Chapter 3

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That alarm is dead Nunew thought slapping his hand all over his bedside table before he found his alarm and throwing it. Opening his eyes on a groan he looked at the remnants of a clock scattered on the floor and the new dent in his wardrobe door opposite his bed. Even though he got home around 12:30am thanks to the dreamy scent he smelled at the club every time he tried to sleep his mind would remind him of it until he could smell it all over again. By the time he did manage to go to sleep it was already 2am and he had to be awake and out the door by 8am.

Stumbling out of his cosy, warm bed he pulled down his pyjama top and stumbled out of his bedroom and into the open plan kitchen and lounge. The flat wasn't that big and was old but the rent was cheap enough to make him want to buy the place. As long as he didn't think about his neighbours or the crime rate in this area it was quite a good place. He still had to work two jobs though to afford the rent. Omegas were lucky if they were paid the legal minimum wage for their job; and that's if they can even get a decent job that didn't include grey area jobs. Sipping on the hot tea with tonnes of sugar in he made his way towards the bathroom to shower so he could get dressed and ready to work in his best friends café.

He was lucky that he could work in two places where he was treated equally and was owned by those he considered friends. On the nights he singed he did it at his friends bar while his friend helped hide the fact he is an Omega. Which after 10pm its illegal for Omegas to be out anyways. During the day he worked in his best friends café. His best friend, Nat, was also an Omega however he is a rare True Omega. And a male one at that which is even rarer. Normally that would mean he would hide or be wrapped up in cotton wool but thanks to his parents support financially and Nunew's father teaching them self defence he could afford to open a place omega friendly where the lucky staff would get paid higher than the minimum wage. There was a place where they didn't have to compete with Alphas to get a job.

Turning on the shower, warm water fell onto the waiting slim but curvy body. Thanks to his Omega genes Nunew looked softer and curvier than a regular male. He used to grow up wishing that instead of having soft skin, curves, doe eyes and plush lips he could be more manly like one of the actors or models he saw on TV. Someone like the actor Zee Pruk Panich. Even though Zee was 9 years older than him he had admired and looked up to him for years. Zee's body was what he had dreamed of being when he was a young teenager– all sexy, hard edges and muscle along with a face that screamed he was blessed by the heavens. However, as Nunew grew into an older teenager that wish slowly turned from desiring to be like that to wanting that. He still admired Zee like no tomorrow but instead in his later teen years he started to dream of having him. Especially in his heats. Especially naked and covered in sweat while in him. It was intoxicating and it was painful to know it would be just a dream but he learnt to deal with the disappointment. Those thoughts though helped him accept his body. He might not be the most masculine man around, but he could try to be enticing. If the heavens decided to take mercy on him and reward him for fighting through all the shit thrown his way as an omega then maybe, just maybe, he could spend one of his heats with an Alpha as hot as Zee Pruk. Alas, he's current 'helper's' for his heats was birth control and toys he's had for years.

He was lucky Nat's heat didn't coincide with his. Nat was the only person who was allowed into his apartment during his heat. As an Omega he wouldn't react like a Beta or Alpha when confronted with an Omega in heat. Nor does Nunew want to jump his bones when hes in heat. It's the reason he could come in and cook food for him and Nunew vice versa.

Thinking of Zee his imagination tried to take over within the steam but he knew he couldn't let it happen. Nat was waiting for him. Getting out of the shower after washing his hair and body he grabbed the towel to dry his hair and body before getting dressed then returning to the kitchen to make a fast breakfast before leaving.

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