Chapter 36

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Authors note: Hi everyone! As I've mentioned in my update posts not only have I been a bit busy but I've recently got rid of a writers block on another story that has been haunting me for months so I've finally started writing that again and there's a part in this chapter I've been struggling with for weeks (much to my annoyance). I'm not the best at juggling two stories at once and I can understand if it gets annoying for you to wait. Would I be updating every week like I used to currently? Maybe not. It might be every two weeks or every month depending on how my writing on my other story is going. What other story am I writing? It's not a ZeeNunew fanfic I'm afraid. Though I would like to do a Halloween one in the future for you (Vampire Zee and Hunter Nunew).

Anyway sorry for the wait and thank you for your continued support. Enjoy this chapter!


Ten days. Ten days of being stuck inside the fenced off family home of Zee's before Zee got the call in the morning that the internet and media had quieted down enough for him and Nunew to make it safely back to Bangkok. The phone call had happened at 6am when Zee was still asleep and wrapped around a peacefully sleeping Nunew who was snuggled into his chest and breathing softly. In his half sleepy state, he had thought it was his morning alarm and decided to ignore it. That was until he heard a mumble of something he couldn't quite make out before his arms were empty and he felt a death glare on his body by a suddenly sleepy but very awake and very annoyed Omega. He had never woken so quickly and grabbed the phone to answer it as he felt a sudden whoosh and bounce back onto the mattress where Nunew had decided to curl up and go back to sleep. Society says that Alphas are the boss in the relationship. Zee couldn't help but think society was wrong. People obviously hadn't met a grumpy Nunew.

"You, Max, Nat or your boyfriend better be dying, or I've just won the lottery for you to be calling me this early and get away with it. Anything else and I will put you in hospital." Zee says when he answers the phone and scratches the back of his neck and yawns.

"Good morning to you too Sunshine. Sex ban?" the cheery voice of Fae reaching Zees ear. Zee looks over his shoulder and the sleeping again Nunew. Smiling at the peaking love bites on Nunew's shoulders. There definitely was no sex ban.

"What do you want Fae? Nunew is asleep. I nearly died because of this call."

"You can come home now. Bring Nunew to Domundi HQ though before you go back to your apartment. It's time he officially meets everyone. Also tell Nunew that he might want to phone Nat. Something has happened while you two love birds have been away."

"Good or bad?"

"Do you need to know?"

"Fae. You haven't dealt with Nunew before. I could die if he is in a bad mood."

"Dramatic, aren't you? What? He won't give you attention if his in a bad mood. But fine, as your loving friend I'll tell you. Nat has been on a date with Max." Hearing those words stopped Zee's thoughts for a moment. Max and Nat. Nat and Max. Date?


"...You're obviously still half asleep. Anyways we've booked flights. Get to the airport for 12pm."

"That means we're meant to leave now." Zee said rubbing his face.

"Then you better hurry. Bye~" Fae hangs up as Zee sighed and stared at the phone like it had insulted him. Throwing his phone on the nightstand Zee turns round and hugs a sleeping Nunew.

"Nu~. Honey. Darling. Sweetheart. You've got to wake up. We need to get ready." Zee says lovingly and softly while hugging and throwing kisses all over Nunews face making Nunew groan and flicker his eyes open.

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