Chapter 32

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Authors Word: Hi everyone! Sorry for not getting chapters out on time. As I posted, I have been unwell for a week and a bit so my writing has been slowed down. I'm sorry for the wait, even though it is a short chapter this time. Thank you for the continued support of 'This Omega Bites' it's much appreciated and I don't take it for granted. Anyway, Enjoy!


When Zee had planned on quickly and somewhat quietly escaping out his apartment building with Nunew and into Fae's waiting car to go to Chiang Rai, they all seemed to forget one teeny tiny thing- the drive to Chiang Rai would be over 11 hours. It was only after he noticed Nunew go to sleep did he realise the predicament he was in. He couldn't go back to Bangkok and grab him and Nunew a flight. He couldn't go to any airport outside Bangkok either in case fans and paparazzi swarm him and Nunew. But he also couldn't sit driving for over 11 hours straight. Especially at night with not all the roads lit. At most he could wait for a service station stop off the motorway to rest for a little while at a halfway mark. No, too much of a chance to be seen Zee thought while sighing before briefly looking at the peacefully sleeping Omega next to him and smiling. I must think of somewhere else for Nu's sake at least.

Turning over the thought of where to go in his head as he drove, he kept going back to the idea of a city. Cities are big enough that, given the right clothes, you could become almost invisible. Towns and villages would be too small, and they'd definitely be recognised by their generation and younger. The question then became what city would be big enough that no one would bother them or could see them as tourists?

"Where would be a good city in the North to stop at for a break?" Zee muttered to himself not realising a sleepy Nunew had woken-up and turned to look at him.

"Chiang Mai." A husky with sleep, mumble floated in the air towards Zees ears. Eyes widening Zee briefly looked towards Nunew before focusing back on the road. Why didn't he realise it? Chiang Mai was closer to Bangkok than Chiang Rai and was a big enough city to become 'invisible' even if it would only be for a few hours and just to have a rest and sleep in a hotel. With destination settled Zee nodded his head before focusing on the most important situation.

"Did I wake you darling? I'm sorry."

"No, no. Its not comfortable to sleep properly in a car so I woke up. Why are we stopping for a break?" Nunew asked while straightening up in his seat as one hand went and rubbed his eye before he yawned. Zee looked at Nunew again smiled at the cute action. Reaching over with one hand he ruffled Nunews bed hair.

"Its over 11 hours to reach Chiang Rai by driving. Sure, if I continued to drive without a break, we could make it at my home at around 11:40am. It's not like I haven't done all-nighter's before but I'd prefer you to be safe when I'm driving. Hence why I was thinking of stopping." Zee said as he continued to focus and drive along the motorway, putting his foot down a little bit more to increase his speed.

"I can drive." Nunew said looking at Zee. While it was true Nunew didn't have a car of his own and nor did Nat, they were taught how to drive by their own parents. Nunew guessed Nat's parents had similar trouble as his in finding someone who actually wanted to teach an Omega and pass them on the tests. Nunew remembers hearing his dad growl on the phone again and again as his mother just sighed and a resigned look on her face. Every time his dad phoned the driving instructors it was always the same response – 'no'. Nunew got so frustrated with the constant let downs that he asked his father to stop. His dad did stop but it was his Omega mother that started ringing instead. He didn't know how she managed to do it, but he got driving lessons suddenly. Both him, his parents and his siblings were happy for him to finally get lessons. That was until his driving instructor started to make inappropriate moves towards him in the car. Each time he would pick up the hand stroking his thigh and put it back in the instructors lap. He would get told off constantly for not having both hands on the wheel, but he wasn't going to let some creep touch him.

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