Chapter 37

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Author Note: Hi guys! I know, I know it's been a while. If you've seen my updates then you would know September, October and November are busy months for me and my family. I'm writing yes, but slower than both me and you would like. Anyways thank you as always for waiting and supporting me and this Omega Bites. Its always appreciated and I know other authors feel appreciation too when they see encouragement. So please keep it up for all of us! Anyways Chapter 37 awaits!


Nunew felt sick. Even after he got off the plane and through security and luggage collection. The closer he got to the doors leading out to the airport through the arrival doors the worst it got to the point Nunew believed if he removed the mask and looked at himself in a reflective surface his face would look clammy, and pale. It was so rare for him to feel this way after so many years of not being bothered by much, but he supposed this was because the meeting he was off to would change the course of his life. Even if it had not already been changed. Nunew gave a sidewards glance at the tall Alpha next to him before squeezing a bicep. Zee looked down at Nunew while carrying their bags and put as much assurance and love into his gaze as he could. It didn't take his sense of smell to tell him his darling was nervous. Just common logic. Being in Bangkok alone with his face shielded by a mask and cap still had him on edge, so he didn't believe for one minute that it wasn't affecting Nunew. Add to the fact Nunew was now going to face the company Zee is under after the fabulous fallout from Jay's club would make anyone nervous.

"Everything is fine." Zee said in a voice that Zee tried to make comforting, but it came out a little tight causing him to grimace.

"Don't lie to me. Ever."

"I'm not. P'Aof is the owner of Domundi yes, but he isn't some scary monster who will eat you alive. I'll be right by your side. And no matter what Nunew, even if the world and society itself tries to split us apart, it will never happen. Your mine Nunew. I don't share and I won't let you go." Zee cooed before letting his Alpha slip through at the last moment accidently.

Nunew's eyes widened at the Alpha before his eyes sparkled with so much love it took Zee's breath away. "Remember Alpha. You're mine too. It goes both ways. Try and say it doesn't and I'll bite you."

"I kind of like you biting me. So that isn't a threat." Zee joked trying to cajole Nunew into feeling at ease.

"New kink unlocked for you."

"You are my kink Nunew." Zee said causing Nunew's cheeks to turn warm and make him start to look like a strawberry.

"Shameless." Nunew whispered under his breathe as he smiled slightly. Who knew a few words could make him feel better? Before he realised it the doors had opened. He was half expecting paparazzi to be waiting for them and no doubt Zee did, but they were met with only normal people. Well...Fae jumping up and down, waving to them might at a stretch with a sign written as 'Puppy and Kitty here' be considered normal. Blushing while Zee sighed, the walked over to Fae, Zee letting go of Nunew only to grab the sign and fold it in half.

"Who you calling Puppy? Do you want us to be seen?" Zee growled while Fae just smiled back cheekily.

"You are a love-sick Puppy," Fae grinned at Zee before turning her attention to Nunew "You're moody and have claws. Definitely a cat. Anyway, let's go. Future awaits." Fae says spinning round and pointing dramatically making Nunew chuckle while Zee sighs for the nth time.


The car ride was long and tedious thanks to the heavy traffic on the roads. Nunew knew traffic in downtown and the Jungle was bad, but he never realised it was worse in the Upper districts. Duh Nunew, its where a lot of big companies and rich hotels are too, Nunew thought as he looked outside the window while also holding onto Zees hand and not letting go. He didn't feel like he could let go. His Omega needed the physical connection to its intended mate to calm itself down. And for once Nunew agreed with his Omega side- Zee was the tonic to their restlessness.

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