Chapter 16

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"Why did you both go to an Omega café?" P'Aof, Zee Pruk's and Max's producer/friend/boss asked in a huff, while crossing his arms and tapping his foot. Zee maybe a Dominant Alpha and higher up in the society ladder than P'Aof but man was explaining to him a nightmare...and scary. But...

"Technically its not an Omega café. It's a café owned by and Omega who so happens to employ a lot of other Omegas. But there's Betas working there too." Zee corrects. Honestly, he wouldn't normally mind what people thought about what café's he goes in as they just jot it down as 'Dominant Alpha behaviour' but that small café he could tell was Nat's baby and a safe place for Nu. Therefore, he will not allow anyone to drag it down. Omega cafes were seen like the usual 'maid/butler café' type of place that could 'offer' extras to Alphas who were high up in society. Nat's café definitely was not that. And all the staff were like family. Due to that the café gave off a welcoming, homely atmosphere where everyone could feel relaxed for a few minutes. It was heaven. And, from the dreamy look Max gave as he remembered the café or should Zee say café owner, he was also in agreement that it was heaven.

"I couldn't care less Zee. Do you honestly not realise what you have done!? You attacked an Alpha in a café Zee and threatened him all over a measly Omega working there."

"He is not a measly Omega. His name is Nunew. You will respect him." Zee said not realising his eyes had turned blood red and that his Alpha was consciously taking over him and leaking into his voice. Zee had never lost his temper so quickly before over what someone has said about an Omega he himself barely knew. But this was Nu. And Nu was under his skin and someone he couldn't possibly see be slandered or hurt. That Alpha had it coming to him really. He would have easily liked to do more but seeing fear in Nu's eyes for him and remembering the customers he decided to let the Alpha get away. 'I let you win this time' yeah right like hell. If it wasn't for Nu you'd be dead. Zee growled remembering what the alpha had said. A tap on the shoulder brought Zee out the trance he was in. P'Aof was sweating and cowering.

"Dude you're losing control. He doesn't know your Nunew." Max's soft voice floated in the air.

"Damn right you fucking idiot. You're scaring all the fucking staff half to death dumb puppy! Grow up. You and Nunew are now going viral. Again. Nunew's an Omega. He's used to all the insults and bullshit that comes his way. P'Aof only knows what he knows!" A loud, pissed off shout smashes through Zees ears coming from behind. Turning round quickly Zee managed to not breakout in his own sweat when he saw Fae coming in his direction. Fuck. Wait...viral? Shiiiit.

Walking up to step between Zee and P'Aof, Fae looked at Zee directly. Zee was never one to lose his cool. But whatever happened to cause that fight got to Zee hard. I wanted our Zee to come out of his coldness but not like this what happened Zee Zee? Fae thought worriedly. Either way damage control was needed. Glancing towards Max, Fae waited until he realised Fae was looking and then silently gave him the queue for damage control. "Zee why don't you come with me for a restyling? The 'incident' has made you look a bit scruffy." Fae says, patting Zee's shoulder and moving him in the direction of the stylists bay. As she left with Zee, she looked over her shoulder and saw Max starting to do his share of damage control.

Once at the stylist bay, Fae gave the signal to other stylists to leave; for which the stylists were all too happy to abide by. No one wanted to be in the presence of a pissed off Dominant Alpha. Even Fae's Beta instincts were telling her to run but her conscious mind knew Zee would never harm her, even if he is in a rage. Picking up a brush Fae started to sort out the mess that used to be styled hair. "Zee Zee. Brother. You've got to tell me what the hell happened. I can't do damage control properly without hearing it." Fae sighs before talking as calmly as she could.

"It's nothing. You don't have to worry." Was the curt reply. Sighing again, Fae put down the hairbrush to look Zee directly in the eyes through the mirror.

