Chapter 6

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When he rushed to finish his photoshoot and work today so he could visit Jays bar downtown it was to sit and enjoy hearing Chawarin perform not to just go to walk into the bar and have Chawarin run headfirst into him crying, then nearly falling to the floor. Quickly grabbing the man to stabilise him he put one hand on his shoulder and another on his waist. The scent of distress was overpowering the spice and fresh rain. Zee hated the scent of distress on any Omega. It was potent and smelled like acid. He could never understand why other Alphas didn't mind the scent when it made him unnerved. He found himself hating the scent even more on Chawarin, it made his stomach coil and he wanted to be sick. He couldn't stand seeing Chawarin being like this. Not willing to think why he couldn't stand it he quickly tried to think of something to do but coming up blank he decided to let his Alpha side come through a bit and hoped that his instincts would behave and help the Omega out. Luckily his gamble paid off as he started to smell his own scent be wrapped up with calming pheromones and the Omega in his arms relaxing. As the Omega relaxed slightly, he finally looked towards the door the Omega ran out of and his eyes followed the trail that his nose told him the Omega took. All the way back to ah...Jay. Locking eyes with Jay when he realised he was being stared at, Zee saw Jay look to his arms and start to sweat. Interesting.

A sudden shift In weight from Chawarin made Zee look down. Was his scent to overwhelming him being a Dominant Alpha? His mind eased though when he realised that all it was was Chawarin moving his body slightly forward to lean on him. The pheromones were working well. Looking back at Jay he made a hand sign to come over. When Jay looked like he was about to refuse, Zee made his eyes turn Alpha. However, shifting his eyes into their Alpha form also shifted his scent into a more domineering one causing Chawarin to start to react in not just a rejecting way but also in a desperate way to leave. Realising he was in a conundrum Zee quickly decided to withdraw his Alpha eyes and focus once more on the body starting to pull away. Chawarin was in no way fit to wander alone in the state he was. Scent patch on or not. The best thing Zee could come up with was to call a taxi and take him to a nearby hotel and he'd pay for a room for the Omega to sleep in for the night. He started to release calming pheromones again, but he was surprised to find Chawarin was no longer as receptive to him like he was before as he was still trying to get his own body to pull away from Zee. Little fighter, aren't you? Zee thought and decided that he should make his pheromones a tiny bit more potent. Within a couple of minutes, Nunew was lax again in his arms. He didn't want to forcefully put the Omega in any state but his need to get Chawarin to a safer place was at the forefront of his mind. He was taught that Omegas are more emotionally charged then Alphas can be in some situations, and he didn't want Chawarin to be in danger. Throwing another glare in the direction of Jay, Zee let go of Chawarin's shoulder and fished out his mobile. Searching for the nearest hotel her then phoned for a taxi to pick them up. Using his own car could definitely overwhelm and already intoxicated Omega.

Turns out the nearest hotel was a fifteen-minute drive away. Paying the sweating taxi driver, he all but carried Chawarin to the desk then to the room. The room itself was what he considered a normal size. With a desk, a king size bed, a sofa facing a medium size flat screen tv, two lots of wardrobes with an on-suite bathroom hosting a bath, separate shower, toilet and basin. After checking out the room making sure it was fit to use Zee manoeuvred Chawarin to the bed. Taking Chawarins shoes off he then let him scoot back to the headboard before muttering a no. Looks like his coming out of the daze Zee thought.

Nunew wasn't quite sure what had happened between running into his most desired scent to finding himself curled up at the top of a large bed in some hotel room with a tall Alpha dressed head-to-toe in black at the foot of the bed. Not good. So so so not good. Biting his cheek, he looked towards the door and tried to measure the distance to it and how fast he'd need to be to get out the door before the Alpha catched him. Alas mathematics and physics weren't his strong point, so he gave up and hoped he'd be fast enough.

"You don't need to guess if you can run past me before I catch you. I'm not interested in sleeping with anyone against their will. If you want to leave this room then you can but I really suggest you don't while you're in this state. Instead, I'll leave. The room is paid so don't worry about it. Have a goodnight's sleep." Zee says looking at the alert and cautious Omega. What he said was true. He really wasn't into anyone willing or unwilling to sleep with. After his ex he didn't desire to be with anyone. As lovers or one-night stands. His heart was near death, and he couldn't deal with another rejection. Giving what he hoped was a comforting smile to the Omega he nodded and walked towards the door leaving a completely stunned Chawarin on the bed.

"W...wait. Wait! Erm what's your name please?" A nervous and small voice calls out just as hes opened the door. It sounded rugged possibly from the mix of crying and nervousness.

"My name?" Zee asked stumped. He didn't expect to be asked such a simple question.

"Yes. You have a name right? What is it?...please."

"Zee Pruk" Never had he thought that even dressed to be incognito would he say his actual name to someone who was almost a stranger to him. He hoped the Omega wouldn't realise just who he has been around. The idea of Chawarin hating him too would be painful. Maybe its because Chawarin was his favourite artist he didn't know but he did know it would hurt to be hated.

"As in the actor? Then thank you Zee Pruk for the room and for er caring about me. It's much appreciated." Zee can't help but turn round to see a body smaller than his own bow to him slightly on wobbly legs. How cute.

"As in the actor? See you Chawarin." Zee says slightly chuckling as he walks out the door. However, what he heard next before he heard the door close stopped him in his tracks and put a small smile on his face while he looked down. A small almost non-existent voice muttered "I'm Nunew."

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