Chapter 7

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Waking up with the sun shining into his face through a slit in the curtain Nunew rubbed the sleep out of his eyes while he was still bundled up in the duvet. He would have thought that all last night was a figment of his imagination if the bed didn't feel like a cloud under him and the lingering scent of summer trees and sea still hanging in the air...and himself. Shit Nunew thought as he bolted up. Last night hadn't been a dream and worse he smelt of an Alpha that Jay made very clear not to go near and Nat made very very clear to never smell like. Why am I even thinking about them? Nunew thought. Call him petty but he couldn't forgive them for teaming up and pulling the stunt that they did. If they wanted to scream at him, fine go ahead. If they wanted to ground him, fine go ahead. If they told his parents about him fine, go ahead. What is not okay is taking away what little pleasure he had in his bleak world. They knew his happiness was singing and he got great pleasure from it, he even breaks curfew rules for it, yet they play that move on him.

Getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom he grabs the free toiletries and turns on the shower before taking his clothes off and getting in. Feeling the heavy droplets of the water fall over him he just stood there soaking in the heat. The water pressure was far different to his flat, so the shower felt more powerful and lovely. The steam was also building up as he just stood there in bliss with the water carrying away the thoughts of his friends down the drain. However, there was one thing that stubbornly refused to leave. The whole bathroom and himself still smelt of Zee Pruk. It lingered everywhere like a calling card or siren song. Every breathe he took it felt like it was sinking into him a little more and make him remember Zee Pruk. Last night apart from being dressed head-to-toe in black, his onyx hair had been messy and deliberately styled to cover his eyes. Even with his eyes almost completely covered though he could tell that Zee Pruk's eyes never left him. And when he had turned to go to the door Nunew could tell that all of Zee Pruk's other senses were focused on him. Was it because I'm an Omega? Nunew thought. He didn't have to be a rocket scientist to guess that Zee Pruk went to the gym. His broad back and shoulders paid testament to that and the large biceps, perfect for biting and clawing did. Even with the working out Zee Pruk still looked proportional and Nunew guessed it was due to the hight and chiselled features of the man. If he didn't know better, he would have thought it was the real Zee Pruk that he grew-up desiring. Even so, the scent kept luring him back to the memory of him. From the soft, low, comforting voice that he had been spoken to, to the appearance and to the actions. The more he was drawn back the more he remembered what he couldn't remember last night. The calming pheromones surrounding him, calming him down to the hot, strong arm wrapped round his waist and the most amazing heat and scent. If he had gone on his tip toes, he could of probably been able to bury his head into one of the source of the smell. All of Mr. Zee Pruks hard edges.

Nunew tried to school his thoughts from going any further by starting to rub his body to wet it ready for soap but that damn scent rose every time. He found that every time he wiped a part of his body that had touched Zee Pruk the scent would intensify in the air until it made him go dizzy. He couldn't tell if it was a mistake to wipe his hands down his front and waist as the scent amplified tenfold and so did the memories. Realising he couldn't stop what was going to happen and that his Omega instincts were out of control he sighed and decided not to worry about what was happening. Instead, he let his mind wander to a place it hadn't been in a while.

Putting one hand over his mouth in case other rooms could hear from the thin walls or through the shower drain he skimmed his other hand from behind his ear, down his neck, over his scent gland pulling a small gasp from the sensitivity to over his clavicle to reach its destination at his nipple. Pinching it and pulling several times he twists it and moans loudly into his waiting hand before moving his hand slowly down teasing. Would Zee Pruk be a teaser? His mind wonders as the heat of the steam behind him starts to morph into what he feels Zee Pruk would look like in the shower. Naked, wet with his raven hair sticking to his forehead slightly from the steam. All hard edges that he felt last night through the clothes open to him to see and feel but wet with droplets caressing down his body. Nunew groaned at the thought of Zee Pruk wet, behind him and also aroused. Moving his hand down to finally touch his aching cock he slowly began to tease and stroke now and again swiping his thumb over its head causing another and another moan to keep spilling out into his waiting hand.

Every stroke he did made his body burn hotter and his mind drift to the imagine of Zee Pruk standing right behind him- small back to large chest with Zee Pruk kissing down his neck to his scent gland at the juncture between his neck meeting shoulder. Subconsciously Nunew moved his head to the side as he imagined Zee Pruk nudging it out the way with his own before hot, sinfully wet kisses started to kiss down his neck before a tongue licked straight over his scent gland before grazing it with his teeth. Speeding up his hand Nunew imagined full body contact with Zee Pruk's hard cock rubbing between his pert butt cheeks while a large arm snakes round to his front and takes over Nunews stroking becoming rougher than what Nunew had been doing. Nunew moaned loudly, not even bothering to pray that his hand was silencing him enough. Imaginary Zee Pruk was too good. Moaning more frequently Nunew could feel himself get closer and closer as more pre-cum started to come out making it much easier to move. Within his mind he imagined him leaning over, one hand on the wall while wiggling his hips against Zee Pruk trying to give pleasure and tease him at the same time. After a couple of more minutes an imaginary groan of his name had Nunew throwing his head back and almost screaming into his hand before he slumped to the floor, panting and simply staring at the white on the wall and other bits mixing with water before going down the drain. He's met many Alphas before, and even slept with one or two but he had never fantasised about any of them after the first meeting. Nunew in his blissed state couldn't bring himself to think about it or even care. All he could do was accept that Mr. Zee Pruk and his blissful scent were now an annoying and enjoyable need.

Once he catched his breath and had enough energy to stand up he quickly washed his body while trying not to notice the scent again before getting out. He'll wash his hair when he gets home when he's not completely surrounded by trees in the summer and sea. Drying himself he realised that even after a shower he'd still be surrounded in that scent since the only clothes he had was the ones he wore last night. Fuck. Sighing he put on the clothes in the room and made himself presentable before putting on shoes and walking out the door. The hotel wasn't a cheap place he realised as he walked into the lobby. The lobby was designed into a contemporary design. Smiling at the three staff behind the desk he handed back the room key before walking outside into the daylight. Pulling his mobile out his jacket pocket he found over 30 missed calls and over 50 messages. Looks like Jay didn't tell Nat since all of them were from Jay. Putting his mobile back into his pocket he hailed a taxi to take him back to his apartment complex. Ellie must be having kittens since he didn't come home last night.

Shyly knocking on the door to flat 25 hes startled when its quickly flung open to show an Omega with huge bags under her eyes. Was Ellie awake all night? Feeling guilty, he raised his shoulders, looked down to the ground before looking through his eye lashes and saying clearly "I'm so so sorry Miss Ellie. I really didn't plan on not coming back last night. A few things happened and I ended up staying at a hotel." When he spoke the Omega started crying. She was so afraid when she realised Nunew was late coming back. She was all prepared to give him a piece of her mind but him showing up at her door looking guilty and repenting she couldn't keep her anger and just cried instead. It didn't help matters that she could smell an Alpha on him but by the look of him being untouched it didn't matter. Nodding her head, she pulled Nunew close sniffing before saying "For God sakes Nu go have a shower you reak of an Alpha with those close on. Then come back and collect your stuff." Laughing he nodded before going back to his flat and having another shower before putting on clean clothes. One Omega down, another one to deal with next.

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