Chapter One

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Author Note: Hi everyone! So this Omega Bites was eligible for a Watty Awards and in order to submit it I had to change the names. Unfortunately, I couldn't change all of it in time as I've become unwell. Therefore from Chapter 1-21 Zee will be called 'Phraiwan' or 'Phrai'. Nunew will be called 'Chai Son' or 'Paithoon'. I will be changing these names back to Zee and Nunew when I get better in hopefully a day or two. I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you so so much for choosing to read This Omega Bites. I promise you this is just a little hick up on my part. Thank you.


The night was humid and hot from the day when a dark-brown haired omega pulled down his cap more as he walked into Jungle, a bar in the downtown area that was in a backstreet. Today was a Thursday. Thursday, Friday and Saturday were the days he performed at the bar in disguise. Was it because he was famous? No absolutely not. Was it because his family would be angry? No. It was because it was illegal for him to be out after 10pm. Pulling up sleave of his black leather jacket he looks at his watch saying its 10:50pm. 10 more minutes and instead of a fine he might be seeing just four walls and a door for a while. Thinking of that, the brown-haired omega rubbed his left shoulder making sure the small sticky plastic patch that hid who he really is is still stuck on his shoulder properly. Walking over to the far corner of the packed bar the omega waved to Jay, a Beta, who was owner of the place and a friend. "Nu man, you're here early. Something happen? Do you need to hide or er wash yourself down?" Jay says, walking over to the omega and looking him up and down at the end of speaking. Nunew didn't need to be a genius to understand that by 'wash down' Jay was asking if he had another unfortunate encounter with an Alpha that thought he was God's gift to creation.

"No Jay its okay. I just got here quicker than I thought. Should I wait here with a drink or do you want me to get ready backstage and go onto the stage in a minute?" Nunew asks while leaning over the bar.

"Nah you get ready to go on stage if you want. These guys should be finished soon" Jay says waving towards the stage. Nodding his head Nunew grabbed a glass of water anyways and moves towards the stage through the vast sea of people dancing and grinding against each other under various colour lights and those who were sitting or standing watching. Halfway pushing through the enormous crowd, the overwhelming smell of wet mud and musk hit him, making him want to heave before he felt his curvy butt being smacked followed by an arm around his waist stopping him. Looking down the arm to the person it belonged to seated he schooled his expression into one of his sickly sweet smile before pouring his water all over the alphas lap. Jumping up the alpha growled at him in anger or warning either way Nunew couldn't really bring himself to care. He may be an Omega, but he'd be fucked if he would just let anyone touch him. Especially an Alpha. "Do you have any idea who I am Beta?" He growls making Betas and Alphas nearby look at him and Nunew in fear and interest.

"No couldn't careless either. You're just a horny arsehole who can't control his hands. You're not the first to do this and definitely won't be the last. Now fuck off I need to get ready to sing." Nunew says clearly before turning and walking through the sudden clear pathway given to him. Making extra sure to swing his hips just a little more than what they usually do. He might not like being touched but that doesn't mean he doesn't like to tease.

Getting to the side of the stage he gets a fresh bottle of water and drinks before warming up his vocal cords. Heaven forbid if he lost his voice again. His family would go mad. Jay would go mad and heaven forbid should his best friend Nat go mad. It's one thing to make a normal Omega go mad from worry, but another thing to make one of the rare True Omegas go mad. Nunew shivers at the image conjured of Nat finding out if he lost his voice. Since True Omegas are way more protective of children and family Nat would bring hell to him since Nat is basically his brother in all but blood. Never again would Nunew be able to sneak out after curfew through an apartment window if Nat forbade him from performing. Nunew preferred his head stay attached to his body.

He just finishes warming up his voice when the most intoxicating scent hits him. The smell of trees in a summer with hints of the sea. How strange. In the year he has been working here never has he smelt this scent. He would definitely remember if he had. The scent was making him feel surrounded by an unknown person. Something he would normally freak out about but instead felt comfort and safety. Strange. The more he breathed the more his omega instincts told him to follow the scent to its source. Oh how badly he wanted to listen to his omega instincts for once and obey. The more he smelt the more he felt like there was two big hands on his small waist. A cough brought him back to the present and he opened his eyes to Jay looking at him strangely. When did he close his eyes?

"Nu you okay? You looked pale before going into a dream like state and smiling softy before closing your eyes." Jay says doing a full look over. Blushing, Nunew pushed his now favourite scent to the back of his thoughts. Now was about coming up with an excuse for Jay before getting up on stage and singing. Fanning over a mysterious scent can come later.

"I'm okay. I was just listening to the music and drifting away while waiting. While you're here can you tell me if anyone new is here?"

"Okay I'll take your word on it. If you're lying and Nat finds out you're on you damn own with him. I'm not dealing with his protective maternal or paternal, whatever you guys call it, arse again. As for the question the answer is no. Everyone who I've seen tonight I've seen before. Why? See someone you like?" Jay says wiggling his eyebrows at the end.

"No Jay. I haven't seen anyone apart from an Alpha whose hands are too loose for their own good. It's just there's a scent I haven't smelled before so I was wondering who's it was." Nunew says rolling his eyes.

"Maybe it's a regular from one of the days you're not here singing. You have become popular here recently after that video was leaked on YouTube. Could be they were curious and wanted to see you in person and not hear you over a screen for the hundredth time."

"I guess you're right. You can't tell scents so I doubt you'd know who has it."

"You're semi right. Beta's can't smell scents unlessin certain situations. A) if an Omega is in heat, B) if the Omega has a reallystrong scent like a True Omega's do or C) if a Dominant Alpha comes into my scentrange." Jay says while picking up the mic on the table and handing it to him.

"What about the scent of trees in the summer mixed with the sea? Smelled it before?" Nunew asks taking the mic and starting to climb onto the stage. When he got to the last step Jay had yet to answer. Turning round he saw Jay's usually carefree face go serious and looked a little nervous and sweaty. "Jay are you okay? What's wrong?"

"For the love of everything Nu. Do not follow that scent you smelled. I can't save you if you do. The owner of that scent has never been here on a Thursday but showed up today. He's one person you do not mess with if you value your safety." The seriousness of Jays tone both startled him but intrigued him. Who could make Jay who's stood up and fought with Alphas before suddenly go pale and scared? Nunew just nods anyways and decides to focus on singing. Walking up to the front of the stage he waves and says hello before singing.

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