Chapter 31

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"HOW COULD YOU!" A scream rings though the empty hall of the foyer of an expensive apartment complex. The clicking of angry, determined footsteps on marble flooring giving a constant beat to the shouting taking place. As an angry brown-haired Omega walks down the hall from the lift with tears running down and, in his eyes, as he sniffed with a red blotched face and messy hair. His outfit wasn't that much better, being yellow pyjamas with a brown raincoat over the top with two odd shoes.

"YOU CHEATED ON ME JUST ADMIT IT ALREADY!" The Omega shouted behind him causing all people inside the foyer to turn in their direction as well as people and the paparazzi outside. Good. Keep watching. A thunder of running footsteps followed before a dishevelled Dominant Alpha run round the corner in a hurry.

"Would you just stop and listen for 5 minutes instead of making such a scene?" The blonde-haired Alpha spoke loudly in a pissed off voice that made onlookers cringe.

"Make a scene? Ha! If I want to make a scene I bloody will. Especially since MY Alpha has decided to screw someone else. Don't deny it. You and I both know that's not my scent on you." The Omega pointed a shaky finger at the Alpha. Sighing the Alpha put his hands in his pockets while a look of pained exhaustion was on his face while his eyes shone betrayal and sadness.

"I told you it's no big deal because it isn't. It was a business dinner. She was a director with a script of a BL drama she wanted me and you to be part of. How many times do I have to say this before it gets through your thick brain!?" He yelled back loud enough so the Paparazzi could hear them and start taking pictures while writing notes. He needed to make this seem real but at the same time he didn't want people or his fans thinking he was unfaithful. The small glimmer in Prem's eyes gave away he thought Boun being the bad guy was fun. Cheeky boy.

"So I'm thick! That's it! Ha now it's all coming out." Prem said as he turned round to face the doors and cameras flashing before walking closer to the doors and letting more tears fall. Before Prem could walk out of the foyer though he felt a strong grab on his bicep that pulled him back and towards the pissed off looking Alpha.

"No you're not. You're just being stubborn and not listening. I would never cheat on you."

Shaking off the grab on his arm Prem stepped backwards before declaring loudly "LIE. Stop lying! It's not fair! Biology allows you to be unfaithful to me, but I couldn't be unfaithful to you even if I wanted to! I can't even do the same to you and let you experience the same pain I'm going through even if I wanted to." Prem finished before running out the building and down the steps to waiting Paparazzi's, while pretending to try and hail a taxi. A roar behind him made him stop in fear and awe along with the Paparazzi who looked behind them at a Dominant Alpha with blood red eyes glaring at him. Was this part of the plan Boun? Or did I just go too far and put the thought in Bouns head. Fuck, Prem thought as his eyes widened and turned yellow.

"HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK OF THAT! I would never think of cheating on you so don't you dare think about cheating on me." The Alpha said stepping slowly down the stairs as the Paparazzi parted like the red sea but still taking photos. Pedestrians on the other side of the street had even stopped breathing nearly as they filmed the incident in real time. Boun, please let this be an act, Prem thought as he gulped and kept staring at Boun without moving. Prem suddenly didn't know what to do or say as the man got closer to him. Finally standing in front of him foot-to-foot Boun whispered in a low voice only Prem could hear "I'm still acting baby. Still me. Don't be scared. Act. You're doing so well baby."

Taking a shuddery breath in through his nose and out through his mouth, Prem grabbed hold of the promise it was all an act and used its strength to say "Are you deaf? I told you I couldn't cheat on you! I'm going to Papa's."

"No you're not. Come. With. Me. Now." Boun growled out after he felt three buzzes from his mobile in his back pocket signalling 'all clear' and grabbed Prems arm. Prem's eyes showed slight relief at the words coming from Bouns mouth. It was their sign for this charade is over. He wanted nothing more than to be dragged back inside, up to their apartment where he could then snuggle up to Boun and kiss him in apology for the things he said even if it was acting. Pretending to struggle against the arm holding him he began to wriggle before being thrown over Bouns shoulder and carried back inside.


"I just sent a text to Fae were out of the uptown sector where the residence is located. She said she'd give the signal to Boun. Their acting was soooo good. If I had never seen them argue before I would have thought they were arguing for real." Nunew says as he looks at Zee while snuggling back into his front passenger seat. Zee chuckles in turn at what he just heard.

"You've never seen them fight to begin with."

"Yeah, but I know it was acting. I came up with the scenario after all." Nunew said grinning and looking at Zee as he drove quickly down the roads that started to lead out of Bangkok and towards Chiang Rai. He had never been out of Bangkok so everything outside the car was new to him. It scared Nunew to be in the situation where he didn't know what would happen next or how to act but remembering Zee was by his side made him feel a little more comfortable.

"What is Chiang Rai like?" Nunew murmurs. There was no need for loud voices in the quiet car as it whizzed along the motorway.

"It's my home city. Before moving to Bangkok, its all I knew. It's the second main big city if I remember correctly. There's a lot of things there to do and places to see, not to mention my family." Zee said with a smile on his face. Chiang Rai definitely wasn't Bangkok, but it was his home. It was in his blood.

"But you can't take me out to explore the city, can you?" Nunew sighed and pouted his plush lips while crossing his arms and looking outside the window. This was not how he imagined his night to end. He imagined being tied to a rather comfy bed while he riled up a dominant Alpha like a brat and be fucked so good that he forgot who he was and couldn't walk without a limp the next day. Instead, he's been rushed around the city, nearly being killed by Fae's attempts at joining the Fast and Furious crew, befriended neighbours only to make them pretend fight so he and Zee could escape into the night.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to turn out this way. I should have been more careful." Zee said in a regretful tone. This wasn't how he wanted to introduce Nunew to his world. Rather he wanted to slowly introduce Nunew step-by-step. After meeting with the crew and befriending them, granted P'Aof was going to be a challenge, Zee planned on introducing Nunew to his acting friends outside the agency. Then introduce him to Zushine before the media. Now everything is a train wreck.

"It's not your fault Darling. You didn't choose for this to happen. I just wish I got to see your city like any normal person. We won't be seeing your family either, will we?"

Zee looked out the corner to Nunew who was watching his reflection. Seeing the sadness on Nunews face Zee sighed. "Probably not Sweetheart. In the past I would have gone and visited my family but this time it might be more difficult trying not to be recognised. We'll stay at my home for the foreseeable future. Don't worry there's ways of entertaining ourselves."

"By any chance does this entertaining entail me limping afterwards around your place?" Nunew said turning to Zee and smirking before leaning over and slowly rubbing one hand on the top of Zees thigh before quickly sneaking to in between Zees thighs and stroking. Zee's right hand gripped tighter on the steering wheel while his left grabbed the hand and held it in place.

"Unless you want me to crash this car you better be careful baby boy. If you want a punishment, you've already got one waiting after that performance. Rest for now while I drive. Its late, a lot has happened, and you must be tired." Zee said. Nunew just looked at Zee before smirking a little and leaning over this time to rub his nose on Zee's cheek before kissing it and murmuring a 'Okay. Goodnight...Daddy.' Zee choked on his saliva on the last part. Nunew had never called him that before and it stirred something primal inside him and make his Alpha take notice. Control. Control Zee, he thought as he continued driving. The menace next too him fell asleep with a small smile on his face.

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