Chapter 28

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It was so quick Nunew didn't know what was happening. One minute he was lost in his Hia's voice and next minute he was having people squealing and screaming towards him while he was being dragged out by Fae quickly. He didn't even know where Zee and Max were. Were they still in the bar? His head was so confused that he just followed Fae's lead. Well, he didn't really have a choice what with Fae gripping his wrist so tight a bruise might be left. Nunew shook his head again trying to get some sense of alertness as he looked around and found himself being dragged to a black Audi as it blinked showing it was being unlocked.

"Get in the passenger side Nunew. We don't have much time before the Paps arrive en masse." Fae said throwing Nunew towards the passenger side while she climbed in the drivers.

"What the hell is happening? Where's Zee?" Nunew spoke loudly in a panicked tone as he climbed into the car. Without answering Fae simply made sure Nunew was strapped in before she started the engine and made a U-turn towards the upper side of the city and stamped her foot on the peddle. The silence was deafening to Nunew and as every second went by his thoughts and worry about Zee got worse. Where was Zee? In the end the silence got so bad that not just 5 minutes later did Nunew snap.

"For fuck sake Fae! What is happening? Tell Me. Where is Zee? Is he okay?" Nunew says turning to look at Fae closely while he let his eyes turn to a cat gold. He didn't care. The Alpha, the man he loved and decided to open his heart to was missing in a sea of chaos that he didn't understand and the one person who could help him was letting him drown in confusion.

"You honestly don't know what's happening? It doesn't take a degree Nunew. You're dating a well-known celebrity who is still the paparazzi's favourite target after the fallout that surrounded him with Saint. Then just as it was settling you and that café came into the picture and enflamed the fire again. Nunew the Paps want to know who you are. Zee and Max are being a decoy." Fae said loudly before slamming a hand on the steering wheel before swerving around traffic to quickly for Nunews liking.

"It's my fault?" Nunew murmurs looking at Fae. The realisation of that thought hitting him like a tonne of bricks. All this trouble and attention was because of him. Because of his existence. Because he is an Omega.

"Because Omega's only and always cause chaos wherever they go." Nunew muttered quietly looking down as tears came to his eyes. He never wanted to cause trouble to anyone let alone Zee. But he did. It was his fault that him and Zee met. It was his fault that Zee came to the bar. It was his fault that him and Zee got together. And it was his fault that Zee came to the bar today. Afterall he is an Omega.

"Don't think that at all Nunew. Omega's don't always cause trouble. I didn't mean it that way. I'm just frustrated and worried too." Fae sighs then speaks in a strained voice. Nunew looks up as tears finally fall from his eyes and looks towards Fae. Looking at Nunew from the corner of her eyes, Fae sighs again before reaching her hand over and patting Nunews head as she concentrated on the road.

"It's not my fault?"

"It's not your fault Nunew. You didn't plan for this to happen. I know. It's just frustrating to see this all happen again." Fae says as she continues to stroke Nunews head. The last time this happened Zee ended up nearly being beheaded by the media and enraged fans. That bastard put Zee through hell. I will not allow him to go through that again, Fae thought.

"And Zee? Where is my Alpha?" Nunew murmured then sniffed trying to collect himself. He had no idea why he was so emotional. Was he going into shock?

"Zee will be fine Nunew as long as you're okay. If you're okay, he is okay. As I said before, him and Max are probably distracting the paparazzi. Once they lose the vultures they will come and meet back up with us. Then we'll do damage control." Fae said as she turned and skidded round a corner in what Nunew could only describe as her trying moves out of the Fast and Furious movies. I'm gonna die. The brief thought passed through Nunews head as he held onto his seatbelt for dear life and squeezed his eyes shut. Trying to breathe and take his mind off of Fae's crazy driving Nunew manages to gasp out "Where are we actually heading?"

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