Chapter 41

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Authors Note: Hi guys, I'm back after having writers block (which I still have a bit) and Covid (which I'm finally over). Since I struggled to write this through writers block I apologise in advance if it is not as good as other chapters but please give as much love to it as the other chapters and continue to support This Omega Bites. Those who have waited so patiently I want to thank so much. In case any of you haven't, I tend to give a heads up on my writing process here on my conversations announcement board and also on my Twitter, which if you scroll through the conversation board here it should be located. Thank you once again.


"That sneaky little bastard! AHHHH" Nunew shouts out as he stomps back and forth in a line for the nth time. Prem looking at him with mild amusement while Nat looks like a thunderous rage is brewing inside. It all started this morning when Nunew got a phone call from a sleepy Prem telling him to get out of bed and turn on the entertainment news pronto. Groaning and repeating five-more-minutes into the phone only made the voice of Prem through the speakers become sterner. Shifting, Nunew mumbled and stumbled out of bed into the living room and turning on the tv. There on the screen was 'Saint being interviewed for his new drama.

"Prem. You seriously got me out of bed to watch my Alpha's dickhead ex talk about his drama?" Nunew says deadpan into the phone.

"Keep watching. He'll come round to it again."

"What are yo-"

"But as I said before, the character I play is a very complicated Omega with trauma resulting in him ending romantic relationships when they get serious. As such I can very much relate to him with my own experiences."

"Are you talking about what happened last night? Your relationship with the Dominant Alpha Zee Pruk Panich?"

"Yes, I didn't want to mention his name as it brings up sadness within me and I don't want to hurt him. Nor do I wish to tarnish or threaten his current Omega, as strange as he may be. He doesn't really behave like a normal male Omega but then again, he has been whisked up into the True Omega-Dominant Alpha world in which he is not and has never been a part of so maybe he is putting on a cute act for self-preservation. The show they both put on last night was rather embarrassing honestly. That sort of behaviour should remain behind closed doors, and I sincerely apologise for scaring that Omega. After all True Omegas and Dominant Alphas are meant to be together. It's only natural he should feel unnecessarily threatened by me as innocent in this as I am."

"I'm going to kill him. I'm so going to kill that bastard. I'm going to tear that lying tongue right out of his mouth and shove it up his arse while I'm at it since that's where he is talking from. Who the fuck is the innocent one here? And who the fuck is scared?" Nunew growled down the phone at Prem before hitting the end call button and remaining staring at the tv. Nunew couldn't help but think that if this is how Saint wants to play it then so be it. Games like these are an everyday occurrence for Jungle Omegas. Alphas may be more dangerous in a physical and intellectual sense, but Omegas are way more adaptable, flexible, cunning and sly. Head games are a tool to learn and harness well. Poor me? Innocent me? Don't give me that crap, Nunew thought growling again.

"You know all you're doing is wearing down the floor with your pacing. You're not actually doing anything about the little shit." Nat sighs before growling out bring Nunew back to the present. Nunew didn't have to phone Nat over. By the time Nunew had gotten off the phone a second time to Prem after pleading with Prem to come over, Nat was already on the floor landing. Turns out Nat had seen the beginning of the interview and rushed over.

"What can I do to him? As much as I would love to get rid of him and you help me hide the body, I can't reach him. Not without throwing shade on Zee which I will not do."

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