Chapter 26

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It was halfway to Nunews home did Max get a call on his mobile. Hitting accept on his car dashboard screen the voice of his best friend came through. "Max is Nu okay?" The worried voice of the dominant alpha made Max sigh and Nunews perk up.

"I got to Nunew in time. Your psychic, that Alpha was back."

"Er his name is Andy. He's been after me for a while now." Nunew pipes up turning his head from looking out the window to look at Max. Max looks at Nunew before nodding and focusing back on the road. Whatever the guy was called, Nunew was extremely lucky Max had gotten there in time. If he hadn't well, Nunew might not be in the best position right now.

"Darling, are you really okay? You sound different?" The soft voice of Zee came over the speaker. Nunew soaked up the voice as much as he could to try and warm his soul up. Whenever he gets controlled by friend or foe it makes his soul go cold and his heart ache. It reminds him that it isn't just society who gives him little control over his life but his biology too. I hate Alpha's Voice, Nunew thought. He knew Max did it for his safety and he didn't blame Max at all for it as he knew it couldn't be helped but Andy was another matter. His blood started to boil at the thought of Andy and his scent starting to take on a burning oil undertone.

"Hey, hey, hey Nu. Tone down the anger, will you? This car is going to reek forever of burnt oil at this rate. Zee we're not going to Nu's house we're coming to you. He's your omega, you deal with him pissed off." Max says while winding the windows down to try and get rid of the scent. What is it with these two Omegas being easily pissed off? Nat's temperament makes you fear for your life and this one scent goes 0 to 10 in strength of scent.

"I'm still working but I can at least calm you down babe. You're gonna need to talk to me okay Nu?" Zee softly said.

"Okay babe. What work are you doing now?" Nunew sulks while looking out the window as he sees Max trying not to smile through his peripheral vision. Zee just chuckles and says 'you'll see' before hanging up. Strange. Zee hasn't ever done that to him. What in the world could cause Zee to say that? Zee filming a sex scene? Oh, hell no he does not want to see his boyfriend pretending to fuck an actress when he and Zee have only just started dating. No way. They better be done before Max gets them there. Nunew unknowingly let's slip a growl at the thought. Max smirks hearing it as he drives. He knows what type of growl that is easily since its seen a lot in Alphas. It was a possessive growl. I wonder if Zee knows just how taken he is? This small cat can growl possessively. Max thought.

Half an hour later Max pulls into the driveway of a modern looking house before pulling up with other cars. Nunew can guess the less expensive looking vehicles were the staff cars, while the more expensive or new looking ones belonged to other models or actors. Getting out of the car, Nunew looks around and spots a sleek black car parked under the shade of a tree. Where is this place?

"Follow me. Oh, and Nu?"


"For the love of God stay by my side and be polite. Theres some people here that aren't too fond of Omegas." Max says before starting to walk around the back of the house. Nunew quickly runs to keep up and stay with Max's pace almost tripping up a couple of times. This man can walk fast.

Realising that Nunew was struggling to keep up Max slowed his pace. It wasn't that he was deliberately trying to make Nunew constantly catch up to him its just he wanted the Omega to be as near to Zee as possible. No one would dare talk or do anything to the Omega while Zee was present. And while Max wouldn't allow then to physically hurt Nunew he couldn't stop all of them from mobbing or even talking shit about Nunew. He could easily stop them on his own, but he didn't want Nunew to fear him. It was one thing for Nunew to feel safe around Zee even though he's a dominant Alpha but its another thing to be around Max if Max decided to remind people their place. Nunew had already been in an uncomfortable position today and Max didn't want to make it worse. The small, almost silent whine he guessed was a thank you he smiled.

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