Chapter 10

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Zee Pruk is Zee Pruk? Zee Pruk is the owner to the scent of trees in the summer and sea. Those were the thoughts constantly going around Nunews head as he sat wide eyed in Nats closed café. Never in his wildest dreams did he believe that Zee Pruk was Zee Pruk Panich. He thought they just had the same name! Groaning Nunew gently bangs his head against the table. He would do it harder, but Nat would go mental. Again. As it is Nat just sat across the table to him staring with a mug of tea in hand. It wasn't often he had tea, but this situation felt like it was needed. Nat didn't know how to really act in the situation. Was he to cuddle him? Pat him? Ask what's wrong? Leave him alone? So instead, he decided to just wait and make sure Nunew won't seriously hurt himself. He isn't surprised in the slightest though at Nunews response. The actor and model Nunew fantasised about so happened to be the Alpha who produced the scent that damn well covered the Omega. What had happened when he hadn't been around Jay?

"Naaaaaaaaaaaat promise me you won't kill me if I talk to you about this?" Nunew lifts his head up slightly and puppy eyes Nat through his thick eyelashes. Nat like all Omegas had a soft spot for cute things so he hoped to the heavens Nat would promise he won't go mad. Nat has never gone back on a promise. Ever. Looking at Nat pleadingly he saw Nat sigh before scooting forward with his chair before nodding and saying "Ok. I promise I won't kill you."

"Something happened last night a...and this urm morning." Nunews shifts slightly in unease and sits back up straight before lacing his fingers together and settling them in his lap. He couldn't bring himself to look at Nat in the eye when he was about to spill his most embarrassing moments. "So erm you remember that scent of the Alpha you smelt yesterday morning?"

"Yes." Nat's calm tone rang in the emptiness.

"So that scent belonged to Zee Pruk but I didn't know it was him till just a few minutes ago. And urm earlier wasn't the first time I met him in person. Last night I met him in person for the first time at Jays bar. Well technically outside Jays bar." Nunew says his voice rising in pitch slightly at the end. I'm going to kill him Nat thought when Nunews words hit his ears and he found out Nunew met Zee Pruk at the bar. Your so dead Jay. So dead.

"You ok Nat? your eyes just went Omega." Nunews voice cut through Nat's various creative ways to kill Jay. What part of keep Nunew safe was so hard to understand for the Beta? Shaking his head Nat gave a small, comforting smile and said "Yes, I'm fine don't worry. So, explain to me how you two met and what happened. Cause Nu I didn't want to say this, but you smell of Zee Pruk."

"Its not what you think I swear on my voice. After Jay said I couldn't sing I sort of ran out of the bar and straight into Zee Pruk. I was cryi-" Nunew got cut off.

"Who made you cry? Was it Zee Pruk? Who was it?" Nat interrupted. If he wasn't already fuming at Jay for letting Nunew and Zee Pruk meet was going to end up in prison if it is Zee Pruk. The court of law and public opinion always sided with the Alphas. Rarely did it side with Betas in court and definitely never Omegas. Especially when it came to Alphas. Its why the crime rate for rape, abuse, kidnapping etc is so low when it comes to Omegas and Alphas. If it goes to trial, the Omega is blamed, and the Alpha gets off scot-free. So many Omegas just decide not to report, because there is no point. Justice won't be given.

"Jay. He banned me from singing. A...anyway I wasn't doing to good mentally so Zee Pruk decided to calm me down and then take me to a nearby hotel. He didn't touch me I swear. I thought he would but he didn't. He just told me that he paid for the room, and I should stay the night then upped and left. He gave me his name after I asked but I never thought Zee Pruk would be thee Zee Pruk Panich. I just thought their names were the same." Nunew spewed out quickly enough that Nat could barely keep up. He didn't want to tell Nat really, but he was just so confused that he needed someone on the same page as him that he can talk to. Nat on the other hand was completely confused. Zee Pruk had the prime opportunity to attack Nunew. He wasn't a True Omega so he was weaker anyways and even more so in the state he was in. So why didn't he attack? Nat thought.

"Until an hour ago when you found out yes?"

"Yeah." Nunew sighs, looking out the window again. He was so confused and shocked. Nothing made sense.

"And there's more you want to tell me."

"Yeah. When I woke up this morning in the hotel room the air still smelt of him. Everywhere did. The bedroom, the bathroom too. I couldn't escape. Then when I was getting undressed into the shower his scent got stronger as I was washing and urm I urm weeeeell..." Nunew trailed off blushing as red as a tomato. He wasn't planning on telling Nat that part. It wasn't like Nat didn't know what he did but telling Nat he had lost control of himself outside heat due to a scent was so embarrassing.

"I get the picture Nu. I wasn't going to tell you this but since the proverbial shit has well and truly hit the fan I might as well. Nu, do you know why his scent and pheromones are so strong? Do you know why you acted the way you did?"

"Act the way I did? Because he's hot? His scent is amazing. I don't understand."

"Nu, you know that within the sub-gender Omega there's the rare True Omegas like me? Well, the Omega class isn't the only class that has a rare type of sub-class. The Alphas have it too. Their rare sub-class are called Dominant Alphas. Think of them as the Alpha equivalent of me. They're the Alphas of the Alphas so to speak. Normally the only people who can go toe-to-toe with them is my kind or other Dominant Alphas. Its why us True Omegas tend to mate with them. We can withstand them. Zee Pruk Panich is not a regular Alpha Nu. He's a Dominant Alpha. Its why his scent is so strong. Why his pheromones work so easily on you. Why his scent is still bloody lingering on to you this long still." Nat says looking softly at Nunew to make sure he didn't overwhelm Nunew anymore than necessary. Only True Omegas and Dominant Alphas get told in detail about each other. Everyone else just gets a rough understanding. But seriously, that bloody scent is driving him nuts. Not because he was affected by it but because it was rapped round his friend like a snake that wouldn't let go.

"A Dominant Alpha? Are you sure? He was so well behaved. Is that the right word? I don't know. I didn't feel like he was lying. Apart from feeling scared first off, I ended up trusting his words. He was kind but he felt sad too." Nunew mused. He had a detailed and first hand understanding of Alphas and a roughly taught understanding of Dominant Alphas. Since 90% of normal Alphas are shit, he didn't even question the idea that all Dominant Alphas are shit too. But Zee Pruk, he was gentle? Kind. He didn't take advantage of me Nunew thought. It was so strange. He was so strange. Who pays for a strangers room let alone an Omegas.

"Nu, I'm a True Omega. Trust me I can sense those pain in my arses a mile away. Though a god damn screen even. He's a Dominant Alpha. Just, just be careful and please for my sanity stay away from him or at least keep your guard up if you can't." Nat pleads. He didn't want to tell Nunew though one thing. If you catch a Dominant Alphas attention in a certain way no matter what you do that Alpha will not backdown unless forced. Dominant Alphas aren't used to the word 'no'. However, 'no' is one of his and Nunew's favourite words to Alphas. Along with the words 'fuck' and 'off'. Which reminds me I need a word with Jay if Nu is going to sing tonight Nat thought while grinning. Nunew knew that look. Jay was fucked.

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