Chapter 9

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Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Zee Pruk repeated over and over again in his head as he saw Chawa- no Nunew through the window run off. This was not part of his plan at all. When he left the Omega last night, he swore that if he ever went to the bar again he'd just be there to watch Nunew. He would not get involved. Even if Spice and fresh rain dusted with sugar was now his favourite bloody scent. Snap out of it Zee you got burned once do you want to get burned again? Zee Pruk scolded himself as he posed a little more before saying thank you to the photographer and store manager and owner before walking outside to greet his fans. To say he cherished them was an understatement. Even after the whole fiasco with his ex and him getting the most hate online and off it they still stayed by his side. However, he was mourning that empty space beside him that is no longer taken. He feels incomplete. And he can't help but feel like a failure of a man let alone an Alpha to keep someone by his side to cherish. It was lonely being a dominant Alpha.

Shaking the loneliness away, he focused on his fans waving at them, flirting, asking how they're doing, wishing them well and trying to make them laugh. Just because he felt lonely and down, he didn't want his fans to feel that way. Making sure they smiled was his biggest concern. The second biggest concern is that empty space where an adorably cute Omega stood not several minutes ago. No, he's not my concern Zee Pruk thinks schooling himself to forget the Omega with doe eyes and plush lips. Zee Pruk shakes his head again trying to stop his thought wondering into that direction; now was not the time. "P'Zee are you okay? Does your head hurt?" One fan asks worriedly.

"No no I'm okay. Just I looked into one of the photo's flash accidently and have dots in my eyes. It should be gone in a few minutes. It happens sometimes." Zee Pruk say's while giving a warm smile. A little lie now and again won't hurt. As his words registered in the fan's head a smile appeared along with a 'Please be careful P'Zee'. Smiling he nodded before moving along. It was as he got closer to the area the fluffy Omega was at did he smell his own scent mixed with spice and fresh rain. Okay he couldn't school himself or deny that he found his new favourite scent. It wrapped around each other so nicely to his senses. Before he could stand and absorb the smell his manager tapped him on the shoulder telling him they had to go to what was next in his schedule. Nodding, he made sure to wave goodbye to his fans and take a final breath in of the new scent he loves so much making sure its imprinted to his very brain.

Once in the car and onto his next job did, he start to let his mind rewind to when he saw the Omega. He looked so adorably fluffy, cute and confused. He expected to find fear in Nunews eyes when he realised the man who saved him was in fact the actor Zee Pruk Panich but instead all he found apart from the confusion was shock and realisation? Or was it something else? Either way, the dusting of pink on his cheeks made him want to coo. That young man was too cute for his own good. It made him intrigued on just how much Nunew can shape shift. During the day he seems so cute, cuddly and omega-ish? Is that even a word? He doesn't know but it sent his Alpha off the charts. Then at night Nunew somehow shifts into a more masculine, mysterious, sexy form of an Omega. It's truly a talent to pull off both. He knows actors who have trouble pulling off both and they're trained in acting to be able to do that. Smiling sub-consciously at the thought of Nunew he didn't realise what was happening before a voice broke through his thoughts saying "I know that look. Someone has finally found someone they like".

Frowning at those words Zee Pruk looks over at a smirking manager. "No, I haven't. I'm just thinking about the series. There's a funny part coming up. I read the novel for reference."

"Zee you're filming an argument today with your characters lover and it's supposed to be heart breaking." His manager says looking at him straight in the eye. Zee can argue all he wants but he's been at Zee's side long enough to make a good guess at what's going on in that unfairly handsome head of his. He knows that Zee is still hurting from his ex and the fallout that's still continuing. His smiling boy has now lost his smile in private with the smile to his fans being a mixture of his acting skills and true feelings. So, the fact that Zee is now smiling slightly while looking out the window makes him feel happy. Its also thanks to his monitoring skills did he notice the quick eye contact and sudden shift in Zee when he looked at a beautiful Omega through the window. Though sadly before he could find out more the Omega had run off. It wasn't hard for him to put two and two together contrary to what Zee realised.

"Er I was thinking about the scene after that one." Zee said realising only after he sounded like he was lying. His manager would certainly pick up on the lie.

"The scene after is a sex scene Zee." Shit, Zee thought looking at his managers smirking face. He's lost; he knows it but that doesn't mean he has to like it. His Alphas pride was already wounded and near death from what's going on around him as it is. Don't kick a dying dog as they say. Huffing Zee Pruk looks back out the window and tries to ignore the chuckle coming from his all-knowing manager. Maybe a new manager is needed.

After an hour or so in the car Zee Pruk sees they have arrived at the next shoot. Getting out he walks into the building greeting staff as he goes and giving a small nod now and again. As he gets near to where Fae and the other stylists were he saw the one person he didn't think he would see. His best friend Max standing there with a smirk. Why is he smirking? Him smirking is never good. "Why are you smirking? What have you done? Fae! What has Max done?" Zee says while sitting down at his marked chair while throwing a look over his shoulder at his good friend and stylist.

"Maybe you should check online?" Fae says walking over with the products and tools she needed to use. Gulping Zee looks online using his secret fan account to see what is really happening. What he saw made him close his eyes and sigh. Multiple videos were going around of not just his photoshoot and talking to fans but multiple videos showing his eyes go Alpha when looking at a smaller Omega before said Omega runs away. Fuuuuuuck he thought as he closed his eyes and leaned his head backwards.

"So, who is he?" The inevitable voice of Max floats into his ears. Maybe if he played stupid Max would drop it.

"Who?" Zee Pruk asks Max.

"The black-haired mutt through the glass window. Who do you think? The pretty brunette in pink beside the cute light brown Omega. Who is he?" Max sighs while crossing his arms. He knows that even being best friends with Zee it can still be a fight. If Dominant Alphas don't want to talk, then they don't talk. It's a nightmare for another Dominant Alpha themselves to get one to talk. Fae just chuckles in the background as she starts to apply make-up onto Zee. While Fae may not be a Dominant Alpha like Zee and Max, she was still treated as equal by them.

"I don't know." Zee Pruk lies. He knows trying to not speak to Max would be in vain. If he didn't tell Max, he'd either have to deal with having another Dominant Alpha following him around like a lost puppy for ages or Max making trouble for him and giving him a headache.

"Lie" Max states as he stares at the stubborn man in front of him. Fae just nods her head. Zee really just needs to come clean. Dealing with everything himself his going to end up exploding at possibly the one person he doesn't want to. Whoever that boy is, Zees Alpha reacted without him knowing. The only time that normally happens is with a True Omega. By the look of the video this boy wasn't one.

"Fine Chawarin." Zee mutters. His scent wouldn't show he was lying with that. Nunew was Chawarin by night. Knowing that his friends could tell he was still holding back information he gave a look through the mirror of 'enough.' Max and Fae both saw they weren't going to get anymore out of him. However, Fae being a Beta knew she had to give a warning. Not for her best friend but for the mystery Omega underneath Zee's skin.

"We won't say anymore but please listen to me just on this. Keep that fear and hurt bottled up in you creating chains you just might miss the best thing in the world passing you by. Even if you end up getting someone so precious that hurt and cold exterior you've wrapped yourself in will hurt that Omega. What happened and is happening is bullshit but don't let it taint something that could be beautiful." Fae says putting her hands on Zees shoulders from behind and looking at his eyes through the mirror.

"Are you protecting me or Chawarin?" Zee says looking back through the mirror.

"I'm protecting you both."

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