Chapter 34

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By the time Zee came back to the bedroom where Nunew was he heard the shower running in the on-suite bathroom. Raising an eyebrow, Zee put down the glass of water and snacks he decided to bring and made his way towards the slightly ajar door and quietly opened it up letting a load of steam out. Geez just how hot do you have a shower Nunew? Zee thought slipping inside the room unnoticed. Closing the door quietly behind him Zee then looked over to the bath that had a shower hanging over it and a currently naked Omega looking up into the pouring water with his eyes closed and a smile on his face, enjoying the warmth of the water. While Nunew was obviously distracted an idea came to Zee which he decided to put in motion. Carefully and silently as he could he slowly wondered over to the bath before gently stepping into it and behind a still oblivious Nunew. Taking the last two steps up to him, Zee suddenly wrapped his arms around the waist that drove him mad burring his head into the crook of Nunews neck making him jump in surprise.

"Zee!" Nunew said, quickly trying to look around to see the perpetrator of his suddenly fast heartbeat.

"Shower?" Zee mumbled into the neck.

"I haven't showered today babe and slept in a car. I'm all dirty." Nunew pouted.

"Is that all Nunew? Or are you hiding something from me? Some action maybe." Zee said lifting his head and whispering into Nunews ear before tugging on it with his teeth. Blushing hard Nunew looked down at some tiles that had been part of his escapade before Zee came up. How did Zee known what he got up to?

"Scent Nu. The steam and water has already mostly washed the scent away but right by your scent glands is still the remnants of your activity." Zee said in a teasing voice as he kissed said scent gland. Zee hadn't told Nunew yet and hadn't planned to, but the truth was Nunew was an open book to him. Lust, anger, frustration, confusion etc was all evident around his scent gland. Being a Dominant Alpha gave him the ability to distinguish scents further away than most Alphas and to pinpoint them with accuracy.

"I told you; you didn't need to bother with me Hia. Earlier was about you."

"Naughty boy. I said I'd help you and I will." Zee once again said in a teasing tone before licking the outer edge of Nunews ear, making him shiver slightly in pleasure.

"But I already finished. What do you mean?" Nunew asked closing his eyes and hoping Zee wasn't going to do what his fantasy in the hotel had been. If it was, he wasn't going to be able to cope. Just the thought made Nunew blush and the tell-tale exotic scent mixing with Nunews spice and fresh rain made it all too obvious what he was thinking.

Zee took a large sniff of the scent coming off Nunew and growled softly. Was his darling already imagining something? "Hmm tell me, what is your mind imagining right now to give you this scent darling?" Nunew felt his face get even more hotter than he thought possible. Not being confident enough against Zee to voice his fantasy Nunew shook his head and squeezed his eyes as he ducked his head.

"Tell me Nunew. Tell me what you imagined me doing to you baby." Zee murmured into Nunews ear knowing that using Alpha voice might just earn him the floor to sleep on rather than the bed. But the idea Nunew imagined them doing it before had somehow loosened his ability to control his Alpha.

Nunew felt the sudden jolt to attention as his brain registered Zee's Alpha voice and made him start to become Zees puppet. Normally Nunew would be pissed and scared but instead he felt safe and rather enjoying Zees commanding voice and aura in this situation. Being unable to go against Zees command Nunew spoke in a soft tone "I imagined you pressed up against me and you were hard."

"Like this?" Zee said doing full body contact making sure Nunew felt each line and bump of his semi-hard cock against his backside. Nunew moaned at the action. Oh hell, Zee wasn't planning on making him voice what he imagined in the shower was he?

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