Chapter 29

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Nunew and Fae both look in the direction of the front door from where the voice had come from. There stood two exhausted Dominant Alphas. One was leaning his back against the wall while looking up at the ceiling or heavens Nunew didn't know, while one was struggling getting his last shoe off while staring at him and panting. Before Nunew realised that he had moved he was already running towards the panting Alpha as said Alpha opened his arms wide to embrace him with warmth and love. My safe space, I'm safe now Nunew thought smiling. In Zee's arms everything felt like it was going to be okay.

"You lost them?" Fae asked walking up to the three of them at the door. It didn't seem like any of them would be leaving that area anytime soon. Just as Fae reached the group there was a couple of knocks at the door. Max looked back down and towards the door before looking to Zee in confusion. Zee shook his head in response. He too didn't know who it was. Zee then looked to Fae who gave him a 'do I really look like I know' face. Seeing all three looking confused Nunew huffed since the door kept knocking and no one seemed ready anytime soon to open it. Untangling himself from Zee, he pushed Zee away before stomping to the door and yanking it open before Max or Zee could stop him.

There on the other side stood someone all recognised – Boun. Ah so Boun is the one sharing this floor, Nunew thought. He didn't have to be told who Boun was by Fae. Anyone who knew the BL sector or even was interested in Dominant Alphas in the entertainment industry would know of Boun. Apart from his light blonde hair and charming smile, he had a good attitude, personality, and work ethic. He was also very much known for his possessiveness and protectiveness of his Omega. Nunew laughs every time he goes on social media and sees his fans making jokes about his 'mine' attitude. In the past he wondered how Boun's Omega could stand the protectiveness and possessiveness but after dating Zee Nunew realised that it's enjoyable. It's fun even and makes you feel special. Nunew was suddenly dragged out of his thoughts from a tug behind drawing him back into a warm, hard chest and surrounded in trees and the sea.

"It's just you Boun. Are you okay?" Zee said on a sigh as he opened the front door more and moved him and Nunew out the way so Boun could come in.

"I should be asking that. The shout from Prem I got from the living room while I was having a shower calling me made me rush out thinking he was hurt. Instead, he was pointing at the tv and your car chase was being shown. While calming Prem down I heard your voice in the hall." Boun says looking worried. Nunew stared up at him and saw a similar look in his eyes that Zee and Max did but he couldn't work out what it is.

"Honestly don't know what I am right now." Zee sighs, holding Nunew tighter.

"You just answered the question. All of you can come over to mine for a drink. Prem will be happy to get to know your Omega." Boun says before looking at Nunew with the same unreadable look as in Zee and Max's eyes but this time it was mixed with care and friendliness. Boun decided to throw a smile at Nunew for good measure in case the little Omega was scared of him.

"I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Boun. I live on the other side of the hall with my mate. Trust me when I say I have no interest in you that way at all. I'm extremely happy with my omega so don't worry."

"Your Omega will castrate you if you did try anything with someone else." Zee says. Nunew thought he was joking from the tease in his voice but looking at Boun he realised Zee was stating a fact. It was known that Boun's bottom in his acting pair was his Omega, but Nunew had never heard of Prem like that. Normally he was quieter? Friendlier? Either way he often gave into Bouns possessive streak.

"Are you sure? Would Prem really do that?" Nunew blurted out looking up at Zee without being able to stop himself. Zee, Max and Fae chuckled as Boun sighed and rubbed the back of his head while looking to the ceiling for a few seconds before looking back at Nunew.

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