Chapter 12

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What. The. Actual. Hell. Is. Happening? Zee Pruk's mind screams as he sees with wide eyes Nunew swing his hips and walk over to him. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine the song let alone the scene before him. And him? Inspire the song? Before he could even answer his own thoughts, he felt a smaller hand lift his face and angle it towards the owner of said hand. Fuck. He couldn't help but swallow as he looked into chocolate brown eyes, glistening with determination and the need to tease. His kissable lips covered in red tint balm turned up slightly at the corners as he sang. Before he knew it the small Omega was then sitting in his lap singing to him with one arm wrapped around his neck. Help! His brain screamed as he sat dead still, both arms out at his sides as if he was scared to touch the Omega in his lap. He couldn't speak, couldn't move and just stared at the Omega, before managing to tair his eyes away just long enough to give a mayday look at Max and Fae. He didn't know what to do. Nunew never performed such a song before. Instead of helping Max just looked at the Omega before looking at his best friend and smirking. Oh, this Omega is brave, completely opposite to the Omega he saw during the day in the video. P'Fae just sat still trying not to smile or laugh at a dumfounded Dominant Alpha being teased by a small average Omega. The scene before her quite hilarious.

As the song came to a close all three could clearly hear the whisper "Answers. Bar. Now" directed at Zee Pruk before the determined Omega got up and walked away swinging his plump backside as he went. Oh hellllll, Zee Pruk thought as his eyes couldn't help but follow it to the bar. Gulping again he tore his eyes away and looked at his friends.

"I swear he has never done anything like that before. Did you know about this? Is that why you forced me to come here?" Zee Pruk asked still dumfounded by it all.

"Mate I didn't even know this bar existed until you told me. I tend to stick with ones in the uptown area used to celebrities. Fae goes to bars around here too but even she has never come here." Max says while crossing his arms and smirking at his friend. It's rare that his clumsy friend is thrown off his balance when it comes to other people let alone Omegas. Seeing his cold friend shaken he couldn't help but feel it was a good thing. Maybe this Omega can bring his old friend back. And if this Omega can't? Well at least his seen the comical scene of his friend before him. Fae just nodded her head as she looked from Zee to the Omega chatting with the owner at the bar. When she had first seen the video online, she was honestly scared for the Omega believing that this Omega was like any other. But after what she's just witnessed, she's starting to get a feeling that this Omega isn't what he appears. Not only does he flirt with danger but he's more than happy to demand and tease it. Oh Zee you're in more trouble than you think honey, Fae thinks while leaning her head on her hand and continued to look at the Omega at the bar smirking at a clearly pale but fuming Beta.

"You need to go and see him, Zee. Hiding with us isn't going to make the Omega go away. If anything, it will make him get more angry and go after you more." Fae says when she notices Zee Pruk not moving from his seat.

"I can't. I don't know what to say or how to move right now. He was sitting on my lap with his arm around my neck." Zee said while picking up his beer that was delivered before drinking half of it down.

"You do know what to say and can move. You've got legs that walk so get walking." Max said starting to push his best friend out of his seat. My God what is this man's problem? He's only a random Omega not his mate.


"No but's. Get going." Fae interrupts sternly. Sometimes only her tone and voice can get through to this man. It seems like it worked though as Zee Pruk sighs and gets up on wobbly legs only to hold onto the table. Dressed only in a shirt, sweatpants and trainers with a bucket hat he seemed the embodiment of smart but casual/comfy.

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