Chapter 17

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Stupid Nunew. You knew Zee wouldn't come at all why are you sad? Nunew scolded himself for the sixth time in the span of 30 minutes. Somewhere deep down he was hoping Zee would appear out of nowhere like he did that second night. Surprise him and make him happy like Prince Charming at midnight. Wait was Prince Charming at midnight? He couldn't careless anymore. The fuzzy feeling of the several strong alcohol shots doing their job. He was about to call the bartender for another drink, but one instead was given to him before he even asked. Wha? When was the bartender psychic? Nunew thought titling his reddened cheeked face looking to the bartender.

"Someone ordered it for you. Said it was a thank you for the performance earlier." The bartender points over his shoulder to an Alpha on the other side of the bar who raised an eyebrow and waved with a smirk. Pfft Alphas. Always think with a wave and smile they'd get what they wanted. To hell with Alphas. To hell with Zee. Nooo not to hell with Zee. Zee go to heaven. Nunew thought as he started to sway a little. The alcohol was really taking effect. What kind of shit did this bartender give him? Oh no. This bartender is new, Nunew realised when he squinted his eyes trying to see a clearer image. Had Jay forgot to tell him that Nunew couldn't have certain brands? Either way there was free alcohol in front of him. Who could say no? He wouldn't give the Alpha anything in return anyway. Stupid Alphas fault for buying him a drink. Stupid Alphas. Stupid Zee. No Zee not stupid, Zee hot. Nunew shakes his head before grabbing the drink and taking a sip. It wasn't even 10 minutes later did Nunew start to feel strange. He started to feel dizzy and breathless. Was it the alcohol? Getting up Nunew mumbled something that he hoped was along the lines of 'taking a breather' before stumbling trying to get outside.

He only made it a few steps before the Alpha who ordered his drink was holding him steady. The man reeked of cheap cologne, which if Nunew was able to think straight, would of probably made him sick. As it was his tummy started to ache and his mind go foggy. Nunew could feel he was being taken out the door. Was he helping Nunew get some air? Nunew thought. As Nunew struggled to shake his head he realised the Alpha wasn't just helping him outside. He was trying helping him round a corner with no people. Nunew's instincts started to go crazy with worry and screaming for Zee making Nunews head ache more than what it already did. Just about putting his hand to his nose to pinch he realised he was losing strength. Oh no. Its just a coincidence Nunew prayed. However, that prayer was dashed with the words "Omega. Did you really think no one would guess?" Fu..c..k Nunew was barely able to think. Before his vision started to completely blur, he felt the strong grip loosen and he felt like he was falling. But the hard hit to his knees never came. Is he floating? Does he have the ability to float? A sudden sharp pain that left an ache to his abdomen hit him and made him throw up what little was in his tummy. Followed by several more strong pushes that made him heave before everything went black.

It wasn't Zee's intention to hurt Nunew. But coming here on the slimiest off chance that Nu might still be here after performing made him come. And his so thankful he did. It was maybe 10 minutes before he arrived here did a severe gut feeling of danger start to go through him. He would instantly check what was around him to tell where the danger was coming from, but he didn't need to look around. It came from his insistent thought of Nunew. His Alpha was telling him something was very wrong with Nunew. So, he sped-up driving, probably breaking several speed limits on the way here, while swerving in and out of traffic too slow for his liking. He had parked over the road to Jay's bar and had just gotten out when he saw a drunk, almost limp Nunew be dragged by an Alpha around a corner. Something wasn't right. Pinpointing his senses onto Nunew as he started to jog over the street, he took a deep breath in trying to pick up anything unusual on Nunew. Spice and fresh rain more visible than normal under that bloody scent blocker spewing its normal chemicals, alcohol and then...shit. Drugs. Going from a jog to a sprint Zee catches up to the Alpha and half-conscious Omega quickly.

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