Chapter 33

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"ee...Zee...Zee is this the place? Zee!" Nunews voice floated through the fogginess of sleep that had consumed Zee. Groaning, Zee opened his eyes and blinked a couple of times before squinting from the sunlight. Sitting up Zee, looked towards his doey eyed cat that seemed to glow with the sunlight and just take the view in. Zee didn't realise that his staring had started to make Nunew feel all hot and blush at its intensity. Trying not to smile to widely, Nunew turned back to looking out the window screen as his cheeks reddened again. "Darling? Is this the place? Its full of trees." Zee turned his gaze towards the window screen and nodded before saying a yes and yawning. "Zee the gate is closed?"

"Its an automatic recognition system. The camera will recognise Fae's car and open for us. It was insisted to me that these gates must be put in in case any paparazzi or worse- obsessive fans tried to get in here easily. Just drive through." Zee said as he watched Nunew start to manoeuvre the car towards the front gates that opened upon recognising the car like Zee said. Before he became famous it was just normal iron gates that blocked his long driveway that leaded up to the red house that was left to him. His parents still looked after the place and stayed here time to time, but they preferred to live in a smaller house now it was just them two and no children. Zee had at the time the house was given to him pleaded that there was no need for them to give him the house or move but they insisted they will and that the house is a 'nice family house with plenty of room for an Omega to raise their children while husband is off acting somewhere'. At the time Zee scoffed at the idea. Most Omegas he knew wouldn't move to the countryside and see this home tucked away in the forest of trees his father planted as a place where they would want to rest let alone stay and live. Shortly after Zee had met Saint and the belief that no Omega he met would want to visit this place held true.

"Is there a story on why there's a red house hidden by trees here?" Nunew giggled and smiled as he drove up to the front of the home. It felt like he was a child again discovering a new place hidden away that he could call his.

"You don't like it?" Zee said shaking his head. He tried to bring a small smile to his face as he shook his head but it looked more pained than he hopped it would be. Seems like a part of me hoped Nunew liked it, Zee thought.

"I love it. The colour? I don't mind but everything else? It's perfect. With the amount of trees and how big the front garden is there's plenty of privacy. Plus, if there were kids here the locked gates and big garden is perfect for them to play safely in. I just remembered doesn't your name mean tree? Are these trees representing you?" Nunew said looking around as he got out of the car. He was truly amazed by this place. Just as he done one full spin, he heard the running patter of feet as well as barking. Stopping in the direction the noise was coming from Nunew saw a large dog bundling towards him.

"His harmless. I'm afraid he comes with this house as he's my dog. My parents look after him while I'm gone." Zee says walking up to Nunew and slightly stepping in front of him as the fluffy dog jumps up to greet. Once the dog had calmed down Zee backed away from being in front of Nunew so his dog could welcome Nunew more calmly. Nunew bent down to the dogs level and stroked his head before scratching behind his ear. Zee stared in amazement at how Nunew had accepted this house and his dog. I was wrong after all, Zee chuckled to himself. Of course, Nunew was different from what he expected. He had been since day 1.

"Hello, I'm Nunew. I'm Zees Omega boyfriend. I hope you like me even though I'm told I'm like a cat." Nunew said while smiling before giving in to temptation and hugging the fluff ball. Nunew didn't know that his words 'Zee's Omega boyfriend' made Zee feel all bubbly in happiness. Zee knew that Nunew didn't really like being reminded his an Omega and that Nunew rarely referred to himself as that or acted like one, so for him to refer himself as that Zee saw as a huge step in a very good direction. Getting up Nunew turned to look at Zee with a broad smile and glistening eyes.

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