Chapter 38

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Authors Note: Hi guys I'm back! Birthdays are finally over (why did my family on my mothers side chose all three Autumn months to give birth in I don't know), I've got over being ill twice and now have uploaded the ZeeNunew Halloween one-shot spin-off of This Omega Bite's called Amara. So naturally, the only other option was to write and release Chapter 38 of This Omega Bites. Thank you for supporting me and both stories!


Nunew had honestly thought that the drama was over for today at least. Turns out, its not. Sighing in annoyance, Nunew glared out the tinted front window that faced Zee's apartment building from a block or two away. It didn't take too much of a guess that the rather large amount of people were probably still hungry paparazzi hoping for a last breaking news catch.

"What do you want me to do Nu?" Zee's worried voice rings out over the quietness of the car. Though worried, Nunew could tell there was an edge of frustration. The frustration of an Alpha who felt like he was doing a piss poor job at protecting his chosen Omega. Not once since they had set eyes on the large group of people had Zee taken his eyes off of them.

"We're not going to get anywhere hiding from them are we? Might as well continue on our way to the underground parking lot and up to your apartment. Do a short announcement video to your fans, answer some questions then work out what the fuck we do next." Nunew said shrugging. Sitting here isn't going to change. And Zee's idea of trying to get rid of some paparazzi's by releasing a video themselves first could do the trick.

Nodding Zee started his cars engine and pulled out onto the road once a chance appeared. He didn't like this one bit. He's supposed to be a better Alpha than normal ones, stronger, more fearsome enough to make it so people left his chosen mate alone. Instead, he felt weak again, like he had failed somehow. It was eating away at himself and his Alpha; both of them detesting the feeling. As he got to the corner of the block that was opposite his apartment building people started to notice his car causing a low rumble to build into his throat. Sensing Zee's discomfort Nunew put a hand on Zees thigh and rubbed in what he hoped was soothing for Zee.

Omegas were built with the instinct to sooth away any negative emotion of their Alpha in their life. Their instincts sharpened to notice the tiniest hint of distress and rid it quickly if they could. Nunew honestly hated that part of his Omega but right now, he couldn't help but feel relief he had it in his arsenal. Zee was clearly distressed and while Nunew didn't know what he could do, the Omega in him would. Sure enough, after a few more soothing rubs and them turning into the parking lot from the road, Zee's pheromones had almost returned back to normal.

Getting out the car and quickly hurrying to the lift for fear of a sneaky paparazzi or fan getting into the parking lot Zee kept hitting the lift button while Nunew played lookout. Once the lift came both stepped inside with Zee swiping a card that allowed him to press his floor number. "Am I going to have to get used to sneaking into your apartment tower?"

"Our apartment tower Nunew. And no, normally I don't have to so I'm guessing after a while you won't have to either." Zee said, leaning back onto the wall with his arms crossed. He was tired. So tired of all this.

Once the doors of the lift opened, Nunew and Zee walked towards the door and opened it, kicking off their shoes and sighing in relief being back home. Padding towards the open living room Nunew spotted what little luggage they had brought with them on the side of the sofa with a note from Fae saying they owe her one. Chuckling and tossing the note back down Nunew sits down and looks towards Zee who starts to make drinks for them both.

"Are we going to relax first or do the announcement over social media?" Nunew says loudly so Zee could hear.

"Probably the announcement and questions. Get everything out the way today before we relax." Zee says walking over and smiling carrying two drinks. Taking a sip Nunew nods as Zee goes to get the equipment needed for the live video. Honestly, Nunew was nervous. Not for himself but for Zee. If he fucks this up Zee would once again no doubt be on the receiving end sheltering him from the storm causing Nunew to feel even more shit.

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