then yes, it might work but not here, not now. However, the idea of sneaking out back into Fae's normal car was a good idea.

"Prem came up with the story." Zee said confused and hoping to persuade Nunew. It was the best story they could come up with what little they had.

"Did Prem grow up downtown?" Nunew said crossing his arms, while wracking his brain for an ideal story.

"No. But he has been in the industry a while."

"Doesn't matter. If you want to cause a believable distraction that would get the presses attention you need to thing everyday scenario. Anything too convenient or big can give a hint something else is happening." Nunew said while looking at Zee in the eyes. If they were going to do a diversion it needed to be believable, coincidental even. In the Jungle it wasn't unusual for Omegas and mated pairs who had a good bone in their body to do this sort of thing to help an unmated Omega. Nunew himself had lost count of how many times he was helped or helped others. The question is what would work in this side of the city? Think Nunew, he told himself. There has to be something. Something that would be easily believed, something that the press would be interested in, something an Omega and their Al-

"Boun and Prem are mated right?" Nunew cut through his thought with a gasp before saying. It was an obvious scenario, something every day, but can be explosive enough to draw attention easily.

"Yes. Why?" Zee asked confused. He had no idea what his sly kitten was thinking.

"Have they ever...argued or fought in public?"

"Not that I know of. But Boun has said in the past and in interviews that his Omega's temper can be fiery at times." Zee said as his eyes started to widen as he caught hold of possibly what Nunew was thinking. "You want them to fake argue."

"My clever Alpha. Something every day, run-of-the-mill situation that can happen at any time. The shouting will draw the attention naturally. Everyone gets interested in public arguments. All Prem has to do is let loose and go mental as Boun runs after him trying to calm him down. Prem could even go as far as snap at the paparazzi. Its believable." Nunew says giving a proud smile up at Zee. I might just make a menace of you yet Hia, Nunew thought.

With a nod Zee went back over to Bouns apartment and told them of the new plan while Nunew went into the on-suite bathroom to shower. As he stepped out the bathroom, he was met by the Omega he was just talking about maybe 10 or 15 minutes ago. Prem was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting before looking at Nunew as he came out the bathroom with a towel around his waist. Blushing, Nunew grabbed the towel making extra sure it wouldn't fall. While he didn't mind Zee seeing him in all his naked glory it was very much different for anyone else.

"You think your story will work?" Prem said getting straight to the point.

"If your acting is up to scratch yes. Don't go too overboard though but make it believable. Maybe make up a storyline with Boun beforehand. I don't know. Something like he comes home with an unknown woman's perfume all over him. His flippant, you go mental and then storm out with him following after you." Nunew said while shrugging on the last part. The story would work. Mated Omegas are just as bad as their counterparts when it comes to possessiveness when they feel like someone is encroaching on their mate. With arguments not uncommon to breakout.

"That story will work. Me and Boun can easily do that." Prem said, nodding then getting up to leave. "I'll let you get dressed." He said before walking out the bedroom and finally the apartment when Nunew heard the apartment front door close. Sighing, Nunew wondered over to the wall that was covered in sliding wardrobes and storage. Opening up one Nunew found one of Zee's T-shirts. Grabbing it off the hook he looked in other draws for trousers that would fit him but found none. Sighing again, Nunew plodded over to his bottoms on the floor and picked them up. They would have to do.


"Nu, Boun and Prem are ready. So is Fae. Are we good to go?" Zee said poking his head into the bedroom 15 minutes later.

"Yeah, lets get this show started." Nunew said before walking over and pecking Zee's cheek before walking to the front door. If Prem and Boun pull this off they need an award.

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