Chapter 35

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"So, the media ate up Boun and Prems little stunt?" Nunew called out as he watched the evening news from the sofa where he was crawled up into a ball with a blanket over him. Zee was in the kitchen washing up some plates from their dinner.

"Yeah, I heard from Fae earlier. Seems like the argument is slightly more important than us right now which is good. Could mean we might be going back sooner rather than later." Zee calls from the kitchen.

"I didn't realise how obsessed they would be over a BounPrem argument. This has been going on for at least ten minutes now that they've been talking about it." Nunew says staring in wonder at the TV.

"That's because Boun and Prem are thick as thieves. They never argue. And if they did, it would never be in public." Zee says walking back in and sitting on the sofa next to Nunew and draping an arm around him. Nunew smiled and leaned towards Zee causing one side of Zees T-shirt to fall off Nunews shoulder. After their earlier activities Nunew opted to wear one of Zees tops and borrowed some underwear, while Zee had put on a pair of jogging bottoms, rising low on his hips, with no shirt. Nunew had almost drawled at the sight of Zees chest and abs that were decorated with red, little bites. But what had made Nunew smirk was the red scratch marks on Zees back, shoulders and biceps claiming what was his. Nunew had earlier touched one mark in concern causing Zee to wince. Though Zee had quickly stated that while they're sensitive they don't hurt that much and not to worry.

"So that's why its such big news. You should have heard how they introduced the story. 'Is the end nigh for Bourn and Prem's relationship?' I was nearly dead from trying not to laugh. I've only heard of their relationship and met them once, but I could tell neither one was planning on leaving the other." Nunew said trying not to giggle.

"Boun would rather cut off his limbs and dick then cheat on Prem. Man wants kids with his mate but is waiting for Prems permission. Like you, Prem is nervous of his career possibilities if he got pregnant." Zee said turning his head towards Nunew and smiling gently. Before he met Nunew he had never fully understood the pain in waiting for an Omega to give the okay to get them pregnant. When Boun had described it, he thought Boun was exaggerating but now he fully understood the pain. He wanted to see Nunew rounded, not from desserts but from a baby. Their baby. His Alpha had decided on a mate and wanted the next step. Zee was fighting that part of him with everything he could muster. However, Nunew came first. What Nunew wanted, Zee was willing to give if it was within his power.

"Prem wants a baby." Nunew stated while continuing to watch the news waiting for him and Zee to make an appearance on TV. Zee turned his head towards Nunew in shock. When had Prem decided that?

"How do you know that? Did he tell you?"

"Omega instinct. Prem wants a baby with Boun. But yes, he's scared" Nunew shrugged before turning fully towards Zee and looking at him. "He's instinct is how he knows I'm scared stiff on what's going to happen next. My whole world is going to change, isn't it? I won't be the performer Chawarin at Jay's bar again. Nor will I be Nunew the waiter at Nat's café. I'll just be Omega Nunew." Nunew says looking into Zees eyes trying to find some sort of comfort. Nunew sees those dark orbs soften while looking at him. It seems like Zee understood he wanted comfort. Nunew had never been really one to voice his thoughts and insecurities to anyone other than Nat, but something told him he was ready to share more of himself with this Alpha.

Wrapping his arms around Nunew Zee pulled him into his lap and close as possible before burying his head into the corner of Nunews neck. "I won't lie to you darling. When we get back things will be different. You won't be able to work at Jay's bar. It will be too dangerous for you. However, Nat's café is up for debate. Nat's a True Omega, a maternal force to be reckoned with at your own peril. Being your current boss and best friend, I doubt he will let anything happen to you. However, he will be stricter on your safety."

"What about my singing?" Nunew whispered with a shaky voice. Everything he had built up by himself was being knocked down.

"Rookie Nunew Chawarin could come about. Whether in singing or acting. It'll be easy to get you signed to my agency. After all, you're the Zee Pruk Panich's Omega. One day you might be Nunew Chawarin Panich." Zee says with every ounce of sincerity he could muster before teasing and testing the waters on a possible future he hoped slyly.

"Hey hey. What about Zee Pruk Perdpiriyawong. That could be an option you know." Nunew says smiling and slapping Zee's shoulder playfully as he pulls away. In truth he'd prefer the traditional way of Omega's taking their Alpha's surname but if Zee ever wanted his, well he could have it. With a fight of course. At the expense of no sex for a month as well as during their rut or heat when they first get married.

"Nunew Chawarin Panich. I'm not taking your name." Zee laughs.

"Fiiiine." Nunew playfully sulks and crosses his arms making Zee smile before both burst out laughing.

"Ah my omega. You truly are someone amazing." Zee says catching his breath and wiping away a tear.

Nunew stops laughing and looked lovingly into Zees eyes before winking and saying, "And don't you forget it Hia." Causing Zee to shake his head and have a huge smile on his face as he turns back to the TV. If he and Nunew aren't on TV then a possible return could be imminent. But alas that was quickly dashed.

"The actor Zee Pruk Panich and the Beta singer Chawarin have yet to be seen after their successful disappearance yesterday from a bar. Mr. Panich's agency, Domundi, has released a statement. They state, 'As seen in recent footage leaked onto the internet Zee Pruk Panich has indeed been close to singer Chawarin. At this time, we are not willing to discuss more details until both persons are willing to come forward and explain more. For Zee Pruk's fans and sponsors we would like to assure both he and Chawarin are safe and looked after away from the public eye for now. He is sorry for any distress the recent incidents has caused you and will be back to work as soon as Domundi deems it safe to do so.'"

"When did you manage to say that? You were either driving or screwing me good today." Nunew says staring at the TV.

"I didn't say it. I was too busy as you said. This has Fae and P'Aof written all over it." Zee says sighing.

"How long are we going to stay here for?"

"Look at your Twitter and Weibo. Since you're a fan you'll probably have fellow fan posts on your timeline. How bad is it?" Zee says looking at Nunew. Reaching forwards to get his mobile from the coffee table Nunew checks his accounts.

"Hmm there is some hate but its mixed with a lot more rumours, guesses and fans freaking out about us possibly dating or that I look remarkably similar to the Omega in the mall video."

"Cute Omega. I remember him. All fluffy, wide doe eyes and soft. I wonder whatever happened to him." Zee teases.

"He was eaten up by a big bad wolf." Nunew says deadpan before laughing at Zee's hurt and shocked reaction. Seriously, did his Alpha forget just who he was messing with?

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