Chapter 8

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Do I really want to see him? Nunew mused on the bus as he was heading towards the shopping district where Nat's café was located just on the outskirts of it. Nat nor his parents could afford to be in the main centre of restaurants, cafes and patisseries but they could afford to be on its outskirts leading up to it. He was still pissed off at the stunt Nat and Jay pulled yesterday but the thought of seeing Nat while still a little bit covered in the scent of Zee Pruk made his petty side smirk and strangely his Omega instincts strut. That Alpha was strong. His scent was still heavy in the air when he had woken up in the hotel room hours after him leaving. That's not normal for an average Alpha. By the time he had awoken the scent should have been almost non-existent. Instead, not only was it still there it had settled into his skin through his clothes and Zee Pruk's clothes last night. The Alphas arm continuously wrapped round his waist in the taxi. It was that heady scent that had caused him to do something in the shower that he hadn't done since his last heat nearly three months ago. His control on his instincts slipped. Or rather he gave in to his instincts. Shuffling slightly in his seat as he looked out the bus window, he tried to focus on something other than those memories; because with those memories came a tall, dark and handsome man.

It was a cough that brought Nunew out of his thoughts. As he looked towards where it came from, he saw an Alpha staring at him. "Can I help you?" Nunew politely asks. He didn't have it in him to fight today.

"Can I sit next to you Omega? It's the only seat empty but your bag is on it." Well, it's obviously not empty then, is it? Nunew thought. Sighing internally, he then nodded and moved his bag to on his feet. He may not like the idea of having an Alpha next to him, but his parents did teach their children politeness and manners. Besides what the Alpha said was correct it was technically the only seat empty on the bus. Sitting down a little too closely for taste the Alpha looked down at his phone and Nunew hoped he'd not hear from him the rest of the journey into the city.

It wasn't even five minutes later did Nunews hopes got dashed when the Alpha next to him shuffle and 'conveniently' rest one of his arms on Nunews thigh. Looking down Nunew just stared at the arm before nudging it back to the Alphas lap discreetly so others around them wouldn't know and looked out the window. It wasn't the first time this had happened. Hoping the Alpha got the message he looked out the window again. After a few minutes Nunew felt that weight back on his thigh. Sighing he picked up the arm and placed it onto the man's lap himself making sure that the Alpha knew exactly what the Omega meant. Was this Alpha an idiot? Nunew knew he looked soft and cute today. His dark brown hair was styled to look fluffy and soft, and his lips had tinted lip balm on to stop them getting dry. He was dressed in an oversized pink cotton T-shirt with long sleeves bunched up and some light blue jeans wrapped snuggly round his waist with a belt. Simple white trainers finished the look. He didn't normally go with this look too often but something inside him made him want to look this way after meeting Zee Pruk. He just hoped it wasn't his Omega trying to make him look appealing for a potential mate. It was annoying when his omega side sometimes whispered that an Alpha would be a good mate. Every Alpha he had come across that his Omega DNA told him would be a good mate turned out to only see Omegas as being care givers to the offspring and them. He was expected to be a home maker. Nunew didn't mind the Omegas or anyone who wanted that its just he didn't. He wanted to be seen not as an Omega but Nunew the person. The person who loved nothing more but to sing. Life wasn't fair.

Lost in his thoughts Nunew didn't notice the arm back on his thigh until fingers started to slip down his inner thigh and stroke. Nunews patience snapped. Giving a loud, harsh slap to the hand on his thigh he grabbed his bag and shot up. The loud sound and his actions drew attention to him. The Alpha held his hand glaring up at him. Nunew didn't care. "Don't you dare touch me you pervert. What makes you think you have the right to touch my inner thighs? Don't you get the message earlier?" As Nunew bent down his shirt slipped off his shoulder rubbing where Zee Pruk's hand had been. The smell of summer trees and sea once again drifting into the air. It was only slight, barely visible but there. The Alpha seemed to smell it too and gulped. Realising this was his chance to put it firmly into every ones mind he didn't want to be touched he put his hands on his waist and moved them slightly, just enough to cause the scent to reappear. Starting to think the Omega he was touching was indeed taken the Alpha suddenly spoke "You should have said you were off limits. How was I supposed to know you had an Alpha scent marking you" before getting up, pressing the bus bell and standing down the front waiting at the doors.

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