"Fine suit yourself Zee Pruk. But as I'm doing damage control I might end up accidently blaming Nunew, the café or his friend in the process because I don't know what has happened. Is that what you want Zee? My priority is you. Not Nunew." Fae said sternly. It was a deadly gamble to threaten with Nunew. Everyone knew that if an Omega was attached in some way to an Alpha, then that Alpha would be protective. Let alone how a Dominant Alpha could be. Zee could quite easily put Fae in hospital if he let his full Alpha instincts take over. Glancing into Fae's eyes through the mirror Zee huffs and then sighs after a few minutes. Bingo.

"Nu...he was being attacked. An Alpha wanted him and when Nu said no the Alpha used Alpha Voice on Nu. He was strong enough to control him and make Nu cry. He cried Fae. He couldn't say or do anything but cry even though I somehow could see he was screaming for help. Without thinking I used my voice to take control. I took Nu's control away from him. Fae, everything in me was screaming to make the Alpha pay. I don't know why I feel this way. I don't want to feel this way. I'm-"

"Scared, Zee Zee. That's what you are. I think this Om- I mean Nunew is more in control of you then any of us thought. You're not a fault here Zee. Did Nunew say you were?" Fae said while not being able to control herself and wrap her arms around Zee's shoulders loosely to hug him. Oh, Zee none of us saw it because we were too blind in happiness to see your emotions again. I'm so sorry, Fae thought. How blind could he be?

"No. Nunew...he thanked me and leaned on me. He comforted me. I'm the one supposed to comfort but instead I was comforted."

"Who told you you couldn't be comforted too? If you're talking about traditional stereotype roles then you're wrong. An alpha provides and protects. An Omega comforts and supports. But both of you have shown that that kind of thinking doesn't fit with you or society anymore. If anything, you should be joyful. That sassy, independent Omega who ordered you around has shown his softer side. He's let you in a little Zee, be happy. But now you have to let him in too. No more coldness or rejecting. Let him heal you. Your Alpha has noticed it. I have noticed it. Now its your turn to notice it. Stop looking away."

"I'm scared Fae."

"I know. It's scary to trust again. But please for me and Max. Open up to Nunew at least. I'm not saying to date him but just be friends. You never know he could be the one you've been searching for. Besides I can now do damage control. Tell Nunew to stay low until this blows over." Fae says getting up and grabbing products. So many thoughts of damage control spinning already starting to circulate through his head. The Alpha who attacked Nunew and caused Zee to act out is going to pay.

"Okay Fae." Zee nods. Fae was never someone to talk bullshit. Nor someone to comfort another when that person is in the wrong. Fae's words were truth. And the truth she told hit home hard. He was scared. Terrified even. He realised how Nu was now under his skin, but he never realised how deep. And in so little time too. This small Omega held power over him and wasn't even someone born to be his mate. Mind you neither was his ex. However, the more he thought about Nunew the more he realised that in the only few days he had known him Nunew was completely different to any other Omega he's met. He was like a breath of fresh air. Or like his scent suggested fresh rain which had washed away everything bad after a down pour.

"Also apologise to the staff once I've sorted you out."

"Okay Fae."

"And behave until this has blown over."

"Okay Fae."

"Is that all you going to say? What are you a stuck record?" Fae laughs going back to restyle Zee. She likes this Zee Pruk. He does what his told.



True to her word, that evening and next morning their company had released a statement explaining what really happened. Along with unnamed eyewitness testimonies of the incident as well as customers explaining how nice the café was and the staff; but most importantly the suddenly infamous Omega named Nunew who had randomly dropped off the face of the planet. The media, already hyped from Zee's last breaking news, were blood thirsty and relentless in their pursuit of him and Nunew. They sniffed out every avenue they could, but they could never imagine that, at every corner, there was a Beta waiting to stop them. They even went to the café in question but was met with a severely pissed off True Omega. Fae didn't have to worry about that avenue. From the looks of things that True Omega had it covered. Not to mention the proud smirk of Max watching the scene unfold make the Beta less worried.

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