Chapter 11

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"Jay you ok? You look like you've had five rounds with Mike Tyson." Nunew says staring at a bruised and cut Beta gulping down a whiskey. The bar had just opened for the night and Nunew decided to come early seeking an apology from Jay. Honestly though he didn't have to tell who got to Jay first. The smell of chocolate mixed with a summers day and dusting of icing told Nunew Nat had stopped by before he got here. Guess Jay couldn't talk himself out of a protective True Omegas wrath. Who knew just physically meeting Zee Pruk could cause a circle of friends to fight. I guess I should let him off. Joking. Nunew thought while slightly smirking. You've dealt with one Omega now you've got to deal with the other.

"Nu. You know who done this to me. I swear his temperament is as up-and-down as a pregnant person. One minute he's asking me for help the next minute I'm being shouted out an called stupid. Tell him to visit the doctors. Actually, no don't. I'd be dead." Jay saying turning to look at Nunew. Eying Nunew up and down he raises an eyebrow and asks "No leather jacket or hoodie tonight? No offence but people could think you're an Omega. You look kinda...soft."

Nunew looks down at himself. When he went home after chatting with Nat a bit more, he had a shower again and nearly scrubbed his skin off trying to get some of that scent away. He couldn't smell it anymore on him, but he could only really know if Nat was here. Afterwards he had dried and set his hair in a normal position and put on a white shirt, black tie loosely tied round his neck, black skin-tight ripped jeans and white converse. He didn't think the clothes nor the black cap he was putting on his head gave him away at all. "Your waist and thighs Nu." Jays voice cuts through his thoughts. Jay could tell Nunew was puzzled on what was wrong but couldn't see it.

"Well Jay I can't really do anything about my waist and thighs now can I? You know I was born with them. Didn't turn round when I was a teenager in puberty and go 'You know what? I fancy a waist that would make chicks envy me and thighs and arse that could make straight men hard' did I fuck." Nunew sighs while putting both hands on his small waist while rolling his eyes. He couldn't help it if he had a body a lot of women would die for. Jay rose an eyebrow. Someone isn't in the mood.

"Wanna talk?"

"Yes. But not entirely with you. There's someone who needs to explain a few things to me, and I'll be damned if he doesn't fucking tell me why. This bitch needs answers. Now." Nunew says tapping his foot on the ground and looking around at the ever more growing crowd. Whenever he performed the bar was always more busy. Given it's a Saturday night people will be spilling out the door. Jay stared at Nunew before the words said fully registered. Oh shit no.

"Nu er that guy from yesterday? Probably not the best person to demand answers from trust me." Jay says while starting to sweat. He really didn't want trouble in his bar, and he really didn't want to try taking on a pissed off Dominant Alpha. Said Alpha who already wasn't happy with him if the look he got last night was anything to go by. Naturally, push comes to shove, he will defend his friend but whether he'll survive it he's not sure.

"Shut it. Yesterday was your fault. How dare you listen to Nat and stop me from singing. You owe me an apology. Nat gave me one. Where's yours? As for that Alpha I know who he is myself and what he is from Nat. Doesn't change the fact that I'm owed some answers." Nunew says staring straight into Jays eyes. He's had enough of this shit since yesterday. First, he was banned from singing, then whisked away to a hotel before seeing the real identity of the Alpha who did that today. He was fucking fed up. Maybe his heat was coming early this time round.

"Nu I'm sorry. I was asked to punish you and I did without thinking. You know how scary Nat can be. On the other hand, Nu please think through your actions. You bundle headfirst into it at times. So, you know he's a Dominant Alpha. It doesn't take away the fact he is dangerous to you. I don't want to see you hurt." Jay says pleadingly. Maybe if he pleaded enough the Omega would calm down. Or maybe a bribe would work. "How about instead of singing for an hour you sing for two? More time to do what you love."

Nunew may be an Omega, but he was not an idiot. He knew a bribe from a thousand miles away. But singing was his outlet and dream so playing along and getting two hours was worth it. "Ok." Nunew sighs before lowering his hands then taking the bottle of water Jay got up and happily got for him to help warm up and exercise his vocal cords and throat ready to sing. Walking over to the stage this time free of any incident Nunew warmed up and got onto stage and started to sing.

It was about an hour into singing did he sense trees in summer and the sea. It was mixed with two other scents though - Strong coffee and honey and the other scent was Aloe vera and lemon grass. Who the fuck were they? Looking over to where the scent was coming from, he saw the now familiar body of Zee Pruk even in disguise followed by another large body giving off the same power as Zee Pruk then a more timid and weaker body. Who were those two? Putting those thoughts aside he decided to focus on his fans and singing before he set his plan into motion. Jay would be pissed but who cares. In the corner of his eye, he saw the group sit down in the very utmost furthest corner to the bar being seen to by a waitress. Time to make a move.

"Thank you for having fun with me so far. I've written a new song to sing today. It's not something I would usually write and sing but recently I got inspired and decided to write something new. There's actually a person in this room tonight who helped inspire me. So. This. Is. For. You." Nunew says while tilting his head just a tiny bit towards the table, smirking and looking into what he felt would be Zee Pruks eyes under the bucket hat he was wearing. Serves you bloody right Nunew thought before starting to sing a rather flirtatious and what some people could describe as a teasing/provocative voice. Truth be told he had this song in his draw for ages but never decided to use it until today when he got home and tried to figure out what songs to sing tonight. However, his thoughts kept going back to a certain Alpha.

The song was unlike anything he had ever sung and as he walked off stage still singing, he moved towards tables swinging his hips more than normal, stopping now and again to tease before he reached the table that was his target. You will give me answers and if you want to play, well bring it on. I bite Nunew thought before he starting to tease Zee Pruk like the other tables. As he stopped, he sat in Zee Pruks lap before looking up and whispering "Answers. Now. Bar" before winking at the other guests at the table and walking off swinging his hips as he went. He may be an Omega, but he knew how to get those answers.

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