Chapter 15

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How is your day going?

Zee: Long. Tired. Just had to retake an action scene😴

You work too hard. Please take rest Zee😢

Are you coming to the bar?

I'm singing tonight

Zee: Probably not. The shoot might go into overtime

I want to hear you sing tho😖

Wait it's not another song like last time? Right?


Zee. Nu...


Zee: ...Nu


Putting his mobile next to himself on the sofa Nunew just sighed and lent his head back onto the head rest. He really wanted to see the Dominant Alpha since the incident at the café and after he realised how much Zee meant to him but afterwards Zee's schedule went into meltdown. He was inundated with more interviews than normal all thanks to a 'mystery Alpha' who contacted media networks reporting on the incident at Nat's café. Not to mention a fan of his who recognised his voice was in the café and filmed the whole thing. Finding out that the whole incident was leaked made Nunews stomach drop, and Nat was fuming. Whenever he went out to buy new products or help the delivery drivers with stuff he would be swarmed with questions. Eventually on video Nat snapped and told the reporters to piss off. Not his finest moment on tv but Nunew couldn't help but agree with Nat. Nunew was messaged by both Zee, Max (how the hell Max got his number he didn't know. Probably from Zee) and Nat to lay-low. Everyone was after the 'mystery Omega in distress' that Zee saved. When it got onto social media the whole incident skyrocketed with videos of him in the shopping mall reappearing. Nunew was so embarrassed. As such Nunew took an involuntary leave from Nat's café. All other staff members were there helping to repair and redecorate the café except Nunew. He was so bored. He couldn't wait till tonight when he could sing. He passed the days by either singing, cooking or writing new songs.

Only problem was those new songs as the days went by started to sound different. He hated how they sounded as they felt more romantic. Its all your fault. Nunew blamed his Omega instincts. Problem with too much time on his hands was his mind started to wonder. Wonder to a particular Alpha. He would end up giving into the insistent need for contact and message Zee out of nowhere just hoping he didn't sound too needy. But to his surprise Zee would instantly text back when he could and didn't mind. He had started chatting more to him then to Jay or his family. Nunew couldn't help either but notice he was spending more time looking at his wardrobe and wondering why there wasn't any 'softer' colours or textures. It drove him nuts, but he had reminded himself that his heat was really close so that's all it was. Wait when was it again?

Sighing again he decided to start making lunch before trying to work out when his heat was and what to wear for tonight. Not to mention who he could go to so he could sneak out. Ellie was still livid at him for what happened last time, so she was definitely out of the question. Maybe Pharm? He was on the 3rd floor though, and 'staying' with other male Omegas tends to make the wardens look there. Shit. Ah things aren't going properly anymore since I met you, Zee. Finishing making a simple sandwich since that's all he can afford to make he grabs his calendar on the wall and takes it to the sofa so he can read it. He really should be up on when his heat is otherwise terrible things could happen. The image of the woman in the street coming back as well as a teenage-hood memory.

It was when he was in his first year of high school. He had only been 12 years old and was sulking about being a male Omega. He wanted to hide it from everyone but since he had no choice but to wear a school uniform that was in the colour of an Omega, he had no choice but to put on a smile and take every insult or unwanted suggestion that came his way and brush it off. He had yet to have his first heat and some in his year had started going into there's. He was so confused on why he hadn't had his heat. But at the same time, he was worried as to what it would feel like to only think about breeding and mating for a week. Omegas were highly fertile during heats. He was asked to pick up some handouts from the main library that the teacher forgot to pick up when he first smelled the scent and heard the growls and whimpers. He was outside carrying back the papers when the sickly-sweet smell of heat made him stop in his tracks. Worried about what was happening he had wondered off around the art building towards the back courtyard that was rarely used. There had been an Omega from his class forced into submission by three other Alphas he recognised as in older years to him. She was a nice student who always treated him as a friend even though other female Omegas would talk shit about him. Dropping the papers on the ground Nunew turned back and ran to the safety of the Omega school building. There no Alpha could go into. As he ran, he heard shouts of 'Nu run' and 'Omega' from behind. He didn't bother to look back in case he tripped. When he finally got into the Omega building Nunew broke down into hysterics and crying uncontrollably in the hallway. A teacher had run out of the classroom and dragged him to the medical office where he was checked over. He didn't want to talk or speak but a gentle pat and the most soothing scent he'd ever smelled made him stop and turn. It was then he met Nat. "It's okay Omega. Your safe but you need to tell us what's wrong. We're all worried for you." Nat says before hugging Nunew tightly. Crying his heart out he whimpered out between sobs and sniffles what he had seen. Nat and the staff present had gone pale. If Nunew remembered correctly Nat was even sick. After Nunew reported it and the school authorities did nothing was done. The Alphas were moved schools but that kind-hearted, pregnant Omega at just the age of 12 was blamed. It was her fault. She should have known her heat was coming even if it was her first heat, and no one knows when it will hit. That was the day Nunew knew that only he can protect himself.

That was the day he asked his dad for more in-depth defence lessons. And the day when his dad brought him his first Omega collar. A device to protect an Omega from an unwanted mate. They're extremely expensive to buy so the fact his dad got him one at all Nunew wept at. His dad simply patted his head as he put it on with the words 'No one will mate with my son without mine and his say so.'

Shaking off the memory he'd rather lay forever hidden, Nunew comes back to the present. There, in a big red circle, was the date of his heat and it was on a day he did not want- Saturday. He'll have to explain to Jay tonight that starting Saturday he won't be able to work for a week. He'd have to explain to Zee too in case he comes to the bar looking for him. No wait. Why does he have to tell Zee something personal? Nat already knows and keeps track of his heats better than Nunew does anyway. Putting down the calendar he picks up his sandwich and starts eating before deciding he should also pick some new songs.

As always, the bar was packed when Nunew entered. It took a little longer than normal to reach Jay's bar since Nunew had a surprise visit from the Wardens. Luckily enough he had just got out the shower and put some jogging bottoms on to run to the flats door before it got knocked down from the force of the banging. Being stared at like a piece of meat when he opened the door pissed him right off and he wanted to punch the officer. But that would be a criminal offence that he didn't want to deal with, so he simply smiled and said "Warden. Can I help you?" before being snorted at and told to stay in his flat. Nodding and saying, "Yes sir of course sir." Nunew shut and locked his flat door before turning around and going back to his bedroom to finish packing the bag that would hold his night-time clothes, cap, shoes and drumsticks.

On his way walking up to the stage where Jay was standing, Nunew couldn't help but turn his head towards where Zee was last time. "He's not here today." Jays voice shouted over the loud music.

"I have eyes Jay. I can see that." Nunew says finishing walking up to Jay.

"You seem a little upset about that fact. Is that why you're late?" Jay teases and smirks. Nunew wanted to punch that smirk off his face. He didn't know why but the real fact that Zee wasn't watching his performance even though he said he loved seeing Nunew perform pissed Nunew off.

"Wardens Jay. Had them knocking at my door is all. I've got to play good Omega for an hour before begging the owner to let me 'stay' with them tonight." Nunew says. Its true. He learnt fast that the authorities will stay an hour or so after the initial visit to catch you out. When Nunew had first started breaking curfew he nearly got caught a few times. First, he made the excuse that he had knocked something out his window and had come out to retrieve it. The Wardens believed him and warned him not to do it again and wait till daybreak. Nodding his head so fast and much that he nearly gave himself whiplash he returned to his room and waited. "Oh, also starting Saturday I won't be here. The usual reason." Nunew whispers. Nodding his head Jay makes the 'okay' hand-sign before nodding his head towards the stage. Let the show begin, Nunew thought.

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