Chapter 27

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Author Note: Hello everyone! So this chapter I've decided to play a song along with it. If you want to hear the full song Nunew sings it's Fergie - Tension. As expected all rights of the song go to her but in my story it's Nunews own song. Here is a link to the YouTube video if you want to listen -

Anyway, as always thank you so much for the continued support, even if I haven't been posting as often as I would like. It's much appreciated and I hope you'll continue to like and support This Omega Bites. Thank you!


Zee is doomed. Nunew smirked at the thought. Normally he wouldn't smile at the thought but after the outfit, Zee's loving kiss that made him weak at the knees, then that bastard of a boss on his case trying to blame him for shit he had no fault in, Nunew couldn't help but want a bit of payback. That arsehole wanted him to sing which was great since it was his forte. And the fact Zee loved seeing him perform made it better. Not to mention Nunew secretly wrote lyrics to a new song during his heat when he was sane enough and Zee was asleep. He didn't know what to call it until today, but he was sure everyone will love it. Looking into the bathroom mirror one more time Nunew picks up the hairspray again to set his hair into a messy 'I've just been fucked' style before walking out. It will drive Zee insane. Sneaking up to Jay at the side of the stage, making sure Zee and no one else sees him Nunew whispered to Jay "Jay are they all seated and watching?"

"Yeah, but Nu, this look and song is completely different to what you've done before. You've only sung one sexy song before now you sing this one?" Jay asks concerned and confused. Never before has Nunew been interested in singing some of his more flirtatious songs.

"It will bring in way more customers. Besides, a certain alpha needs to be punished." Nunew whispers before smirking. If Zee thought Nunews performance was bad before then he was going to get the shock of his life now.

The lights dimmed on stage as the first act walked off then gawked at how Nunew was dressed. Apart from his hair he decided to put a smoky eyeliner on and tinted red lip balm. As for clothes he made sure to crinkle up one of Zees shirts that he nicked before he left the apartment. It was way to big for him. The shirt itself went down to Nunews mid thighs covering the short black shorts he wore underneath. Leaving the top four buttons undone he let the shirt slide down one of his shoulders slightly, while he decided to go bare foot on stage. Nunew really wanted to give the impression that he had just had a rendezvous with Zee. Smiling sweetly Nunew climbed up the steps and walked to the centre of the stage while swinging his hips. The sigh from Jay and 'damn' from one of the band members confirmed to Nunew that he did well.

The upbeat but slow and sensual music started to play. Let the games begin, Nunew thought while looking over to his desired table. The lights rose as he started singing and he couldn't help by smirk slightly at the sight of many Alphas eyes going wide or coughing. Yeah, I know I look good Nunew thought.

"My throat is dry, come pour some more, some more" Nunew sang as he motioned with his hand like he was holding something and taking a drink while tilting his head back. If he deliberately made it look like he was holding something else, well that was their own interpretation.

"All this tension that we can't control
Got me catching feelings on my dance floor
Ooh, damn, I'm hoping that we take it home
Got me catching feelings on the dance floor

Nunew moved swaying his hips while in a circle while raising his hands and swinging them in a circle above his head. He knew doing it would raise the shirt higher and tease the audience. Tease Zee. Glancing briefly towards the table he saw Zee holding thin air while staring wide eyed at Nunew with his mouth hanging open. Max was laughing as Fae was cleaning up the wet table. Smirking Nunew took the mic from the stand before walking forwards and jumping so his bum was sitting on the stage with his legs dangling over the edge.

"Ain't gonna lie, you got me open wide" Nunew sang as he split his legs wide open gaining several whistles and cheers. The scraping of a chair in the distance in the area where Zee was sitting Nunew pretended not to hear. My plan is succeeding nicely, Nunew thought. "The way you move is setting me on fire" a sudden burst of summer tress and sea floated to Nunews nose with an exotic undertone. Zee was suffering from the performance. Good. Nunew got up and slowly moved through the crowd towards the table Zee was at while singing the chorus before the next verse. Looking directly at Zee eyes Nunew winked. Zee gulped as he was standing still.

"So forget this distance, come and pull me tight
Can you feel this tension? We could go all night
We could get it started, make it radiant
I'm gonna call you daddy when you make me sweat

Nunew sang as he stood in front of Zee, putting his hand on Zees chest before digging his nails in. Zee's eyes were blown wide, with his cheeks tinted pink along with his ears and was breathing heavy. The exotic notes entwined in his scent was strong and heady. Zee was definitely turned on by Nunews performance. A small voice in the back of Nunews head warned Nunew that he might not be walking properly tomorrow but since it was a day off for him, he didn't really mind. Pushing Zee backdown onto his seat Nunew climbed onto Zees lap, one leg on each side facing him and started to dance to the bridge and roll his hips to the final chorus before stopping when the song finished.

Zee and Nunew just stared at each other for several seconds, never breaking eye or body contact while ignoring the cheers, whistles and 'what the fuck was that' or 'lucky bastard' from observers. Zee had grabbed Nunews hips at one point and held them tightly. Unfortunately, 'little Zee' hadn't listened to him or Fae. If Nunew had got up everyone who hadn't already seen what Zee had to offer would see. In a low rumbling voice Zee murmured to Nunew "You are a bad boy. This isn't a punishment. Its torture."

Nunew smirked before air blowing a kiss. "Punishment isn't supposed to be nice babe. That is unless its consensual and in the bedroom."

"Then I guess its my turn in the bedroom." Zee grins as he taps Nunews backside making him jump and involuntary rock against Zee. Zee bites the inside of his mouth and Nunew bites his lip when both feel the friction. The feel of Zee's dick between his butt cheeks made Nunew want to squirm as he started to feel heated himself.

"So, er what do you think of the performance P'Aof? He doesn't normally sing this type of song, but it was good right? The audience certainly thinks so." Fae speaks drawing attention away from Zee and Nunew so they can have their moment.

"The audience wishes they were Zee Fae." Max said looking towards her.

"He's got a unique voice. What other songs does he sing if this isn't the usual?" P'Aof says as he points to a Nunew who is blushing while looking at Zee and having his arms wrapped around Zees neck.

"Beautiful." Zee says loud enough so the table could hear.

"Who? What? Nunew?" Max says looking at Zee.

"Both." Zee says as he leans up to kiss Nunew not realising his hood slides off his head exposing his true identity to the audience.

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