Chapter 40

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Authors Note: Hi, I'm back. What an awful winter its been. Sorry I've not been updating often. For some reason this winter if I wasn't ill with a tooth issue, I was at hospital, if I wasn't at hospital I was down constantly with either a cold or the flu. In February I caught the flu again that then went into tonsillitis (I thought it was laryngitis but it wasn't) but now hopefully I will stay well and write more if I'm not busy. Thank you for waiting!


Huh? Zee thought as he blinked a couple of times, his brain was trying to comprehend the situation taking place and the pain coursing through his body originating from his neck. Event, Jewellery, Boss, Saint, Nunew...Bite; was repeating in his mind at a million miles an hour. It was only as a tongue licked his skin as the bite was taking place did it finally click into place. Nunew was marking him. Claiming him in public. Practically screaming at the top of his lungs that Zee is his chosen Alpha. Zees eyes widened before he shut them and gritted his teeth. Very few people knew but a claiming bite was just as important and pleasurable as a mating bite was when it came to the Dominant Alphas and True Omegas. Did Nunew know? Of course he did, he was friends with Nat his mind reminded him. Anyway, it wouldn't be the best image or in their best interest for him to get hard right now. The grinding of teeth sounded loud to his ears as everyone quieted after the initial shock. He didn't feel Nunews teeth grind, but he knew one person who would and did in the past when annoyed- Saint.

With one final lick, he felt Nunew remove his shorter canines from his neck before standing closely to his face, while giving his signature mischievous smile. This time slightly tainted with Zee's blood. Fuck. Searching Nunews eyes Zee tried to look for any sign of regret, exasperation or annoyance. None was found. Instead, what looked back at him was adoration, love and...nervousness? Keeping eye contact with Zee Nunew wrapped his arms around Zee's neck and tilted his neck slightly as a sirens call. Nunew wanted his mark on him too. The Omega who never wanted to be bound forever to an Alpha let alone a Dominant Alpha was willing in public to be claimed. That thought alone made Zee want to cry from happiness. Nodding his head rather too enthusiastically for his taste but attracting Nunews humour Zee grabbed Nunews waist with one hand tightly, while the other grabbed a handful of Nunews fluffy hair and pulled his head to the side more exposing his neck. Whistles and cheers started up again as Zee couldn't wait any longer and quickly bit Nunew hard, puncturing the skin far easier than Nunew had.

A sharp intake of breath and body ridged was Zees only indication of Nunew experiencing slight pain. Being a normal Omega, outside of heat a claiming bite was very painful. Licking Nunews neck lightly as an apology Nunew started to relax a little. Biting his lip to what Zee believed to be an attempt at stopping a squeak or groan. The Alpha part of Zee inside hissed at the idea of his Omega hiding his sounds but at the same time was greedy enough to be the only one who could listen to Nunew.

"Baby." A stuttered breathy word whispered past his ear as Nunew started to squirm. Releasing Nunews neck Zee pulled back and looked at him before giving a slightly bloody big grin that showed off his canines.

"You're mine." Zee murmured looking down at the equally grinning Omega.

"That's my line." Nunew said playfully as he poked Zee in the chest while grinning. Turning back to a stunned Saint, Nunew smiled sweetly saying "Oh you're still here? You got a thing for watching or did you not get the message of fuck off?"

Saint glared while gritting his teeth again before huffing and stomping away, grabbing two glasses of champagne as he walked across to the other end of the store. Zee looked around and saw Boss with an eyebrow raised as he raised his glass before his attention was diverted to a Dominant Alpha and True Omega coming towards them, both with big shit-eating grins.

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