Chapter 13

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It wasn't until the following Tuesday did Nunew get a message from Zee Pruk. Well excluding the response, he got on the Saturday night when he got home and messaged him saying he got back safely. The 'thank you. I hope you sleep with good dreams Nunew' had made him blush at the time. Zee Pruk managed to make him feel warm without even being in front of him. He happened to be on the way to Nat's café when his phone buzzed with a message. 'Morning Nu. Can I call you Nu? I'm sorry I hadn't messaged. Work has been incredibly busy more than usual. I finally got sometime to myself until this evening. Can I come and see you?'

Nunew smiled at the message. How strange that an Alpha would explain why he didn't contact a random Omega. Could he still call himself a random Omega? Probably not now. He had noticed since the conversation with Zee Pruk his Omega instinct had been excited and playful. It drove him nuts. But he couldn't help but want to go and buy some more clothes that would be considered more 'omega style'. He wouldn't dream of wearing them at night but the idea of accidently bumping into Zee Pruk as he was working again while Nunew was dressed more as an Omega made him feel all fluttery. Texting back a quick 'Good morning' and 'yes' to the question Nunew put his mobile into his pocket of his fluffy cardigan.

Nat had noticed on Monday when Nunew went to work that his style had started to change in the day. It was only slight, but it was there. Nat also had known the reason since Sunday when a very submissive and guilty sounding Beta phoned him explaining what happened the night before. Nunew seems to like not listening to warnings. However, when he was told that even though Nunew teased the Alpha he hadn't done anything but instead looked nervous around Nunew. How incredibly...odd? It calmed his nerves only slightly though to know that at least in public maybe the Dominant Alpha wouldn't attack his friend. His curiosity though had started to grow. Never in his life did he hear about a Dominant Alpha act like this one.

"I'm sorry." Nunew heard as he felt a pain in his foot while waiting for the traffic light to change to green for pedestrians. Looking to the side he saw a small male Omega smiling guiltily while holding on to a pram with a small baby inside. The Omega himself looked tired while walking. The baby, well, Nunew wanted to coo.

"It's ok. How old is your baby?" Nunew said smiling comfortingly back.

"Oh he's only 5 days old." The Omega says while smiling warmly. Normally Omegas glowed after birth, but he didn't. Besides, as a male Omega he should not be walking far or doing too much after birth. He's body was trying to return to normal. Births for male Omegas were way more painful and dangerous than their female counterparts.

"It's not my place to ask but are you okay?" Nunew asks in a worried tone. Something in his gut told him something was wrong. His Omega instinct had gone from overjoyed to wary very quickly. The Omega didn't say anything just a pleading side glance. Ah maybe my foot being run over wasn't an accident. While Omegas didn't usually look after each other unless they wanted too it was different for male Omegas. Already being rare because they were Omegas, they were more so thanks to their sex. Unfortunately, because their sex they were ostracised by other Omegas too. Therefore, they decided to look out for each other instead. It was like an unspoken rule.

"There's an Omega friendly café nearby. Why not buy me a drink as an apology?" Nunew says making up the excuse so naturally. Smiling the Omega nods his head and follows Nunew when the light changes.

Opening the door to Nat's café the scent of fresh chocolate cake hit both Omegas. The male Omegas stomach rumbled in response. Blushing the omega looked towards Nunew in embarrassment. Nunew just smiled in response. He knew just how much Nat's cakes could lure someone into eating them whole. Gesturing to a table in the corner away from the window but close to the counter, Nunew then walked up to Nat. By the look of Nunews face Nat knew the male Omega was possibly in danger. "I'll go and talk to him. Go and get ready for your shift." Nat says patting the worried Omega on the shoulder. Nunew just nodded and walked to the back to put on his apron. By the time he had come back Nat had somehow worked his magic and was holding the new-born while comforting the crying Omega opposite him.

It was about 12:35pm when the door to the café opened and the familial scent he loved waft in followed by that same strong coffee and honey scent. Looking up from restocking the dessert counter Nunew wanted to laugh. There stood the famous Dominant Alpha dressed in designer clothes wearing a common cap covering his eyes, and a mask covering his face. The man behind him dressed the same. Nodding in acknowledgment he then nodded his head in the direction of an empty table with a smile.

Smiling back Zee Pruk went to sit at the table when a sudden harsh warning growl rumbled loud in the café causing Zee Pruk and the other Dominant Alpha stop in their tracks. Turning towards that noise Nunew sees Nat being controlled by his True Omega instinct. Nat's eyes were pure gold with a piercing gaze that made Nunew want to tremble while his mouth was turned into a clenched scowl with his teeth gritted. His body was also in a warning position to the Alphas.

Nunew went to stand between Nat and Zee Pruk when he realised the Alpha behind Zee Pruk step forward with his hands up as a sign, he meant no harm. A growl erupted from Nat but unlike Nunew thought he didn't rush the Alpha. "Hey now Omega. You don't need to be afraid of me. I won't hurt you. You know I won't hurt you. Calm down pretty. Calm down. See I haven't harmed you." The black-haired Alpha said lowly and calmly as he walked towards Nat before standing right in front of the True Omega. The size difference made it so the True Omega had to look up at him. Glancing towards Zee Pruk that was still standing still with his hands up he decided the best thing to do for himself was to go to Zee Pruk. He loved Nat but he did not want to go up against him. He felt like the safest place was to be at Zee Pruks side. Maybe it was because Zee Pruk already protected him once.

"Zee Pr- I mean Kilen. Are you okay?" Nunew asks going to reach out and grab one of the big Alphas biceps.

"I'm okay. So this is the True Omega you were talking about. He's very protective of everyone. Cute too." Zee murmurs. Nunew couldn't help but frown over the last thing Zee Pruk said. Nat was cute? Does Zee Pruk like Nat more? Nunew couldn't help but wonder while frowning. Noticing the frown Zee Pruk couldn't help but tease in return "I mean from what I know of True Omegas they don't look as pretty as him." Leaning down when Nunews frown gets worse and is lost in his thoughts Zee Pruk breathes into Nunews ear and whispers "But you're the cutest and sexiest Omega ever." Before losing to his instincts and giving a quick nip to Nunews ear. As he stood back up, he got the joyful view of a beet-red Omega pressing his lips inwards while looking down and touching the ear that got Zee Pruks attention. Zee Pruk was originally going to apologise for overstepping, but Nunews reaction made him pause that thought. The Omega was truly a wonder. One minute he's a sexy tease, full of confidence and the next minute he's the most cute and embarrassed cat his ever seen.

"Liiike?" Zee says while looking the Omega in the eye with one eyebrow raised. The Omega gulped looking at Zee Pruk. This wasn't part of his plan after agreeing to meet up when Zee Pruk is free. He and his Omega instincts both agree they can't deny the fact that they did like it. A lot. But Nunew was never one to let an Alpha get the upper hand. Looking around the café making sure that the customers were more concerned on the Dominant Alpha calming the protective True Omega? Wait what, Nunew raised an eyebrow thinking. He turns back to the Dominant Alpha in front of him and quickly pulls the Alphas head down by his collar until Nunew could easily stand on his tiptoes and bite the Alphas lower lip. Pulling away and seeing the wide eyes of the unexpecting Alpha Nunew murmurs "I told you. This Omega bites." Before smiling and turning around only to walk over to a table and pat it to indicate Zee Pruk and his friend should sit there.

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